Two Villains in Spider-Man 3!

SimonomiS said:
"Oh yea by the way,*deep breath* I went to space, found an alien costume, didnt realise it was alien until Puma (I think) found out for me and I got it tested, before getting it blasted off with a sonic weapon after which it escaped and took over me again but I got rid of it using the church bell at which point it disappeared...this was all in my spare time during this film though. I wonder where its gotten to now..." *Clip of Eddie Brock turning into Venom, credits roll.*

:p I really cant see that happening... and sand hurts in your eye, but I guess Spidey wont be affected by that.

I thought it was Mr Fantastic that discovered that Spidermans new black suit was infact an alien entity?
I believe Venom will definitly be the one to be included, since if you take the example of the first two movies they're taking liberties with this.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he finds out it's an alien entity with Mr. Fantastic's help, but he first gets an inkling of the thing's nature when whatever-his-name-is sniffs his webbing and declares that it's an organic product.

I know Venom/Carnage would be difficult to introduce (or even set rolling) in a film with so much else happening- but I can dream!
Edcrab said:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he finds out it's an alien entity with Mr. Fantastic's help, but he first gets an inkling of the thing's nature when whatever-his-name-is sniffs his webbing and declares that it's an organic product.

I know Venom/Carnage would be difficult to introduce (or even set rolling) in a film with so much else happening- but I can dream!

Plus, in the films its organic anyway, so that would mess things up a bit.