Two New HL2 Videos At E3 2004

Some people might remember that ages ago Valve confirmed that HL2 will be their last project for Sierra/Vivendi. After that they are changing publisher. (There was an ATi and a Vivendi booth for Valve, or someting?) So basically, if they wanted to show some some other project than HL2, Vivendi wouldn't obviously allow it, therefore the other booth. And what other projects has Valve been working on again...? ;] *fingerscrossed*
hollowgam said:
SDK in 3 days? Or we got the wrong idea....or....Valve lied again...?

That's right. Forgot about the damned SDK. Wasn't that supposed to come out in April or something? The very latest before E3? Maybe they'll release it Monday. Maybe they'll release something new every day this week, running up to the big E3 presentation. Imagine every day something bigger and better is revealed. Probably not though...
Does anyone know, what happens with the physic demonstration video and the shader demonstration video? They aren’t released yet.
Gossoon said:
That's right. Forgot about the damned SDK. Wasn't that supposed to come out in April or something? The very latest before E3? Maybe they'll release it Monday. Maybe they'll release something new every day this week, running up to the big E3 presentation. Imagine every day something bigger and better is revealed. Probably not though...

Monday: SDK
Tuesday: New Videos
Wednesday: E3. Real time in game non scripted demonstration. And announcement of the release date.

Wow what can be better than this?

hollowgam said:
Monday: SDK
Tuesday: New Videos
Wednesday: E3. Real time in game non scripted demonstration. And announcement of the release date.

Wow what can be better than this?


I emailed Valve asking about the SDK, this email is already posted in *Valve Info only* thread

We're still working on the toolkit, and I expect it to be out soon (yeah I know that's what I told you before but I don't have any better date right now). It definitely won't be another 2 months.


From: Gabe Newell
Sent: Wed 3/10/2004 9:45 AM
To: Rick Ellis
Subject: FW: While HL2 being delayed, still improvements on the Source engine?

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx.xxxxxxx [mailto:xxxxx.xxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:37 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: While HL2 being delayed, still improvements on the Source engine?

Hello Gabe,

Because HL2 is delayed I am wondering if Valve is still working on the Source engine ie.: optimizing or improving the Source engine? Can the engine while being delayed still be improved?

I still remember you want to implement some things like "high res textures" is that true? And what about the speaking animations in mp?

last question :) : I emailed Rick E in the beginning in Januari about the HL2 SDK and he said 'soon' and 'there was a legal hangup' But there are 2 whole months passed by. Can you please say something about the release date of the HL2 SDK ? :)

Thanks for your time,

GJ / sharp.

"It definitely won't be another 2 months"

The deadline is this monday :|
I think Wednesday... Valve are gonna show us some ingame MP footage... Hell yeah ;)

They save the best part for the last
sharp said:
I think Wednesday... Valve are gonna show us some ingame MP footage... Hell yeah ;)

They save the best part for the last

May be even TF2! However don't get our hope too high or we will get disappointed.
That would be pretty sweet to finally get some multiplayer info. I just don't know if I really want to know for sure. The suprise may be better than knowing ahead of time... Especially if the game is slated to come out in a couple of months.
With the new "Media" section for HL2 on steam, what are the chances these videos will be in bink format?
But still there are many people here who trust in Valve, and they even believe that HL2 will be released this summer :p

People remember Fragmaster!
IF(!) fragmaster believes that hl2 will not be released this summer, then he's just being plain ignorant..
Though [Half-Life 2] won't be openly playable on the show floor, new gameplay footage from the long-awaited first-person shooter will be shown at both Vivendi's own display and the ATI display across the hall.

From, sorry if this is repeated I didntcheck all posts.
WOW. HL2 is being shown at 2 places, it's announced at Vinvendi booth and the ATI booth. So what about the south hall valve booth...?? I'm thinking Team Fortress 2 baby....omg it al makes sense!

edit: Just noticed that the valve booth is 1200..same as Vinvendi, guess they are just setting up there...damnit!
what'll really suck is if there won't be many vids of hl2 at e3, and if the vids themselves suck or aren't as cool as last year's
Wouldn't that be great if they released 1 playable level from hl2 or at least a tech room or something during e3, in my dreams :p
wouldn't it be great if they released a demo of hl2 right after e3 to put the hype of the game to the max right before release so the game will sell unbelievably and the pre orders will go higher
here's to hopeing!
why would you not want a hl2 demo
your kidding right????
the demo kinda ruin the game for me and sometimes it come with errors and stuff
well if one is released it'll be an official demo from valve not a glitched up leak
plus may be it'll be from a scene everyone's already scene from the vids........
MindCrafter said:
-I've played the Doom3 alpha and the HL2 alpha, hl2 > doom3.

-There is NO story in doom, just run around and slaughter the different kinds of freaks ( Painkiller anyone? )

-The gameplay is just as important ( If even more ) than the graphics.

As already said, the Doom3 "alpha" was just a few maps compiled together to show it off at E3. It is totally irrelevant to compare the HL2 leak and Doom3 leak together.

Secondly, please don't say things you obviously don't know enough. Doom3 has a storyline, and it seems to me it's gonna be even more interesting then what we know at the moment. Doom 3 won't be anythign like Painkiller or Serious Sam. When there's firefights, the player won't generally fight more than a few monsters at a time. How does that compare to Painkillers 200 monsters.

With your last point you were apparently referring to my opinion about the media's attitude towards Doom 3. I didn't say gameplay is less important than graphics. On the contrary I totally agree with you. I was trying to say, that the media has always been very skeptic about Doom 3's gameplay. They think Doom 3 will only have beautiful graphics. By now, at least the people who call them experts should understand that Doom 3 won't follow the footsteps of Painkiller or Serious Sam or whatever.
Sai said:
well if one is released it'll be an official demo from valve not a glitched up leak
plus may be it'll be from a scene everyone's already scene from the vids........
If it was from the videos its good wit me
ehh forget doom 3
i hear there isn't going to be an id software presentation at e3 this year, so we won't learn anything new about it plus there isn't a specified date for it, and further more half life is coming out very very soon according to valve i think people will be to busy playing hl2 and re watching the new e3 vids to notice d3's release, thus no one will in the end care about doom 3......
Apologies if I'm repeating what someone else has said but reading over 100 posts on the same subject can get tedious!

Last years e3 show was a "demonstration" of what Source can do and how it will be used in Half-life 2. This year, there will be 2 demonstrations so I presume one will be at the Valve booth and the other at ATi. I assume the ATi one will be more technical based and Valve's more gameplay orientated.

I think the demonstrations will be similar to last years with narrated videos.
About the two demo's.....

I really don't think these booths are for seperate parts of the games (i.e. Singleplayer, Multiplayer, TF2 as some of you are hoping) It's mostly likely to be this:

Vivendi Booth - Presentation relating to the gameplay, storyline, overall the GAME Half-Life 2

ATI Booth - Presentation showing off the new X800 capabilities and just using HL2 to hype the X800.


Damn, beat me to it RougePSI! But yeah that was my thinking as well