Typical work day at Valve?


Aug 10, 2003
Reaction score
Well, seeing as now its crunch time over there, things are probably more hectic than usual, so no use commenting on that.

But I was curious what a typical work day at Valve would consist of. Gamespot posted a pretty interesting read before the original HL came out, and I thought they did quite an extensive job of detailing all the processes that go into running a game company like Valve.

They discussed how Gabe always held a meeting at the same time each day to discuss what current problems needed to be solved, what's ahead for the current project, etc.

For a company to make such a tremendous project, obviously a rigid work schedule must be kept and plenty of organization must be applied.

Any thoughts/comments to how things tick over at Valve?
Well, you probably already know if you've read that article.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Well, you probably already know if you've read that article.

Hey sunshine!!! Thanks for the input! Always great to hear from wonderful individuals such as yourself! Say, while you're still hear, could I bum you for a handjob?
that article was a very interesting read.. hope they do another one about hl2
the guy who wrote it has written alot of other similar articles.. about the sims and such.. check it out if you havent
<edited for spelling>
Originally posted by Mackan
that article was a very interesting read.. hope they do another one about hl2
the guy who wrote has written alot of other similar articels.. about the sims and such.. check it out if you havent

Thanks...I'll go search for that now.
Always great to hear from wonderful individuals such as yourself! Say, while you're still hear, could I bum you for a handjob?
spitcodfry = My new hero
I just laughed my ass off, and Diet coke came out of my nose. That hurt.
Why is everyone being so nasty to Chris_D? I've seen a couple of comments directed to him involving sexual favours.
Originally posted by JimJimBinks
spitcodfry = My new hero
I just laughed my ass off, and Diet coke came out of my nose. That hurt.

Heh heh...glad I could bring some humor to someone.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Hey sunshine!!! Thanks for the input! Always great to hear from wonderful individuals such as yourself! Say, while you're still hear, could I bum you for a handjob?

his posts are not wot they used to be. guess he got fed up of answering the same questions over and over etc
I don't know if he was being nasty or not. I probably deserved it.
I wasn't being nasty myself when I posted here. I think it was a fair comment. If you've read the article about Valve's typical day during crunch time, then you pretty much know about what Valve's typical day during crunch time consists of! :D

I wasn't meaning to sound sarcastic or pretentious.
Originally posted by DrEvil
Why is everyone being so nasty to Chris_D? I've seen a couple of comments directed to him involving sexual favours.

I'm not being nasty to him...he's not contributing anything to my thread! If he had anything, and I mean anything helpful to say, then I would have refrained from using that comment. But seeing as he took the often-travelled road of the asshole, I had to say something. As far sexual favors go...my statement came out of left field, so I'm unaware of previous statements made regarding that sort of thing. But he is a devilish little bastard, isn't he? That cute, pointy tail, that throbbing red prick; Ooh!! And yes boys and girls, that was phaseciousness!!!
Well you're a nice person aren't you spitcodfry?

If you refer back to my previous post then you'll see that I meant nothing by it, and as there's only been one comment relevant to the actual topic of this thread you'll probably see that there wasn't actually much to be said on the topic anyway, to be honest.