turret strategy in Nova Prospekt

The first Nova Prospect Turret part is easy.. on hard mode after you are finished that one.. take one of the turrets and take it along withyou to the next part.. it works wonders. Stick all 4 turrets in the small corridorwith the hev and health station. Just watch out for granades and man hacks and your all set.
Excellent thread. Bringing the filing cabinets from upstairs and/or the previous turrets is a stroke of genius.

My stradegy was fairly simple and didn't require much work. I simply took all the items laying around (barrels, crates, etc) and parked them in front of the entrances (don't stack them, the turrets need to shot over your barricade). Then I parked my turrets back from the door and off to the side where the wall turns towards the cells. This made grenading them a little more difficult. Since the combine cannot climb the make-shift barricades stalled them where the turrets could easily take them out. The crates are destructable and eventually will give way, but even on the "Hard" setting allowed for most the combine to be taken out by the turrets before getting through. I took care of the one door not guarded by a turrent. I chose the door right of the health and shields. Worked well for me, but next time I think I'll go back a fetch one more turret and then drop the filing cabinets down to use as better barricades. Should make this difficult section very managable. :D
Sieg said:
Hmm,I really liked noobulon's idea,but where are you suppose to hide?

Hide? I didn't hide, I stood by my turrets and watched them muller everyone :D

Just hang about with the gravgun out, chucking grenades and manhacks out of your face
I used the grav gun to push (it's too heavy to pick up with the grav gun) the huge green cabinets up (there are two, one down all the stairs), those blocked off two entrances, the table in the office blocks the third and the filing cabinets blocks the fourth. I also brought the 2 guns from the previous fight.
I brought 1 turret with me so I had 4. I placed the in the room with the smg ammo crate, 2 in direction and 2 in an another (with some crates in front of them). The combine didn't stand a chance :D

One thing I don't understand... why do the combine try to shoot the turrets when they are indestructable?
My first time through, I had brought the turrets from the first one with me, so I had five.
With them set up like in the first picture, it was only a matter of picking them up every once and a while.

The second time through, I accidentally made an exploit, I think.
I took everything I could find and plugged one door. Then set up all five turrets in the same direction, as a wall of pure firepower.

In total, only about a half-dozen combine actually showed up. Then, I just waited a few minutes, and the sequence ended. Something about this strategy kept them from appearing.

Both times, this was on hard difficulty.
some people are saying how they took turrets with them from the first part to the second, so that they had 5 turrets instead of 3. My question, how do you carry two turrets at once? Or do you take one then go back for the other? What a pain in the ass.

Also, did anyone try taking a turret into the teleporter? Does it work?
J_Tweedy said:
My question, how do you carry two turrets at once? Or do you take one then go back for the other? What a pain in the ass.
It's a pain in the ass, yes, but not quite as extreme as hauling one turret all the way there and then heading back for the other: you have to take each one in little runs, often throwing them with the grav-gun over obstacles. It's not that hard, but it can be frustrating. It's always worth it though.
i placed 2 turrets, then picked up a third with the grav gun, and hid in the lockers. They still function while being held so when the combine made it past the first 2, they came face to face w/ a turret that couldn't be tripped cuz i was holding it w/ the grav gun. it made it really easy. I went thru the rest of the level just carrying the turret with the grav gun. i barely got hit and it shoots at all enemies. i saved a lot of ammo that way.
I took the filling cabinets down from the floor before you jump down, and the table and I put the table on its side on the outside of a cell so they couldn't get in and I'd put the turrets on the filing cabinets and the bed of the cell to give them better angles to shoot from then I just had my grav. gun out to grab any grenades that popped in.
I went in a small little room
Very small, set up the 3 in there and hid in the back
Worked like a charm
Minerel said:
I went in a small little room
Very small, set up the 3 in there and hid in the back
Worked like a charm

Hahaa! Me too. I stacked the turrets on the cell's entry and myself camped on one of the cornes with the shotgun ready. And if they threw a grenade, I used the gravity gun to bounce it back.
I dont understand, how can u do all of this setting up stuff before the combine arrive? I didnt save it before i got to the part cas i didnt know what i was expected, so pretty much every time I die, i have around 15 seconds to set up the turrets from scratch, presuming im right in front of them. So what. Am I better off reloading to a previous spot and try again?
Mr.Awesome said:
i placed 2 turrets, then picked up a third with the grav gun, and hid in the lockers. They still function while being held so when the combine made it past the first 2, they came face to face w/ a turret that couldn't be tripped cuz i was holding it w/ the grav gun. it made it really easy. I went thru the rest of the level just carrying the turret with the grav gun. i barely got hit and it shoots at all enemies. i saved a lot of ammo that way.

WOW!! That its sooo funnny!!! Thats the best Idea ive heard thats really fast, easy to set up, and not all spread out through the area. I will be trying your strategy first, as it sounds the most reliable and comforting. Hey you know how when you press 'E' to pick up turrets and it automatically rotates them if they are in a good mood :D, does the gravity gun rotate them as well?
Ky-Ara said:
I dont understand, how can u do all of this setting up stuff before the combine arrive? I didnt save it before i got to the part cas i didnt know what i was expected, so pretty much every time I die, i have around 15 seconds to set up the turrets from scratch, presuming im right in front of them. So what. Am I better off reloading to a previous spot and try again?

Yes you can arse about all you like until you set down the 3rd turret from the cabinet in position, so you need to set them up last.

Ky-Ara said:
Hey you know how when you press 'E' to pick up turrets and it automatically rotates them if they are in a good mood :D, does the gravity gun rotate them as well?

Yes it does.

btw you don't need to keep going back for each gun from the earlier section - just toss them ahead of you. The only annoying part is the stairwell and the doors just before the big showdown.
UltraProAnti said:
Yes you can arse about all you like until you set down the 3rd turret from the cabinet in position, so you need to set them up last.

I know it's bit stupid, but I actually like to "roleplay" when I'm playing, and not making use of knowledge that I wouldn't otherwise have. To that end, I always try and behave a little as if I'm being in the situation for the first time, in order to try and make the whole thing as desperate and cinematic as possible.

If that prison shootout bit was real-life and Gordon was told there were soldiers swarming his position, then I don't think his first reaction would be to think "hmm, I'll just ignore these turrets for the moment and build a ladder to the 2nd floor out of filing cabinets." I just try and get them set up pretty sharpish, then just make do. Which is probably why I end up having to reload that part dozens of times ;(

Since this thread has popped back up, I'll just say that I used Noobulon's placement strategy (a page or so back) on my 3rd go through the game, and although it is very clever it BY NO MEANS makes things easy if you have the game on Hard. For one thing, since all your turrets are in more or less the same place, if you let one grenade go off you're pretty much finished. Wedging the turrets against the walls is quite useful, though.
I'm on the first location where the two sentry guns are available.
Once they are knocked down, I can't get them to stand up.
Picking them up with either the 'e' key or the gravity gun, they remain in a horizontal position. Even if I look up with them, squat down and look up, they remain in a horizontal position, turned off.
ok, here is what I do. after the first part where u need to set up turrets. i just take my turrets with me.. it will take a while dragging those turrets with you. but you will have 5 turrets at that hard part... and if u take all the 5 turrets with u that u will have there. u will have 8 turrets at the teleport chamber... lol verry funny
Laivasse said:
I know it's bit stupid, but I actually like to "roleplay" when I'm playing, and not making use of knowledge that I wouldn't otherwise have. To that end, I always try and behave a little as if I'm being in the situation for the first time, in order to try and make the whole thing as desperate and cinematic as possible.

=O I do the exact same thing. Infact, whenever I play the original Half-Life I even make sure to "walk" everywhere unless I'm in a shootout. I play the game like I'm reading a book almost.

As for the turret thing:

I usually barricade one gate and then place the three turrets so they... meh, boring topic. :p
Langolier said:
=O I do the exact same thing. Infact, whenever I play the original Half-Life I even make sure to "walk" everywhere unless I'm in a shootout. I play the game like I'm reading a book almost.

Interesting but unconnected thing:
in HL1, walking or crouching makes it hard for enemies to hear you but it's still risky if you get too close. However if you hold both shift + ctrl - ie, walk and crouch at the same time - you move at a snail's pace but you can stealth a huge amount of enemies. It's pretty far from "roleplaying", but it can be fun to drop a grenade down into a bunch of marines who are facing the wrong way, because you rarely get such a chance to abuse them.

Although doing that makes me feel cheap and dirty :farmer: