Trying to think of a movie...


Sep 15, 2003
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Ok for some odd reason my brain decided to think of a movie I saw along time ago but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.

Plus the only scene I seem to remember is maybe a kid in the classrom looking through the wall and he sees his teacher. Now this is where it gets vague for me. I think he either sees her eating frogs, talking to some sort of alien creature, or maybe eating a student? Then I think the kid tries to tell his parents but they just won't believe him.

Anyone have any ideas? :rolling:
MrMan said:
Not the faculty is it?

Isn't that the movie where terrorists or someone takes over a school and claims hostages, and the leet haxor kid saves teh day?

I don't recall seeing a teacher eat children in that one...

Edit - Nevermind, wrong movie....can anyone name that one though? <-- looks like chu's description
No it's not the faculty. I think it might have been a movie from the 80's.

Pesmerga said:
Isn't that the movie where terrorists or someone takes over a school and claims hostages, and the leet haxor kid saves teh day?

Toy Soldiers?
Holy shit joule, way to be on top of things. edit: This wasn't meant to sound like sarcasm.

That's the movie, I just googled some images and confirmed.


Oh yeah! i remember that movie. That freaked me out.

One movie, that I later found out was a tv miniseries was "V", where people were lizards underneath. Nothing came close to giving me as many nightmare as that. I think I created so many scenerios that I thought were filmed. so freaky. so very freaky.
Adidajs said:
One movie, that I later found out was a tv miniseries was "V", where people were lizards underneath. Nothing came close to giving me as many nightmare as that. I think I created so many scenerios that I thought were filmed. so freaky. so very freaky.

Man, V was awesome :D
Ah good old V, I was in school in Australia at the time and sure enough spray painted V's appeared all over. How did that music go? the sort of dum dum title music?
Oh and the alien leader women were pretty hot i seem to remember ;)