two new little songs.


Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
hey duamn ic chkec it out dude! boraads of canada,; are ;pretlly good by the way :!!:)
ok the piano paldying si really crap sorry dudeb ut itis true ;;;;;

try and not clip so mcuh- worok on yur tempo, practice with a metronome. allso it rmeinds me of when i was new, very simliiar. keep it up!
This was pretty much improvised on the spot, so I do recognize on first instance if it sounded reaaaally rudimentary, elemental, or crappy. I stopped "doing this" for two months, and this is the first thing that came up. What I do from now on is edit/silence the horrible parts and try to give it more depth.

BTW - I dddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiint realize you?d give much importance to spelling.
dufeim alright so itle ssee- its nice with improvisign, and the ideas are ogod just dsome technical should sort out
you know ho lucky you are to have access to a rlbea pianotd: ybhy the way?
I guess it doesn?t matter what a diminished chord is if you didn?t like it. Sorry! :)
whats your problem, the tracks just arent that good, your timing is poor, stale ideas/bad playing, nothing interesting. itns ot a personal attack. just keep practcicing;
Crazy smash.

I'm quite under the influence of illicit substances at the moment, so I'll give a sober commentary later.
LMFAO at Harij in this thread. :laugh:

Dunno what to say about the tracks. Besides the timing it was nice, mostly. Some notes were too powerful and it just felt rough. And the bad quality wreaked havoc on those peaks.