Two Villains in Spider-Man 3!


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Jul 4, 2004
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It appears there could be a possibility that there will be more than one villain in Spider-Man 3, according to a new rumor at Latino Review:

A while back Ain't-It-Cool-News broke the story that Thomas Hayden Church will indeed be playing SANDMAN and that here's a ton of Sandman conceptual art all over the Spidey-offices.

Well today 'Anonymous' tells us the following: "Yes the Sandman will be in Spider-Man 3 but he's not the only villain. And no it isn't Black Cat like some people were suggesting. It will be SANDMAN AND HOBGOBLIN"

Take this with a grain of salt right now and stay tuned for more on the villain or villains.

Sandman thats a cool villain. Would have been best if it was carnage/venom but ERRR! HATE!

Wanted carnage so badly.
Wow the Sandman. That guy is such an ancient character, I've forgotten all about him.

If they are going with two villians, then they might choose two that have similar antics or personalities. Maybe it could be Mysterio?
I don't care what villains are in it, as long as it's as good as the first two were.
Although I wouldn't mind seeing The Lizard, he was cool and was even in the second movie.(sort of)
I never was really a spider man fan but I did like the movies though...
Whaaaat? I thought they had set up Venom's role in Spiderman 3 so well....and I was looking forward to him being in it. I wonder if he's planned in Spiderman 4...assuming there will be a fourth.
My guess is that Harry Osbourne will take his fathers stuff he found in the end of Spider Man 2 and turn in to Hobgoblin or something. And wasnt that guy MJ was marrying in SM2 a astronaut? He could possibly turn into Venom if something goes wrong in space..
h00dlum said:
My guess is that Harry Osbourne will take his fathers stuff he found in the end of Spider Man 2 and turn in to Hobgoblin or something. And wasnt that guy MJ was marrying in SM2 a astronaut? He could possibly turn into Venom if something goes wrong in space..

That's what I was thinking because he'd have motive to want to kill Parker for stealing his wife away and they have set up the astronaut bit....but now it seems sandman is gonna be the 2nd villain? I never read many of the comics and I have no idea who sandman is.
DeusExMachinia said:
Venom/Carnage :(.
I know what you mean, thoiughCarnage was unlikely anyway, since they really set it up for the Hobgoblin, but they also gave us a glimpse at Venom
If it is Sandman/Hobgoblin there better damn well be a 4th film, not making a live-action Spiderman with Venom in it would cause me to spank my chimpanzee, and no one wants that
definately Venom, i loved the comics and i dont think the first film lived up to them. second was much better and i really was hoping for venom :'(
Jamesone's son the Astronaut actually becomes Man-Wolf in the comics, not venom. I don't see it possible for there to be venom in the movie unless it will be several hours long or they completely rewrite the comic. Peter gets the alien suit before Eddie Brock does. So maybe they will introduce the alien suit in the next movie.
Carnage Venom Spiderman movie would be the best ever. Simple as that. SpiderMan 1 was bad, 2 was good. Lets see how 3 will be.
It actually the lizard dude and carnage, once the actress who plays MJ said so in an interview even if she shound't have said so.
Could someone give a list of the villains in spidey comics and their real-life roles? Like Doc Ock - Octavius only with Carnage etc. 'cos I don't know half these guys and am interested :)
Adrien C said:
It actually the lizard dude and carnage, once the actress who plays MJ said so in an interview even if she shound't have said so.
carnage doesn;t make sense though if venom doesn;t come first
They've taken the odd liberty with Spiderman, but it's been very well adapted, it must be said.

Parker's web isn't organic in the comics, for one thing- in fact, he's freaked out when he realises that the alien suit produces organic web, after some villian sniffs it out and identifies it as such. Maybe that was Man-Wolf, or something- I can barely remember, but he was a bestial kind of guy.

You might think that introducing Venom without first giving Spider-man the alien suit would be insane, but hell, I'd actually half-welcome the loss of that story branch if we get Brock's evil alterego :naughty:
Datrix said:
I don't care what villains are in it, as long as it's as good as the first two were.
Although I wouldn't mind seeing The Lizard, he was cool and was even in the second movie.(sort of)
He's been mentioned since the first movie, when he fires Peter for being late again.
There's really no way for them to have Venom show up in number three unless it's like Return of the King long..They've got to introduce Brock, get J.J's son to the moon to find the alien/rock/thingy, Peter has to get the alien/rock/thingy, then has to realize that is is an evil/alien/thingy, then he has to get rid of it, then it has to somehow [I forget how] find Brock to become Venom..meanwhile, they have the whole Sandman/Hobgoblin thing going on. By the way, Harry's not the Hobgoblin is he? I thought that was someone else. He becomes like, the Green Goblin II after he goes insane and finds his dad's Green Goblin stuff.
Spider-Man 3 ? awsome, both spiderman 1 and two were awsome, except that the spider itself in sp 2 looked too cg made :(
Plot Summary for
Spider-Man 3 (2007)

In the third installment of spider-man, Peter Parker takes on a Quentin Beck. A jealous movie stuntman and special effects artist Quentin Beck secretly studies spider-man's every move. Obtaining the name Mysterio, Quentin Beck uses his research on spider-man and sets out to give spider-man a hell of a challenge.

w00t!? Mysterio?
h00dlum said:
Plot Summary for
Spider-Man 3 (2007)

In the third installment of spider-man, Peter Parker takes on a Quentin Beck. A jealous movie stuntman and special effects artist Quentin Beck secretly studies spider-man's every move. Obtaining the name Mysterio, Quentin Beck uses his research on spider-man and sets out to give spider-man a hell of a challenge.

w00t!? Mysterio?

:O Fishbowl head? Lot of rumours flying about.
I woulda thought Venom would be in it because peter "stole" mary jane away from him, hobgoblin was a given from the 2nd movie. I've never even heard of the sandman :\....venom in spiderman 4? lol
xLostx said:
I woulda thought Venom would be in it because peter "stole" mary jane away from him, hobgoblin was a given from the 2nd movie. I've never even heard of the sandman :\....venom in spiderman 4? lol

The guy who became Venom, Eddie Brock, has nothing to do with Mary Jane. Are you getting him confused with Jameson's son? The astronaut who was going to marry MJ (I think) and eventually turns into Manwolf (comic wise anyway).
And Sandman:
The Sandman
Hiding from police after a prison break, Flint Marko stayed close to the beaches of a nuclear testing area. Thinking no one would look for him there, he walked the sandy shores until a nuclear explosion fused his molecules with those of the sand. Luckily he didn't die, but instead became more powerful than ever!
if sandman is made of sand how he can be powerfull?

super mega sand punchs?
Same way some git dressed as a goblin can kick arse :p

If they've any brain, they'll subtletly set Venom up in the third one- not actually have him active, merely start his story rolling, perhaps having Spidey chance across the alien suit (or at least refer to it) near the end... or... something....
Edcrab said:
Same way some git dressed as a goblin can kick arse :p

If they've any brain, they'll subtletly set Venom up in the third one- not actually have him active, merely start his story rolling, perhaps having Spidey chance across the alien suit (or at least refer to it) near the end... or... something....

"Oh yea by the way,*deep breath* I went to space, found an alien costume, didnt realise it was alien until Puma (I think) found out for me and I got it tested, before getting it blasted off with a sonic weapon after which it escaped and took over me again but I got rid of it using the church bell at which point it disappeared...this was all in my spare time during this film though. I wonder where its gotten to now..." *Clip of Eddie Brock turning into Venom, credits roll.*

:p I really cant see that happening... and sand hurts in your eye, but I guess Spidey wont be affected by that.
AmishSlayer said:
Whaaaat? I thought they had set up Venom's role in Spiderman 3 so well....and I was looking forward to him being in it. I wonder if he's planned in Spiderman 4...assuming there will be a fourth.

I don't think there will be a fourth, and if there is they need a new actress for MJ.
Teh_Poet said:
I don't think there will be a fourth, and if there is they need a new actress for MJ.

You mean Dunst doesn't plan on doing a 4th or you don't want her to do another?
They said that Dunst bearly agreed to part 3. So if they are planing on 4 they need to kill her. Also the directer said he was planning 3 movies not 4. No carnage or venom = spiderman unfinished.
I really hope that imdb plot isn't right. I really found Mysterio quite boring = \.
I think that with good CGI Sandman would make a great villian for the 3rd installment.
Ya Sandman isnt bad. But i would much rather have Carnage.