Two new pics.

They are old, i saw them in PC Gamer back in march sometime, hence the antlion model bieng the old 1
Remember, the longer they delay the game the better it will be.

Be patient
F-THAT. If the game is half as good as they say it is. They could release it now with minor bugs and no-one will care. They have a STEAM platform to fix bugs on the fly.

I am not patient after a year of complete BS and propaganda
You're weak then

Quality over quanity. I'd rather have an excellent game and wait many years, delays or not, than have an ok game and only wait a few months.

Just pretend you didnt learn about the game till it goes gold.
Honestly that second screenshot:

It does look pretty terrible. Just look at the difference in the floor textures. I never noticed anything so bad in Doom3 or Farcry. I'm really surprised that they actually released that as an official screenshot. It's hideous. Look at the shadow of that block of cement to the left of the hole. It's shadow only falls on the left half of the floor. And the Aliens shadow doesnt fall on the area directly beside the floor.

It is looking very dated when compared with CryTek and the doom3 engine. The glass isn't reflective, the textures on the alien are blurred. Just look at his far right leg. The static objects textures overall are low res. The models themselves aren't particularly bad.. they aren't stunning in anyway though. The shadows where they do work seem to be done well however.

I just hope the final version won't have so many obvious bugs in it.
yea i can't help looking at that big seam running down the floor with the shadow stopping over the seam and the misaligned texture. pretty big mapping mistake, im confused to why they would use this WIP(hopefully) as a ss.. other than that though it looks as though it just needs some AF and AA.

this is a screenshot representative of running the game with a not so great video card. but i find it hard to believe that valve released it officially as a screenshot.
just curious, how can u tell if its dx8 or dx9? whats the difference between the 2?
Ok, i may get flamed for this. I am buying this game because i believe it'll be excellent but please stop deluding yourselves about the graphics, doom 3's are far better.
I d/loaded the beta and really graphically i thought it was just average - on a par with max payne 2 i'd say.
I know what your going to say, that was 12 months ago....blah, blah, blah but it's way too hyped.
And no wonder it didn't come out last year as anyone who has seen the beta will agree, is one of the worst ever, AI wasn't working, all maps no-where near finished - abysmal.
Does anyone else think the watermarks on those pictures looks really dumb?
Not really i look at the picture more than the water marks, it just means i wont be using it as a desktop wallpaper.
DarkStar said:
Does anyone else think the watermarks on those pictures looks really dumb?

the thingy? alyx kinda looks like a drunken prostitute there leaning it toward you to say 'hey baby want some of this?'
why the hell would Valve release screenshots like that? They are horrible..
They are old scans from magazines from a year ago... just now made online screenshots, dont expect them to look good
heh, CS:S looks better than those screenies with what I run it on at a decent FPS, and I've got a Geforce 3 64mb.

I wonder why they release shots that are crappy :X. The game, we know, does look better than that (From videos, CS:S, and the stress test)
Well, I'll have to agree - even cs:s looks loads better than this stuff.

I suppose it's from a very low-end machine at low settings, then. But which developer is daft enough to release shots on a low-end machine to impress people? - valve must be the first one because mostly devs like to show their game in full glory at high settings.
i dont like the fact you can see the texture difference where the hole is in the first pic.
i hope they sorted it, maybe im just wierd but things like that make me cry ;(

i want it to be perfect
I think I'll bold this just so that people pay attention to it:

The screenshots here do not reflect the actual game, as they are not only old, but also oddly low-quality even for when they were released many months ago.

Since these screens were released, the graphics in HL2 have shown marked improvement, either through using higher settings or through Valve working on fixing them.

So these screenshots do not reflect and never have reflected the actual quality of the game.

Bad screens are an anomaly that has vanished long ago. You're just looking at some that weren't completely buried.
Rupertvdb said:
....i despair. It is a next gen game, why for the love of god why do people gripe about the graphics.
Its been in development for 6 years. The graphics should definatly be AMAZING, nothing lower or shorter than that.

But these screens are nothing, they are old.
the orinal half life was in development for a mere 2 years.
HL2 is "s0 GuNnA PWnz0rz!"
PvtRyan said:
I wonder why Valve doesn't care about IQ, and I mean stuff like FSAA and AF (especially AF isn't a heavy extra load and makes the image much nicer)

But not much to say here, own the magazines in which these were already in.


cant understand why screens from new games 90% dont have AA and AF.. its OK (almost not) without AA and AF when playing, because then youre in motion most of the time and cant see those saw-teeth-edges, but in screens... HORROR :borg:

i dont like these 2 screens at all.. looks like the ground is melting and everything has been made in some saw-factory :eek:

IQ is more important than you think! :p
guinny said:
Ok now, idk about you guys, but I think that zombie picture looks better than anything I played during doom 3. This goes to show the graphics are no where near dated. Just look at the attention to detail. And knowing valve, they probably have like half the features off and running dx 8 like they always do. :p

actually I think they look kinda bad. "outdated" would definitely be the word. doom3 looked 10x better than that stuff.

granted, graphics aren't everything, and hl2 will probably be more fun overall.

but valve has made a big mistake waiting so long; their engine is already quite outdated graphically.

Too much emphasis on physics; just give us the damn game already.
bah, if doom3 had lights it would look pants
due to (my biased)fact that it lacks textures
Since when is half life about the graphics? Half life didnt have great graphics when it came out. Im more intrested in how it plays than how it looks.
Is it just me or is VALVe trying to extinguish the hype? It's like they are trying to lower the people's expectations in order to prevent "D3 hype->disappointment" happen again.
sHm0zY said:
OMG so lyke not new i seen those in my PC gamer

Uh yeah, that's what already said...
I am getting more and more worried about HL2 graphics...expecially aftering seeing those pics. I guess I will just have to wait for the real game though..(whenever that is.)
Immortal said:
Since when is half life about the graphics? Half life didnt have great graphics when it came out.
lies! it had great graphics when it came out! let me guess, you bought it a year ago so you could play cs and thought the graphics sucked?
lans said:
I suppose it's from a very low-end machine at low settings, then.
Maybe they were in a hurry. You know, Valve's deadlines are very tight!


neptuneuk said:
i dont like the fact you can see the texture difference where the hole is in the first pic.
i hope they sorted it, maybe im just wierd but things like that make me cry ;(
The shadow-on-shadow issues are even worse.

neptuneuk said:
i want it to be perfect
Hey, you'll be paying it only fifty bucks - this isn't a NASA project.
After the release, we'll see if your online play is perfect as well... :smoking:

Mechagodzilla said:
So these screenshots do not reflect and never have reflected the actual quality of the game.
Geez, Valve is gonna hire you!

Katana said:
i dont like these 2 screens at all.. looks like the ground is melting and everything has been made in some saw-factory :eek:
In the movies, maybe AA and AF were disabled to improve performance and avoid issues we aren't aware of. But honestly I don't understand why Valve's PR department decided to release these screenshots, even if I understand that they might not have much time to scrutinize every pixel of them.
Katana said:
IQ is more important than you think! :p
You are wrong. If I'm born again, I'll ask God to swap 40 IQ points for a nice ass and big boobs!
Why are you guys worried about this? The screen shots are obviously low quality, if you just look closely.
We've all seen the Bink movies, right? I agree that those pics aren't spectacular. Definately not the best HL2 screens I've seen. But the Binks tell us a different story. I don't think these pics do the game justice.
I think Valve is trying to Downplay the situation of HL2 and soon release another statment saying theres going to be another delay ...this seems very fishhy .....Think bout it :rolleyes: There trying to make EVERYBODY feel like the game is still in DEEP development and release ANOTHER delay .....GOD FORBID this is true thoughts :upstare:
argh, every new screenshot makes me want hl2 more and more, im going to explode!
I'm guessing most people remember the screens that were released pre-e3, the ones with the combine soldier with his foot floating above the floor ( as well as other ones.

A large amount of people bitched and moaned about them, then E3 came along and not one person to my knowledge mentioned the pictures ever again, unless to disregard them as an indication of HL2's quality.

These screens we see now, as well all know, are not new content and are highly unlikely to represent what we will end up seeing on our monitors.
I don't even care if the graphics in the final game aren't that great. It looks like everything else about the Source engine blows every other engine out of the water. I do hope that the graphics can be upgraded over time though, as new hardware comes out.