Two lawsuits target GTA publisher

Originally posted by Lordblackadder
You're a kid! I can't believe I've been talking to a kid as though.... nevermind. I'll definately watch my language around you from now on.

Actually I'll make an embarassing disclosure, I often play HL with the Gibbage off. :eek:

Your parents could've done the same to save your innocent eyes from the carnage.
Nono, he's not a kid. He's in that nasty age where they are even worse than kids :p

My parents never bothered looking into what I actually played. But then again, it was still predating all violent games, or the internet where you can get where you want... Oh how it would be to be a kid again, so much more fun now :dork:
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
NO.. you still have it backwards, listen to me.

Blackadder, are you American? If so, then how'd you see the TV show?
I'm with Darkel on this one but as you're not going to change your stance (or mine, for that matter) agreement to disagreements might be in order.
But just out of interest of you citing Switzerland (in a very similar thread - My 2 cents or something). What KIND of gun-laws do they have? Handguns? Rifles? What's freely available and what's not?
And why do these other gun-filled nations have such lower gun-crime rates than the US?
I'm no kid ;(

Seriously, my parents reckoned I was mature enough to realise that the violence I was seeing was not real, and that violence is wrong in real life.
Originally posted by mrBadger
I'm no kid ;(

Seriously, my parents reckoned I was mature enough to realise that the violence I was seeing was not real, and that violence is wrong in real life.

Not necessarily the point Badge. Looking at violent, gory images 2 hours a day is not, in my view, healthy for the psyche. Especially when still in relatively formative/young years.

When I was in the sixth grade, there was this troublesome kid (got expelled six months later) who watched all the horror flicks and then told us all about it in class. I was grossed out just listening.:x

Then again I didn't watch regular TV until about 11 or 12, so I missed out on the scar tissue that many other kids acquired very early.
Originally posted by el Chi
Blackadder, are you American? If so, then how'd you see the TV show?
I'm with Darkel on this one but as you're not going to change your stance (or mine, for that matter) agreement to disagreements might be in order.
But just out of interest of you citing Switzerland (in a very similar thread - My 2 cents or something). What KIND of gun-laws do they have? Handguns? Rifles? What's freely available and what's not?
And why do these other gun-filled nations have such lower gun-crime rates than the US?

Yes American. I'm an entertainment snob so I seek out stuff that most people haven't heard of (HL is only exception). Besides English humor is huge among American College crowd. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is seen by evey college kid coast to coast.

Why is US more violent? It isn't, the "inner city" phenomenon is responsible for 90% of the crime diff between US and Europe.
I heard that England ain't so peachy lately, guns are illegal but noone bothered to tell the criminals that.

Seriously if you look at the statistics, places with lax laws and lotsa guns have the lowest crime. In high crime Cities Guns are already mostly illegal. So only the criminals have them, they're already criminals.

As Chuck Heston said "If guns are outlawed only outlaws will gave guns"
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
I heard that England ain't so peachy lately, guns are illegal but noone bothered to tell the criminals that.
Which is a bit like saying dope's illegal, but no-one bothered to tell a great deal of the population. If something's illegal, it's gonna weed (no pun intended) its way into a country through some means or another. Just because we don't have handguns legally, that's not to say we're ignorant to the fact that people will still have them.
I was under the impression that the US has high gun-crime rates and I'm pretty sure I'm right. That's what I was referring to - not inherent violence within a nation.
My question was simply why are there high rates of gun-crime in the US when nations such as Switzerland are so relatively peaceful. Personally I thought Moore's fear-factor explanation was quite good...

And finally - well done on discovering such fine British humour. You really must be an obscure fellow to some of your American counterparts sometimes... Which is no bad thing
the constitution say nothing about bullets. stop selling bullets and blackpowder. let the people have there guns and if they want to blow themselves up trying to make their own gunpowder for homemade bullets more power to them. I'm being feceitious; i can understand owning a rifle for hunting but what possible need does a person have for a TEC-9 or an AK-47? How many people who argue that you need a gun for protection have ever been assaulted and had to use that gun. the reality is that most victoms of gun violence are killed by a family member either accidentaly or intentionaly.

Dawdler had it right about the Admendment song from The Simpsons. the constitution can easily be changed and restricted. The patriot act is in direct violation of the 1st and 4th admendment but it is law. we have laws outlawing the sale of Full auto machine guns as well as military and police weapons to civilians.

the point about violence in the media being a direct contributer to youth violence has never been made. It's one of those things that seem to make sense and yet can't be proved. while it's true that violent children play violent video games; the video games, and movies are symptoms of the problem not causes. If you look back at the 1980's PMRC crusade they used the same arguments against R&R to attemt to get it banned but they never established a solid case that the music inspired good kids to go bad.
Vdeo games were much less viloent when Dawdler and I were younger but the movies weren't. The death toll in the first Terminator was like 120 people; 15 of them being cops killed in one scene and yet to the best of my knowledge Dawdler hasn't shot up a police station, nor have I. Why? Because Dawdler was a good kid who knew right from wrong fantasy from reality.
Read my post again SpongeBob (you don't mind if I call you SpongeBob?) most of the problem is inner city which is a weird phenomenon, and guns are already illegal there.

Point is if the criminals already have and will continue to have guns, all citizens must have access as well, for defense.

If you want to be a pansy you can simply not own one and just bend over when confronted by a criminal, but citizens who want guns should be able to get'em.:thumbs: :sniper: :bounce:
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
Not necessarily the point Badge. Looking at violent, gory images 2 hours a day is not, in my view, healthy for the psyche. Especially when still in relatively formative/young years.

When I was in the sixth grade, there was this troublesome kid (got expelled six months later) who watched all the horror flicks and then told us all about it in class. I was grossed out just listening.:x

Then again I didn't watch regular TV until about 11 or 12, so I missed out on the scar tissue that many other kids acquired very early.
I think watched bloody TV programs more than 2 hours a day :)
Oddly enough, I dont have any of that scar tissue. Well, except a cut in the chin. Which is an embarrasing scar, acquired in combat against a vicious and really mean bee. And when I was 20. Erhm...
but if you had and MAC-10 you could have killed the attacker (the bee) and defended yourself. :cool:
Originally posted by Lordblackadder

Then again I didn't watch regular TV until about 11 or 12, so I missed out on the scar tissue that many other kids acquired very early.

I didn't have a TV until the age of 11, and I never watch it..... the only thing I use it for is The Simpsons and other comedies and watching videos.

I didn't watch films that were rated higher than my age, although that had a couple of exceptions, for great films. :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
I didn't have a TV until the age of 11, and I never watch it..... the only thing I use it for is The Simpsons and other comedies and watching videos.

I didn't watch films that were rated higher than my age, although that had a couple of exceptions, for great films. :)

Yes the good things in life, that excite the heart, enrich the soul and challenge the intellect.:bounce:
Do whatever

Victims can blame whoever they want till they are blue in the face. The fact still stands that 'PEOPLE' are the problem! We have to regulate them and eventually get rid of all of them!

We are Borg.:borg:
Re: Do whatever

Originally posted by peoplesuc
Victims can blame whoever they want till they are blue in the face. The fact still stands that 'PEOPLE' are the problem! We have to regulate them and eventually get rid of all of them!

We are Borg.:borg:

The Borg do not get rid of people they "give them perfection":borg:

Resistance is futile, prepare to be assimulated.:borg:
Im glad to see this thread didnt turn into a "bash america" fest.

Looks like most people that posted in here are adults more or less.

Its true the american constitution was written to be able to be changed......I just dont think its going to happen any time soon.

I currently live in the southern US. While i didnt grow up here. I do have lots of relatives who would not give up there guns....just like millions of other americans, and thats really the problem. No politicion in the south is going to have a chance of being elected/ would be commiting political suicide.
Re: Do whatever

Originally posted by peoplesuc
The fact still stands that 'PEOPLE' are the problem!
A writer - I forget who - was writing an article for a news paper on "What is wrong with society?" He closed by saying (and I paraphrase here due to my memory):
"Dear Sir, I know exactly what is wrong with society; it is ME."

Perfectly put. His point was that we need to wake up to our own inherent imperfections and address those. Entire societies need to do this - I could say something here but some might perceive it as "America-bashing", so I'll end by saying: No-one is infallable.
I didn't take the time to read everyone's comments. So this probably has been said before.

I don't think its the developers fault. Its the parents fault who wants to blame it on someone otherthan themselves. Its the parents fault for not teaching their kids any values or respect towards other people. Its also the parents fault for not controlling what games the kids play. Sure the game could have influenced the kids, but thats not the developers fault. Its the parents.

Everyone here seems to be assuming that guns are made to kill only humans...
most people that own a gun own it for:
a: personal Protection, it stays in the closet...just in case someone breaks in and threatens the family.

b: hunting, alot of people enjoy hunting, members of my extended family included.

My dad owns a shotgun, the lady down the street (real nice elderly women) owns...lemme think
two rifles, one shot gun, and no less then one handgun.

actually, alot of people around here are armed, and with good reason, we live in a wooded area by a lake. LOT of poisonous snakes, and occationally vicious dogs. We keep guns for our own protection around here.
If a person is so tempered that they are EVER tempted to use a gun on another person in anything other then defence of their own life, they shouldn't own a gun. pure and simple. The kids that did this should be hung, reminds me to much of the kid that killed his sister and blamed the WWF (Wrestling). *sigh*
Wow, Blackadder has some points i would like to have gotten across. Such as the watching gore 2 hours a day thing.

I think its a shame that the world is in the state it is, i really do. I mean, we shouldn't need gun laws at all, because if everyone was responsible enough then anyone could own a gun and you wouldn't have to be scarred of getting shot by some criminal, because criminals wouldn't exist.


The smiley isn't so much of an exaggeration, it really does almost bring a tear to my eye when i think about how messed up things are in the world...But its OK, because everyone pretends things are just peachy!