Two Map Releases



Here are a couple of my maps I have been working on. They might not be the most beautiful works of art but i wanted to focus on gameplay and balance.

dm_flashbackb1: Designed to feel like your fighting back in black mesa.
dm_underwayb2: This is the first map i had released in source. Takes place in an underground tunnel section similar to the one in the hl2sp chapter, anticitizen one.

If anyone is interested in play testing these maps for me and give me some feedback, ill will be able to release the final versions.


Screenshots for dm_flashbackb1:
















I really enjoyed looking thru the pics. I'm not in the position to test these but they look good! Keep up the good work.

Fix the lights!!!

how to:

1. put lights a bit away from the light model
2. make the light color gray... caind of dark
it looks like a VERY COOL half-life 1 map.. more geometry... more props...
i say they look great... first one has a great layout but it needs work the bottom one... looks like :censored: crap

let me help you with the cliffs, strech the texture to like 1.00 / 1.00 (hl1) it will look way less repetetive, thats what i did to my cliffs on that cs_seige remake before i trashed it a week later.
also use multi displacements aka small squares not one large one
Did i just play the map ???? .....Or were they pics :p
Looks great work !!
Looks really nice, also might want to add some cubemaps to get the right refection in the water and glass
I like the 'Underway' map. Only a few niggly bits to do (of what I can find) and I think it will be finished! I think some more health and armor dispensers could be added, unless one of each is enough (I don't play Deathmatch that often). Cubemaps need to be addedd/fixed (image one), and like someone else said, a Cubemap for the water (don't worry, I can't do cubemaps to save m'life :p ). Light models need to be added and you could try to 'soften' the lights to get rid of the bright white blobs (image 2 and 3). Image 4 shows something strange, but that could just be the map/hammer/source/whatever being an ass. Finaly the stairs (image 5), mabe change the sides to a plain metal so that it looks less 'holey'.

I downloaded the zip for Flashback twice and both times it said the zip file was currupt.

All the images mentioned above are here:

Keep it up! :)
Ok fixed dm_flashback link...

Thanks for the comments guys, your help is appreciated.

My modding skills lack in the lighting and terrain editing departments as you guys can hopefully i will have that all straightened out before the final releases.

If anyone has a server up and running, please feel free to add them to you map cycle :D as i would like to see how they spread and to get some suggestions on their gameplay!!
just do as i sayed and it whould be an awsome map :D those over lighted lights are *brrrrrrr* :p i like those maps
PMonkey said:

I have looked at 'Flashback' and that looks ok too. Comments are prety much the same as before. First image shows that Cubemaps are needed. Second image is self explanitary. The last images is the stairs need supports.

Sorry its brief...Got to go!

second pic isnt really self explanitory....what happened??

cubemaps suck, I hate working with them. i dont completely understand them.
1st map - levitating steps
2nd map - one shot with 4 glass windows...all completely shot out -> variety maybe
lights need work - some glaring light spots, some coming from no visable light source...

Overall good though considering theres two maps and not too many flaws at first glance
Cash&Prizes said:
second pic isnt really self explanitory....what happened??

cubemaps suck, I hate working with them. i dont completely understand them.
thats how it was from the beginning. I started the map and that is what i saw.

i hate cubemaps too!!
PMonkey said:
thats how it was from the beginning. I started the map and that is what i saw.

i hate cubemaps too!!

hmmm thats anyone else is having the same problem? thanks again for the comments guys.
Nice work, not anything breathtaking but still good.

Got me inspired to get off my ass and map.
Ennui said:
Nice work, not anything breathtaking but still good.

Got me inspired to get off my ass and map.

haha, whatever I can do to contribute to this wonderful gaming community!

Im still a pretty new mapper, the next challenge I plan to tackle is making my maps interactive...working with inputs/outputs seems pretty intimidating though, and I cant seem to find any good tutorials!