Tunnels Released


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
Tunnels is available to download from steam or enable if you've already precached it. The video involves Gordon Freeman stalking through the dark sewer complex, with Man Hacks and the Combine hunting him down.
Ahh you beat me to it, stupid brother was one.

This video is awesome though. Im pretty sure the part where the combine jumps down and the blue thingie kills it is scripted.
NO NO NO dont talk about it, dling now :p
THanx for the info!!

I didnt even know i had already downloaded this... just put steam on and it was already there! Steam must have downloaded this in the background ;)

Cool video.
Originally posted by SpuD
This video is awesome though. Im pretty sure the part where the combine jumps down and the blue thingie kills it is scripted.

It's awsome yes, the hydra thingy and the combine scene looks kinda scripted yes, though it could just be the AI doing its own thing, we'll just have to wait and see for ourselves. One thing i liked was those flying small thingies, they were awsome, i wish i had one as a pet, then i can send it at my annoying neighbour :cheese: