TSA forces woman to remove adult diaper.


Jul 30, 2008
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I literally just came here to post this same thing. What the **** America. Why do people think its ok for shit like this to happen? Giving up our freedoms and rights for safety from those who want to take away our freedoms and rights. God damn, people are stupid.
It's sad when hear what people say at the Airport when they asked to share their opinion on the matter.

"Just gotta suck it up durrr ,it's part of traveling durr"

Why do Americans feel the need to make excuses for a Government body that is flat out violating their basic rights?
This part especially pisses me off.
Weber said she burst into tears during the ordeal, forcing her own pat-down and other measures in accordance with TSA protocol.

She's crying because we're humiliating her mother! PROTOCOL SAYS "NO CRYING OR YOU GET HUMILIATED TOO"! GET HER BOYS!
What confuses me is that a terrorist could walk right into the metro/subway in grand central station or union station with a luggage bag full of C4 and destroy a long-standing landmark, kill probably hundreds of people, and shut down a major metro junction for months which would cluster**** commutes for thousands of people...and they'd never get checked by security....why would they bother with a plane?
What confuses me is that a terrorist could walk right into the metro/subway in grand central station or union station with a luggage bag full of C4 and destroy a long-standing landmark, kill probably hundreds of people, and shut down a major metro junction for months which would cluster**** commutes for thousands of people...and they'd never get checked by security....why would they bother with a plane?


That's a pat-down.

Seriously, they should be reviewing some of these policies if this is what some people are forced through.
We need people to cause more of a stir about events like this so we can get something changed.

But the reality is that the most that will ever happen is an employee or two gets fired.
I thought I read that certain states had introduced policies that made it difficult for TSA to operate like this? Maybe not, I generally just scroll past shit like this on Reddit because it depresses me far too much.

Anyway yeah, despicable, police state, Obama, grr, etc
goddamnit i can't wait to move out of this country
goddamnit i can't wait to move out of this country

Um, why? Because of just one incident? I'm not trying to defend the TSA's actions upon this woman, but the United States is one of the best countries to live in. I wouldn't make such nonsensical generalizations when every other country in the world has stupid people and despicable moments of their own. However, it's your decision.
And the debate topic for this thread has been chosen.

Let them come at me with sword and shield. I stand by my opinion, but I also recognize that there are other great countries out there as well.
The US is the best country in the world, unless you measure it by things like income disparity, poverty per capita, quality of health per capita, quality of healthcare per capita, literacy, numeracy, freedom of the press, civil rights, industrial production per capita, life expectancy, freedom of speech, pollution, data infrastructure, rail infrastructure, rate of nonviolent incarceration, incarcerations per capita, murders per capita, and happiness per capita.

It's not even the best at being full of itself. See: North Korea and China.

Can the debate be over now?
I still want to move to Canada. I JUST NEED ****ING MONEY.
you guys gotta stop threatening to come to canada every time something goes wrong in your country. you're going to force us to erect fences with machine gun turrets

however if there's enough demand I may sponsor a few of you to become canadian citizens for a fee of one million dollars each. start saving your shekels
Funny, considering this bit from the first article.

The TSA released a statement Sunday defending its agents' actions at the Northwest Florida Regional Airport.
"While every person and item must be screened before entering the secure boarding area, TSA works with passengers to resolve security alarms in a respectful and sensitive manner," the federal agency said. "We have reviewed the circumstances involving this screening and determined that our officers acted professionally and according to proper procedure."
this is the top headline on DRUDGE btw.
hopefully people that have some political sway notice this,the only person I can think of out of the top of my head that talked about this issue before congress was Ron Paul.
But guys, the 95 year old woman might have had a bomb in her anus. DON'T YOU SEE?
I like to travel by car, less horseshit and more adventure!