Typical F-150 Owner

Yeah, but now we're talking about such a small group its ridiculous. I mean that everyone who's modded a certain model of truck in a particular way. Theres only so many of those. :D
Personally I think the competition between drivers is really getting out of hand. People who drive monster trucks for no reason really irritate me, but I can't really think why. Maybe it's just annoying to know that if you get into an accident with them you will come off worse. Maybe driving a truck gets some people a little too over-confident, so they'd do things they wouldn't do in a car.

Example: "My cars built like a tank, it's ten years old, cost me about 500 quid, so why should I care if I get in an accident?" - My cousin.
A park avenue ultra doesnt have THAT much horsepower...it's just GM standard 3.8 V6 that is super charged with about 240 horsepower. The reason i know this is that I work at a buick dealership after school. Now, I'm not saying that it's a slow car, because it surely isnt, but I don't think you could cause a burnout....mainly because i've tried when my boss isnt around
crabcakes66 said:
You sound like the idiot to me buddy. I dont like ricers or idiots in there trucks any more than you do, but acting like an asshole yourself does not help.

Hey 'buddy'! I'm glad you see me as a friend, cause I was almost convinced you weren't. Whew, now that I feel safe knowing you are my buddy, I can get along with my life. Thanks buddy!
umop said:
Hey 'buddy'! I'm glad you see me as a friend, cause I was almost convinced you weren't. Whew, now that I feel safe knowing you are my buddy, I can get along with my life. Thanks buddy!

Yep.... your definatly an asshole :thumbs:
Yeah, I'm gonna have to second that.
No matter how much a moron they're being, doing something like that is still downright asinine.
jk i dont do that, had you all up in arms over nothing, good game, "better luck next time" (remember saying that in elementray after a sports game and giving a five to all the enemies?)

In all seriousness, ricers and *most* SUV/pickup drivers are absolute morons. Anyone with a visor on their rear view, beads on rear view, spinners, fart cannons, wings, 1 million band stickers, and jacked up trucks all deserve to have a cactus rammed into their asses rapidly by Mr T