type your name with your head

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we're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here with thread ideas
Oh well, at least its original :p


mjnast5t (kinda my nose but whatever)
guyh7 u7iedftr

Stern is correct, I guess we have gotten slowed down a bit.
I'll give it a try: Iron Kat.

I cheated. I typed by hand.

I'll try for real: ikroln k,at
I used my chin.
If you take the time it's really not that hard. I kinda put in the extra characters and left out my last name so would't stalk me down
forehead- 1q8u e4=[3eft3445 (and I somehow pressed ctrl+f)
nose- que-ever
tongue- aue-ever (why does my keyboard taste all salty)
ear- I am que-ever, ruler of all the known universe, bow down to me. Infidel.
Forehead: za lhjnyugvfg zcvisp 6t
Nose: slug aaaadvisooooorr
Chin: xxz,hjg zxcvjxklf
Tongue: slug advisor
I tried typing my name with the edge of my glasses but it made my head ache so i stopped trying.
I tried typing my name with the edge of my glasses but it made my head ache

sorry i didn't realise that i had already poted this. if it is possible to delete my post, any mods who are on here, could you please do so? i was not intentially spamming. it was an accident.
mkahujestricx xdi9iu

Guess what I used to type that....lower.....lower....lower....awww right.
Closed. Had one like this months ago, this is just as bad.
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