U of M Amherst, best college??


Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I ask because I saw this on 4Chan:

Dearest /k/,
A group on my college campus has organized a game of humans vs. zombies, with the full blessing of the campus police. I come to you for tactical advice.

Academic buildings, dorm rooms and the library are safe zones, so most of the combat should happen outdoors. Zombie players must tag humans to turn them into zombies, humans can stun zombies for fifteen minutes using nerf darts, marshmallows, or balled-up socks. The only way for humans to win is to starve all the zombies out (48 hours without a tag). Most human players will be armed with the nerf maverick pictured here, though a few nerf sniper rifles and the larger, 8-shot guns have been spotted on campus.

In short, how would /k/ propose human players go about their academic lives while fighting zombie hordes? I had figured it would be best to designate certain "safe" buildings as rally points for small groups of survivors to form up and move out, and that groups should not be larger than 5. Any further thoughts?
Never trust anything on 4chan.
Unless it's porn.
Ah, /k/, home to the militant, nationalistic guntard.

You want to know about zombies? Ask /zom/ instead. They, at least, get my seal of approval for zombie prepared-ness. Somtimes I drop by there myself and contribute a fact or two.
A: Zombies like to eat your brains
B: Zombies die when you shoot their head

That's all you need to know to be prepared.
sounds like "Gotcha" week on our campus, though ours isn't as involved. Basically everyone was given a target that had to be eliminated with a nerf gun. Everyone carried a card with their target's name on it, and when they got shot, they gave their card to the person who shot them, so the person who shot them could get the next target.
It was great fun, I shot a few targets, never got caught myself.
A: Zombies like to eat your brains
B: Zombies die when you shoot their head

That's all you need to know to be prepared.
I will mourn your passing when the undead ones come, because I liked you. I liked you. :(
This is why I go there :D

Well, that and the fact that the Canabis Reform Coalition is probably triple the size of the College Republicans \o/
sounds like "Gotcha" week on our campus, though ours isn't as involved. Basically everyone was given a target that had to be eliminated with a nerf gun. Everyone carried a card with their target's name on it, and when they got shot, they gave their card to the person who shot them, so the person who shot them could get the next target.
It was great fun, I shot a few targets, never got caught myself.

We call that Secret 'Sassin, where I come from, and you do it with any means of inhumation neccessary.
Sounds pretty ****ing boring for the zombies.

Unless they actually pick all the brainless kids.