Tunnels FSAA conspiracy?

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May 27, 2003
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This was originally posted on the Steampowered forums and I thought it was kind of interesting. Some people think that AA has been turned on for the tunnels video. It may not look like it at first, but if you look closely you can see it's noticeably smoother. And Valve did mention that they will be releasing one of the vids with AA turned on.



With levels adjusted so it's easier to see:


If you zoom in on it it's even more obvious.
I thought the same at the first time I watched it.
I compared with photoshop between this movie and traptown and
they look kinda same. if AA was turned on though then its pretty low, 2x i'd say.
I definitely noticed that Tunnels was different, just thought nothing of it at the time. As Scaramanga said though, it's gotta be low... it ponders the question that if it was only on 2xAA, was it some kind of limitation to put it on anything higher?
Yeah it's definatelly not over 2x .. but I don't see any of those artifacts Gabe was talking about.
I was going to start shouting about it not being AA'd, but if you take a screen grab and zoom right in (the only way to tell) it looks like it has been 2x AA'ed.
AA on in tunnels would maybe explain that "water dripping" effect you see at the start that was mentioned in another topic.
personally I think it was recorded at a higher res and then cut down, because it looks a little more blurred than the other videos. On the other hand that could be the AA causeing that.
Originally posted by mrchimp
personally I think it was recorded at a higher res and then cut down, because it looks a little more blurred than the other videos. On the other hand that could be the AA causeing that.

Hmm.... I think its the opposite. The entire video seems to have less detail. it looks like the video is subsampled. A lower res video interpolated to a larger size. But not much lower. maybe like 800x600.

those explanations make more sense, if they had solved the AA problem they would have made a post or announcment.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
those explanations make more sense, if they had solved the AA problem they would have made a post or announcment.

Maybe they released the video with AA to see if anyone would notice the difference. Apparently noone did, until yesterday.
Originally posted by fifty7var
Hmm.... I think its the opposite. The entire video seems to have less detail. it looks like the video is subsampled. A lower res video interpolated to a larger size. But not much lower. maybe like 800x600.


not to nit-pick, but I believe it'd have to be 800x540, since the bink-videos are 1024x576, not the regular 1024x768

Annoying, am I not? :cheese:

(I used 800x540 when I re-encoded the videos in XViD since the Bink-movies lagged like hell on my computer. And yes, I did change blitting style and all that)
The tunnels video does seem a bit blurrer then the other one thats compared with it.
mm, I think there graphics detials improvment is progressed in the traptown vid.
Gorgon: seriously, I find it harder and harder to keep myself from screaming obscenities at you.

PLEASE stop posting complete and utter rubbish! first off, your post is totally incompatible with any form of human communication. It just makes no sense.
Second, we're talking about the Tunnels video, not Traptown.

I wish a moderator would read some of Gorgons posts and just delete him. I get a chill down my spine every time I see his avatar...


I wish I was a moderator....
Originally posted by Nathaniel
Gorgon: seriously, I find it harder and harder to keep myself from screaming obscenities at you.

PLEASE stop posting complete and utter rubbish! first off, your post is totally incompatible with any form of human communication. It just makes no sense.
Second, we're talking about the Tunnels video, not Traptown.

I wish a moderator would read some of Gorgons posts and just delete him. I get a chill down my spine every time I see his avatar...

you know, he is making a compareson between traptown and tunnels, so it is very fuking relevant,

oh one more thing, if you see my post never read it again ok, cuase if you think my post is stupid don't read it. else if you keep flameign me, you will look like a dikhead.
Also the traptown vid is made after the tunnel, so it is very ****ing clear that trap got much smooth bump mapping texture technology, and the AA ain't enabled, why becuase Gabe said so.
Perhaps there was some meaning behind that blabber of yours... I don't know, and frankly I don't care.

May I ask why you feel that you have to post stuff that doesn't make any sense or is just plain stupid? I could go on quoting you for page after page...

I'll stop being a "dikhead" out of respect for LoneDeranger and his thread, not because I'll ignore your threads.

to LoneDeranger: Sorry for abusing your thread.
can you even spell gorgon ive pulled you up on this before but this post takes the cake!

Compareson ? = Comparison (NOTICE THE I AGAIN!)

fuking ? = ****ing (NOTICE THE C)

Cuase ? = Because? (completely wrong!) unless you ment CAUSE (as in YOUR THE CAUSE of all this!)

flameign ? = Flaming

Dikhead ? = once again according to a dictionary this word is spelt DICKHEAD.

I beg you gorgon when insulting someone please take the time to...

a/ type slower


b/ consult a dictionary for all those hard to spell words!

Oh and just to make the rest of this post slightly Thread related Lone mate I looked at the pics and I agree there does seem to have been some tampering but MAYBE the tunnels was made on a later revision of the source engine ? there is a whole host of reasons for minute changes in graphical quality but i do agree that it looks like AA is turned on in that pic :)
Andy018: I just sent a private message to a moderator about him, let's see what happens...

...and just by the way, you spelled Gorgon wrong (goron) :D

[on-topic edit]

if Valve has fixed the problem with the AA somehow (although I doubt this), certainly they would want to show it off by re-rendering the videos with AA on. I still think they've just magnified a smaller video.
Your brain level is less than the Down syndrome people or at least is a monkey brain. My words are bigger than your brain intensity to understand me..

Oh yes one more thing, I type in a dark room I cannot see the keyboard.

Anyway, Don't read my fuking posts and the reason is in this post.:thumbs: :smoking:
haha. The first post by Gorgon that made me laugh :D

I'm gonna un-ignore you, just so I don't miss any more of your hillarious replies :D
Originally posted by Gorgon
Your brain level is less than the Down syndrome people or at least is a monkey brain. My words are bigger than your brain intensity to understand me..

Oh yes one more thing, I type in a dark room I cannot see the keyboard.

Anyway, Don't read my fuking posts and the reason is in this post.:thumbs: :smoking:
Oh God. You should have kept quiet, you aren't helping yourself with that reply.
Your brain level is less than the Down syndrome people or at least is a monkey brain. My words are bigger than your brain intensity to understand me..

the above statement is insulting to me as i have a family member who suffers from DS I find this to be very Politically incorect especially since its proven that people with DS can be very very intelligent.

This alone I would ask that munro ban you from the forum for.

Oh yes one more thing, I type in a dark room I cannot see the keyboard.

Anyone else here thinking ... Turn the light on :D
No I'm not... I'm replying to your idiocy!

either you change, or we keep "flameign" you.


(and that downs syndrome thing was just childish...)
Dark or not, you can still see the words you type on your screen.

Nathaniel, what is your avatar/where is it from?
I don't want to waste time on retyping the whole thing again.
I know this actress she is from the film called DR monro. That’s why he likes to watch animal movies. You’re definitely a monkey or maybe a dog.
your definately a Troll gorgon but we aint kicking up a fuss, although for the DS comment earlier I would like to see your last school report?
Gorgon: seriously...

The movie is called "The Island of Dr Moreau", ok? and she's done a lot more movies than that one.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Nice site man .. I like the design :)

wow, thanks a lot man! She's one of my favorite actresses, and my site doesn't even come close the showing off all of her potential :)
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