tunnels part of th jail!!



i was playing some of the very nice binks moives of hl2 from that sneak peak disk i got with my cs:cz game... and in tunnels the combine that gets cooked by a grenade.. he said "HES GETTING AWAY!" perhaps you get taken prisoner by the combine in the jail and hte tunnels are part of the jail?
Nice hearing Xeno... he really does sound like he's saying "He's getting away!"... thought that could mean that the Combine are simply on a search-and-destroy mission...
yes well i can hear my dad close his car door when he gets home and thats about say well.. its a long ways from the car to the house... probly i duno long ways... allso i noticed in the costline one.. the gun ship... its not shooting bullets its shooting energy... cause thare like in the shape of a tear and are diff colored... the Bink vids on the cd are so much better
XenoSpirit said:
yes well i can hear my dad close his car door when he gets home and thats about say well.. its a long ways from the car to the house... probly i duno long ways... allso i noticed in the costline one.. the gun ship... its not shooting bullets its shooting energy... cause thare like in the shape of a tear and are diff colored... the Bink vids on the cd are so much better

I noticed that thing too. They're not entirely energy though, since they made riccochet sounds when they strike the buggy.
If you look reeealy closely, they have a little black bullet inside the blue teardrop.

Maybe they are radioactive bullets, or just charged with some other sort of power.
hm..... pfft well i still think thare energy since they all flashy
Anyway...I would say Bugbait looks more like it's in a prison.
I'd agree that the Gunship fires bullets... maybe the blue is ionisation... railgun?
Fires pretty fast for a railgun. But then, you never know.

Do you think the reason the Combine have biomechanical stuff is that they are a worldwide government newly-formed after the invasion, and since some Xenians allied with Earth they were able to use Xen tech to make vehicles? It would explain why they rule the cities, why the troopers seem to be human but the vehicles biomechanical, and why they fight the aliens. I am convicned that they are not some alien race but the forces of authority on an apocalyptic earth.
Sulkdodds said:
It would explain why they rule the cities, why the troopers seem to be human but the vehicles biomechanical, and why they fight the aliens. I am convicned that theya re not some alien race but the forces of authority on an apocalyptic earth.

the "human" Combine are also biomechs, you just can't see it
Sprafa said:
the "human" Combine are also biomechs, you just can't see it

Sprafa don't just make stuff up and post it under 'spoiler'...
you are all def. its clearly '' iv got your back ''. its sound NOTHING like hes getting away.
Sounds like "He's down over there"

Seems it sounds like whatever anyone wants it to sound like. ¬_¬
Still sounds like "He's getting away!" to me...

Why would he shout "I've got your back!" at Gordon?
Brian Damage said:
Still sounds like "He's getting away!" to me...

Why would he shout "I've got your back!" at Gordon?

He's fan of Gordon and he has a life sized sculpture of Gordon's back at his home?

Alright this didn't make any sense...
Brian Damage said:
Still sounds like "He's getting away!" to me...

Why would he shout "I've got your back!" at Gordon?

Two Metrocops were up there, he would of been talking to the second. But I still don't think he says "I've got your back".
It is he is getting away it cant be any other thing.
It really is he is getting away.
It wont be a rail gun, simply because they fire at stupidly fast speeds. There are infact real rail guns (look on the net for them), but because they fire the bolt at such an amazing speed, the air resistance causes it to disintergrate after a short distance.
Weeeelllllllllll... Railguns don't have to launch projectiles at such insanely high speeds... In some respects they could just be regarded as being a way of getting around the use of chemical propellants.
It is he is getting away it cant be any other thing.
It really is he is getting away.

ok, the guy thats gats burned. just before that he says ''iv'e got your back''. now after that he just makes dieing noises, i think it sounds like ''jss eggh aww''
Maybe the puff of smoke in that other thread is a disintegrating railgun shell?

Anyway...surely a railgun's speed can be changed?
The "Tunnels" bink does take place in a Prison, you can see in this screenshot of Hammer.
Yeah, Sulkdodds, that's what I think. A railgun could be a really useful gun for more ordinary useage, if they reduced the speed of the projectile to up the fire rate... It'd be totally propellantless, for one thing... and with lower speeds, you reduce the problem of rail wear...
Six Three said:
The "Tunnels" bink does take place in a Prison, you can see in this screenshot of Hammer.

I watched a 500mb vid from e3 and the narrator said 'underground of city17' when the tunnel vid came on.

How would your picture of the prison prove that the Tunnels bink has anything to do with that anyways?
well that makes sence.... City-17 is in russia (there is a real one, look near korea), and the soviets had underground prisons... so yea, its possible...
i think it's "He's down over there" and I also noticed that there's like a heartrate monitor noise when he kills two of the soldiers ... could be the music though its hard to tell
Reaperman said:
well that makes sence.... City-17 is in russia (there is a real one, look near korea), and the soviets had underground prisons... so yea, its possible...

I'm doubting its in russia tbh. I think Valve used russias architect just to make city-17 (no reason why any 'locked down' city shouldnt be called that) more appealing to the player. No magazine reviews mentioned anything about the ppl they talked to, in the preview, speaking a different language.
I mean theres a priest called Gregory in it. Not a very russian name...

When you watch the bugbait bink theres plenty of light coming in from the windows so its definately not underground either.
Bicka said:
I mean theres a priest called Gregory in it. Not a very russian name...

Not unless it's spelt 'Gregori'. :)
Maybe toss a few backwards 'R's in there, call him comrade.
It could work!
Yougothackedyougothackedyougothacked! Payback's Hell Ain't It?
Any mods care to shed light on the situation? I mean...what the hell happened there?
Yeh yeh yeh, but...why? If you wanted to really cause someone problems why would you hack their HL2.net account?

Anyway. What were we talking about?
Beats the heck outta me...

If I hacked anyone, I'd certainly be able to come up with something more imaginative than "yougothacked" X 1000 (It also happened in another thread; you can find it if you check Xeno's user profile), that's for sure...