Turrets are not friendly!



Hi all,
im in the prison, and im a bit stuck.
Basically the part where you have 2 turrets, and you have to defend the work station, i figured the turrets were rubbish as they shot me, and didnt shoot the soldier guys, so my solution for that was to pick them up, and drop them again in their little pod areas, and then to kill the soldier guys myself.
However now i have got to the part with the 3 turrets, and there are far too many soldiers to kill without help from the turrets, has anyone got any ideas about this bug?
Whenever i walk in front of the friendly turrets, they turn red and shoot at me, soldier guys just walk upto them, and nock them over, but the turrets dont shoot at them at all.
I have tried using 'ai_norebuildgraph 1' which im told rebuilds ai, but it hasnt worked.

Kind Regards,
Did you get it off Steam or did you buy it? Make sure it's up to date ... may help. This issue has cropped up before but i'm not sure of the real cause - anyone care to enlighten me?
I have an ati card bundle cdkey, and hence d/l from steam.
Maybe tonight, ill dig out a savegame from before that point, and see if i can play into it again.
If you can get it sorted, at the bit with 3 turrets, find the 6 crates in the area and build a 1-2-3 step thing out of them up to one of the balconies (I can only get onto the small one, but have seen screenshots of others on the larger one so who knows) then place 2 turrets by the rails, grab the first one, drop it at the bottom of the crates then climb up. Let the turrets do pretty much all the work, just keep the grav gun handy for manhacks / grenades.
I sorted the problem, buy going back 2 levels, and playing into it again.. then they became friendly. the first turret bit is so easy with turrets!
Thanks For your help anyways.
