Tunnels FSAA conspiracy?

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Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Gorgon do you practice to be this retarded?

Oh the mother ****er is here. welcome to the club.
Gorgon: There aren't any nude-pics because she hasn't shot any, and I really respect her for that. you should too...
MM, true. I used to like her, not anymore. why? cuase ....I dunno Actually
again with the cuase

Gorgon its BECAUSE.

guys i know this guy is a prick but lets take this outside of this thread as the guy doesnt deserve it ruined
This thread has really derailed, don't you think? I guess I'm mostly to blame for this, although I don't think our dear Gorgon here is very innocent either... I should start a petition, collect signatures of those who would like to see Gorgon spanked by G-man :p


I promised to stop this nonsense a few posts back... I intend to keep my promise as of now, and go to bed. but I shall return by daybreak, and check if Gorgon's been banned yet.
Originally posted by Gorgon
Oh the mother ****er is here. welcome to the club.

nothing is wrogn with me,

although your pathetic spelling is defiantely wrong with you. I have to laugh too cause your profile says your a Games designer and personally I think your a 12 year old lad sitting in his bedroom dreaming.

No problem with that but least admit to it
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead

*breaking my promise to laugh for a sec*

ROFL! that was the best reply one could have ever wanted :D
Mr. Magnetichead.

Mate Pennyarcade is the mutts! what a quality link! cheers!
Gee, this has really gone off-topic.

[Sarcasm] Can't you just feel the love.... [/sarcasm.]

Anyway, back to the topic:

I think that if Valve fixed the AA, they'd have announced it. Although they might be waiting for more people to notice and then announce it.

However, they do seem to be acting very mysterious with HL2's release date, so I wouln't trust them... :cheese:
Back on subject. There is definately no AA on in the tunnels video, there are plenty of jaggies throughout the video i.e. just look at the cupboard the manhack crashes in to, or along the back walls, or even the crowbar. I know when AA is on or off, as I use AA pretty much all the time on my R9700Pro, and sorry to burst peoples bubble but it is not on in the tunnels video.
Enough of the abuse. Any more flaming/bashing of members and you may find me getting my banning stick out.
Originally posted by Nathaniel
you should check out My site or www.fairuza.com if you want more of her :)
I was going to complain about the cursor trail, because I really hate those things and think they are a halmark of amateur sites, but I was too busy making to do waves to the music! :dork: :cheese:

On topic: Based on the screenshots here, I don't think AA is on. It's simply darker lighting, making it less visible, and reducing the contrast on the ridges of the gun. I also agree that if AA were workable, we would have such an announcement.
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