TV LINKS was Shut Down

Russian Mafia

Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
The webmaster was arrested.

One of the world's most-used pirate film websites has been closed after providing links to illegal versions of major Hollywood hits and TV shows.


Anyone else use this site? I don't have cable so it's how I used to watch shows.
ya i know i liked that site. it was sad to see it go down.
shit ashot shot this was the best asite in tre worls death to the bourgesie!!!!
As Solaris said, this was an awesome site. But too bad it's going down. What bullshit. DEATH TO THE INTERETZ!

Solaris: Death to the FBI!
damn that was the only place i could find Documentaries i liked.
I don't have cable so it's how I used to watch shows.

Same here. I don't have cable where I'm staying at Uni. This really sucks, I noticed it was down since yesterday. Well I guess I'll just have to torrent my shows from now on:x
Just use anyway...

But yeah, i used tv-links most of the time, cant believe its gone now. I mean ffs, i dont see where the real harm is. Cut down on illegal music instead, ***tards.
Damn that ****ing sucks, I was just catching up on Heroes too! :(
Oh shoot. :| Ahh oh well. should serve me well with
tv links was so awesome. Good luck to the guy they arrested.
I used it from time to time, but the quality of the videos was pretty crappy.
**** me in the ass, that was the only website I could find a comprehensive list of anime, dub, sub, everything, it was beautiful. I had just finished watching the "Wolf's Rain" series,(Amazing series, regardless if you like anime or not) went to bed, next day, site is gone. RIP.
I dunno I got pretty bored of Wolfs Rain pretty early in.

Is there any information on who the guy was? He was UK based wasn't he?
TV Links didnt actually host any of the content so in not sure what the UK authorities can do about it? Anyone know enough about UK copywright law to clarify the situation?
It was all on Google videos, youtube, and various sites.

Just linked to offsite content.

I was thinking I wanted to watch the blob last night, and I remembered it was down
Oh now all the money is suddenly going to return to the movie creators right ?
I dunno I got pretty bored of Wolfs Rain pretty early in.
Eh, it started off slow, by about episode 6 I was hooked.

Is there any information on who the guy was? He was UK based wasn't he?

Name is unreleased, moderators for the site just call him by his handle, "SIN". Ironic maybe?