Two-year-old as smart as Stephen Hawking


May 21, 2004
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Two-year-old 'Matilda' becomes youngest ever girl in Mensa


Her parents knew Georgia Brown was bright. After all, she could count to ten, recognised her colours and was even starting to dabble with French.

But it was only when their bubbly little two-year-old took an IQ test that her towering intellect was confirmed.

Georgia has become the youngest female member of Mensa after scoring a genius-rated IQ of 152.

This puts her in the same intellectual league, proportionate to her age, as physicist Stephen Hawking.

According to an expert in gifted children, Georgia is the brightest two-year-old she has ever met.

Parents Martin and Lucy Brown have always regarded their youngest child as a remarkably quick learner.

She was crawling at five months and walking at nine months.

By 14 months, she was getting herself dressed.

"She spoke really early - by 18 months she was having proper conversations," Mrs Brown said.

"She would say, 'Hello I'm Georgia, I'm one'. She was also putting her shoes on and putting them on the right feet."

Georgia was so perceptive that after one outing to the theatre to see Beauty and the Beast she solemnly informed her parents: "I didn't like Gaston (the villain). He was mean and arrogant."

Struck by the similarities between her daughter and Matilda, the title character in the Roald Dahl story about a gifted child, Mrs Brown began to worry about Georgia's future education.

She contacted Professor Joan Freeman, a specialist educational psychologist, for advice.

Professor Freeman applied the standard Stamford-Binet Intelligence Scale test to Georgia and was amazed to find this was too limited to map her creative abilities.

She said: "Even at two she was very thoughtful.

"What Georgia did on some questions was of a higher quality than that which was necessary to gain a mark.

"She swept right through it like a hot knife through butter.

"I would ask her things like 'give me two blocks or give me ten blocks' and she would manage it as easily as you would expect a five-year-old.

"In one test I asked her to draw a circle and she did it so perfectly.

"Most adults would struggle to do that. Her circle was near to being perfect.

"It shows she can physically hold a pen well but also that she understands the concept of a circle."

Georgia, who is at nursery school, was also able to tell the difference between pink and purple - a skill which most children learn at primary school age.

Professor Freeman said: "I said to her, 'What a pretty pink skirt, and you have tights and shoes to match'.

"She said, 'They're not pink, they're purple'. Most children go to school aged five and start to learn colours, let alone knowing the difference between pink and purple.

"I have to keep reminding myself that she is only two."

To the amazement of the family, who live in Aldershot, Hampshire, Georgia scored 152 points on the IQ test, putting her in the top 0.2 percent of the population. Those with an average IQ would score around 100 points in the same test.

Georgia was then invited to join Mensa, the High IQ society whose members have IQs in the top 2 per cent of the population. Georgia is one of only 30 Mensa members under the age of ten.

Mrs Brown, chief executive of a charity, believes Georgia has benefited by growing up as the youngest of five children.

She has been absorbing information from her older brothers and sisters and father, a self-employed carpenter, while not receiving any special treatment.

"There is always someone around to offer her something," her mother said.

"But she still has temper tantrums, like you wouldn't believe, throwing herself on the floor.

"She doesn't think she's better and cleverer than everyone else. She is a very kind and loving child."

Georgia, who has a "wicked sense of humour" is as busy as any toddler, enjoying a schedule of ballet classes, listening to stories, dancing, singing, sport and even watching the TV.

That's really cool. Having a conversation with a two year old.
...Professor Freeman?

Woah that's amazing. Anybody read it at first as John Freeman? :LOL: Also: [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]
I wonder what her voice sounds like if she's actually speaking structured English? It's cute to hear very young children speak because of the timbre of their voices, but a 1-year old? That'd be weird.
How high is Hawking's IQ? The physicist replied that he didn't know. "People who boast about their IQ are losers," he said.
After one month, no one will never hear about that kid, I guess.
btw: My mother is member of Mensa and I'm still stupid loser. :)
I bet I could pwn that bitch in movie trivia

"smart as Stephen Hawking" my ass
She contacted Professor Joan Freeman, a specialist educational psychologist, for advice.
I burst out laughing when I got to that part.

Joan Freeman who was GOrdon Freemans sister was one daiye in office typeing on a computer when she get email from her brother Gorden Freeman. Gordon Freeman said the genuses and children were attackin him where he was. So Joan Freeman said "its time for me to live up to my faimily name and face full-life concequences!" and wet on the platform were she kept her moped and normal-people close.

Georgia, who has a "wicked sense of humour" is as busy as any toddler, enjoying a schedule of ballet classes, listening to stories, dancing, singing, sport and even watching the TV.
What the **** kind of parent would enrole their 2-year-old child (genius or not) in a ballet class?
She may be smart, but she isn't rape proof.
It's all bullcrap. She wouldn't have taken the same test as adults.


IQ = (mental age / physical age) * 100

If a two year old answers all the questions that a two year old is supposed to be able to answer then her IQ = (2/2) * 100; so she has an IQ of 100.

If a two year old can only answer the questions that a one year old could answer then her IQ = (1/2) * 100; so she has an IQ of 50.

If a two year old can answer the questions that a 3 year old could answer then her IQ = (3/2) * 100; so she has an IQ of 150.

< 75 = retard
100 = average
> 125 = super!

Unless my human development course has failed me...
That's correct. IQ is supposed to transcend age. It may fluctuate somewhat throughout your life, but overall it will remain fairly constant.
She is a cyborg.
What were her conversations like?


Shit. Looks like it's nightmares for me tonight!
Apparently one of her questions was to draw a circle. She also coloured in a picture without going over the lines.

Maybe she'll cure cancer, then we can say she was truly gifted.

May I extend my hearty congratulations. Har.
164. According to some IQ tests a long time ago. We must fight.

Also, I heard that the Dilbert guy hosted a Mensa meeting. But almost everyone there was completely out of this world, and were hopeless in the business world. He said that he was the richest and most down to earth guy there. He never participated in Mensa again.
It was on his blog, entitled "Are smart people dumb?", but for some reason, I checked recently, he deleted everything pre-March 2007.

Here's a link which references a small part of that blog post:
I see nothing out of the oridinary here. According to my mom I was attracted to females before I could even talk. My sexual perception is extraoridinary.
The kid clearly has a wired in sense of rationalizing beyond her years, but high IQ and real world smartness rarely go hand in hand it has to be said.

IQ = (mental age / physical age) * 100

If a two year old answers all the questions that a two year old is supposed to be able to answer then her IQ = (2/2) * 100; so she has an IQ of 100.

If a two year old can only answer the questions that a one year old could answer then her IQ = (1/2) * 100; so she has an IQ of 50.

If a two year old can answer the questions that a 3 year old could answer then her IQ = (3/2) * 100; so she has an IQ of 150.

< 75 = retard
100 = average
> 125 = super!

Unless my human development course has failed me...
But still not as smart as Stephen Hawking.
164. According to some IQ tests a long time ago. We must fight.

Also, I heard that the Dilbert guy hosted a Mensa meeting. But almost everyone there was completely out of this world, and were hopeless in the business world. He said that he was the richest and most down to earth guy there. He never participated in Mensa again.
It was on his blog, entitled "Are smart people dumb?", but for some reason, I checked recently, he deleted everything pre-March 2007.

Here's a link which references a small part of that blog post:

I agree. Mensa was extremely boring. I went to one meeting and it was basically an awkward collection of people who had no interest in talking with each other.

I enjoy being in a room with moderatley smart people instead of just depends on what you're doing. I just participated in a program with NASA where we were selected by senators for our performance, and I really enjoyed working with people that were as smart/smarter than I, but only when we were working. Any kind of socializing was just awkward and lacking...dumbness. For any kind of social organization (which is what Mensa basically is), there needs to be average/stupid people to balance out the atmosphere and make it more enjoyable.
All right! People tell me I'm as smart as a 2 year-old, I thought it was an insult!

We will never ever hear about this girl again. Ever.

She'll probably be a good student but amount to sweet **** all like the million other prodigy children we have heard about.

The true genius who will cure cancer and invent lightsabres will come unannounced from the wilderness. The heir of him to whom the oath they swore. From the North he shall come, need shall drive him.
Psh. She only has to be smart enough to cook and clean, anything more than that is just a waste.
I want her for my plans for world domination. She can do the logistics for my Imperial Army later on. Maybe tactics as well.
She might ammount to something given the right schooling etc...

But really she needs to be a normal kid.

No seriously 2 years old and that smart ?! ... .. . Damn
I agree. Mensa was extremely boring. I went to one meeting and it was basically an awkward collection of people who had no interest in talking with each other.

I enjoy being in a room with moderatley smart people instead of just depends on what you're doing. I just participated in a program with NASA where we were selected by senators for our performance, and I really enjoyed working with people that were as smart/smarter than I, but only when we were working. Any kind of socializing was just awkward and lacking...dumbness. For any kind of social organization (which is what Mensa basically is), there needs to be average/stupid people to balance out the atmosphere and make it more enjoyable.

Mensa seems like the kind of organization where you meet people that would correct you on spelling mistakes.

"I'm sorry sir, I think you meant to say 'I' and not 'me'."

No one likes smartasses and I really see now reason to flaunt with your intelligence at some exclusive club. To talk about how shitty your youth was with your genius IQ? A gathering of stuck up geniuses (not aiming this at you though) sounds like a terrible place to be.
As the old brain training proves the mind is a muscle and with a good regular workout (like cryptic crossword puzzles for example) you can improve your capabilities.
I burst out laughing when I got to that part.

Joan Freeman who was GOrdon Freemans sister was one daiye in office typeing on a computer when she get email from her brother Gorden Freeman. Gordon Freeman said the genuses and children were attackin him where he was. So Joan Freeman said "its time for me to live up to my faimily name and face full-life concequences!" and wet on the platform were she kept her moped and normal-people close.


What the **** kind of parent would enrole their 2-year-old child (genius or not) in a ballet class?
