Tuesday Trine Giveaway

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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A huge thanks to the Frozenbyte team for sending over a few copies of Trine on Steam, for us to give away to Halflife2.net. If you live under a rock, you may not played this amazingly fun and beautiful game.[br]The gist of it is that three characters - a Thief, a Wizard, and a Knight - all touch a fabled artefact known as the Trine, which binds them together. The only way to free themselves, it seems, is to track down the other artefacts related to it, and so begins their quest, in a world that's been rather suddenly blighted by the undead.[br]
To win a copy of Trine, we think you should dress up, as a wizard in fact! Throw together your best costume from what you can put together, and hold a sign saying "I'm a wizard, Halflife2.net". This competition is open for only 1 day, so hurry! We will award prizes to the best costumes submitted. Good luck.
INB4 someone dresses as the Grand Wizard.

But seriously, I don't have a wizard outfit... improvise... improvise...
I'm hoping someone does a really rubbish wizard with a pillowcase as a hat :D
I really want Trine. When is the actual deadline for this? Midnight on tuesday in britianville?
1am tomorrow. So you have 23 hours and 30 minutes.
****ing britianland and its crazy timezones.
If someone dresses as a Wizzard does that still count?
this is not gonna end in good way :P
Wait, the competition opens tomorrow, or is it already open?
I put on my robe and wizard hat.

Hahaha, no. I'm getting this in stores when it's out.
For this contest, shall we post our entries in this thread, or should we send them via PM so no one can view them and steal our ideas?

Oh forget it. Here's my entry:

^hahaha thats pretty good. I declare u winnar and it seems that you are the only entry so far anyway.
That beard is literally made of garbage. 5/5
wow very cool indeed. Still lots of time left and someone who wants Trine will play as well.
For this contest, shall we post our entries in this thread, or should we send them via PM so no one can view them and steal our ideas?

Oh forget it. Here's my entry:

I'm putting that on Facebook.

Edit: **** you already did.
For this contest, shall we post our entries in this thread, or should we send them via PM so no one can view them and steal our ideas?

Oh forget it. Here's my entry:


I would just like to point out that your fly is open!
Hmm, no join date specified...

Impressive, he even conjured up a kitten...a first in HL2.net lore.
omg i so want to play dress up now. ALSO, the thread title is Tuesday Trine Giveaway so i think that means either today, or tuesday the 7th of 2010
^ohhh I didnt notice that, I agree with MorganFreeman he shouldnt be allowed to win thats complete bs
hahaha yeah I have been visiting this site pretty much everyday since I signed up, but never have the desire to sign in every time or post since my IE doesnt save my password for some reason.

EDIT: since you brought that up I decided to check my Hlfallout.net account and I have even less posts, 6 to be exact and thats because the site owner could care less about the site so I visit it only like once a week in the last 2 years rather than everyday.
Our big contests are open to reg'd users who have shown support. Simple key giveaways are open to anyone couple more hours till we pick.
Our big contests are open to reg'd users who have shown support. Simple key giveaways are open to anyone couple more hours till we pick.

How many hours exactly? Just wondering.
Well that's the competition closed (well it was 45 minutes ago but it's been a tough decision).

We have picked two winners for copies of Trine, since we had 3 entries...everyone can't win!

Winners are:

Shamrock - for making a great costume almost completely out of rubbish, touche.

2mauS - for a great costume idea, including a staff made partly from plants and conjuring up a kitten in the photo too.

Commiserations to deer, he was let down by his flip flops while in wizard attire, you should know that's a penalty of death in some countries. I suggest knee high sequinned boots next time. But we're not all nasty, we'll send you a free Steam game key for another game for taking part!

You are wizards, halflife2.net.