Two dozen (new?) havok demos


May 26, 2003
Reaction score
Okay first of all, this is not in the wrong forum or off topic, as the technology behind the demos is similar to that in HL2 and you can already get a rough idea of how totally different the gameplay will be to any other existing fps (just imagine a mod with the mace as alternative crowbar, would be easy to code and absolutely smashing :), or you could for example easily create a lasso or even a physically working crossbow, practically anything except for perhaps a water cannon ;) )
Be sure to look at the mace (not maze) and coin demo, if you have time try them all, they're really interesting.

Eh okay I nearly forgot the url, it's

EDIT: okay the URL i meant was, but the above one has links to even more user demos which also seem to be really cool :)
Man, that box one is just too addictive.
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
who cares
Me, I do, I haven't seen them before, didn't your mother tell you if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? =P
Ahahaa, add boxes until your computer crashes.

Mine hasnt crashed yet, lets see who can go the distance!
Anyone know what happened to that one where you like drove a truck around a fully texture land with barels and boxes and lots of hills... it was insaine. Anyone even know what i'm talking about?

Theres one close to that , its really cool. THe independent suspension demo.
Wow , this kinda sucks , the add/Remove demo has me impressed with Havok again , I dont want to overhype HL2 to myself and be dissapointed :-/

I mean they lean more depending on how tall they are. Thats some good coding right there.
Yea, the mace is fake though, they have the chain flexible and stretchy? WTF ITS THICK CHAIN LINK ITS NOT STRETCHY! *cough* if anyone makes a mace as a weapon please remember the chain does not stretch.
where's ender or that guinny fella with the old news picture, lol.
You can make the coin roll, it's not too hard. I also got it to spin, as if you flicked it, a few times.
That rigid body one is great, get em all nice and stable then take the box from the top and slam it thru the middle :P
hmmm Gashtar's stuff and some of this havox xtra i havent seen before.... good find