U notice this about the combine?

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Originally posted by Abom|nation
[BThe Combine in the hydra video said "Hold it there" in a slightly British accent I noticed, [/B]
Yes yes. We Brits are ALWAYS the villains. God dammit.
Canadians see Americans as fat idiot which isn't nice(I'm Chinese)
And Americans think Canadians live in Ingloos and has State.
British are more "charming"
Hey, if Americans are called "yanks" and "blokes", then what about Canadians?
Dunno bout the rest of america but at work we call Canadians: Morons...

j/k ;)
umm guys when did this turn into a discusion on your countrys pride.
Originally posted by El_Chi
Yes yes. We Brits are ALWAYS the villains. God dammit.

I happen to be British as well.

Get back on topic, people.
Aw do we have to? Racial slurs and international bitching are so much more entertaining that flatlining combine soldiers...
Except more irrelevant. Which is pretty bloody irrelevant.
A power-operated harvesting machine that cuts, threshes, and cleans grain = combine.

The combine forces get their name after the huge metallic fortress eating its way through the city.

From the HL2 huge mov:
"Combine is a fortress that is slowly eating its way through the rest of City 17".

And as for the ringing, it could be Gordons ears ringing because of shots fired. Far-fetched, but I guess that's a new theory. You got to give me credit for that. :) It isn't in the traptown vid, because it's an older build. Though, as I said, pretty far-fetched. :)

The combine soldier in the beginning of the Traptown vid does spawn there, but without any grandeur effects, making it just a bug or something.
Not to bring up Halo for the nth time, but the Combine reminds me of the Covenant...a collection of different alien races working against humanity.

I also see the argument that they're called the Combine cause of the big city-eating thing.

Or maybe...well, this is a long shot...but maybe...it could be...*BOTH*?

Wow, that would such a twist!!! </sarcasm>
Originally posted by Typhon
Or maybe...well, this is a long shot...but maybe...it could be...*BOTH*?

Wow, that would such a twist!!! </sarcasm>

Haha, true true. I probably came off as this mr know-it-all. Sorry about that. :)
I made a zip file with all the sounds mentioned in it(attached).

Guy2.wav: Sounds like '[something] guy over there'; from Tunnles

hm2.wav: The heart monitor tone?; from Tunnles

holdit2.wav: 'Hold it there'; from Tunnles

mandown2.wav: 'Man down'; from Traptown
Nice recordings.
Your Guy2 recording, I believe the cop is saying: "Put Down Your Weapon".

And yeah, you can totally hear that they are speaking English. (Similar to some tones of Stormtroopers from Star Wars)
excellent sounds, but I hop we see more in the final version of the game. :cheers:
Originally posted by Mr.Radar
I made a zip file with all the sounds mentioned in it(attached).

Guy2.wav: Sounds like '[something] guy over there'; from Tunnles

hm2.wav: The heart monitor tone?; from Tunnles

holdit2.wav: 'Hold it there'; from Tunnles

mandown2.wav: 'Man down'; from Traptown

Could you rip the USP firing sound?
Originally posted by Typhon
Not to bring up Halo for the nth time, but the Combine reminds me of the Covenant...a collection of different alien races working against humanity.

I also see the argument that they're called the Combine cause of the big city-eating thing.
Personally, I see a big Borg-esque vibe going on - the way the citadel is "eating" it's way through the city <coughs> assimilating <coughs> But then I don't really know that much about Star Trek...
Originally posted by 82ross
Yeah i noticed that beep, sounds like a flatline.

(On a different note) Did you see on traptown when the first combine soldier appears. He just appears from nowhere like he was teleported in.

A engine flaw or part of the game?

Use rad tools to wqatch it in slow motion if it happens to quickly.

He was around the corner down the stairs. That's why whoever was playing shot that box down there, to get their attention and bring them up.
yea i noticed that. i jus love it when the enermy talks to each other

like in No One Lives Forever :)

soooo funny.