Game server title: Turbo GunGame Simpsons - FastDL Tick66 - [24/7]
Server ip:
Game server type ( TF2, Cs 1.6, CS:S... ): CS:S
Gameserver mod ( Zombie, Gungame... ): GunGame
Server location: United Kingdom, London
Player Slots: 20
Public or Private: Public
This is the Servers MOTD
Hope to see you on my counter-strike source server! It's online 24/7 and has a variety of simpson gungame maps on rotation. Thanks for viewing my thread.
Server ip:
Game server type ( TF2, Cs 1.6, CS:S... ): CS:S
Gameserver mod ( Zombie, Gungame... ): GunGame
Server location: United Kingdom, London
Player Slots: 20
Public or Private: Public
This is the Servers MOTD

Hope to see you on my counter-strike source server! It's online 24/7 and has a variety of simpson gungame maps on rotation. Thanks for viewing my thread.