Two works of mine


Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score

So, I am the love child of two mutated creatures from another world, who isnt?
Originally posted by chu
So, I am the love child of two mutated creatures from another world, who isnt?

The boss of the debt collection agency who keeps pestering me, he's simply the spawn of the devil
nice work i love the shading on the first one seems like it could make a good digital painting if u brought it into photoshop maybe bloodied it up a lil ?
Here is another work I am doing. I plan to color it in with photoshop, the second one was a quick color in, kind of looks like watercolor. It is a character from a story I am creating.

Also if you are wondering why his axe is 3d, I couldn't quite get the axe to look right from that persepctive, so I modeled a quick one and put it in the pic for reference.


cheeky :)

was good to see you making use of simple 3D geometry to get the angles right in certain things. Not many people think of doing that
OMG, signs of life. Hooray for you sir. :cheers:
me, life? naa I'm just an echo of a post made many days ago that never made it through and has been wandering the net all this time
Not bad. I like # 2 better than # 1 'cause it's a little bit more proportionate.