Two Things


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
1) Check this out - amazing
2) How would I download this or anyother file off this site?
Streamripper might work. I can't take a look at the site (I'm reading the forums on my phone), but I've had good luck saving streaming video with that one. Google it, doggie baby.
I don't think you can save it since it's a flash video. If you did get the .swf, I think it would still have to d/l from youtube everytime you wanted to watch it.

Also, that got posted in the music section a few days ago.
Ikerous said:

Look at the url of the mytube page and take the random letters from v= to &
(In this case that would be "QjA5faZF1A8")
Add them to the end of the url
And you got the d/l url of the video

The file you d/l wont be in the right format, so you'll have to drag open it in vlc or w/e you use

Thanks, Ikerous.

StardogChampion said:
Also, that got posted in the music section a few days ago.

Oh, I read that one in the music section a few minutes ago and I thought I posted it first, meh - mines in better quality!