U.S. Persons - Missing Money

Jul 17, 2003
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My dad found his name in there filed that he is owed an undisclosed amount held by the AZ Revenue Service. We're eager to find out just how much!

Check if you or your family or friends are owed money being held by government services. If you find you are, fill in the info, print the form, sign and attach necessary information, and mail to the agency listed for your state. Easy as that.
Doesn't have my state.

I'm not worried about money, thuogh, seeing as I don't have any.
Man there is SO MUCH money just sitting in those accounts unclaimed. It boggles the mind. Just.. gone to waste basically. Wow.
shadow6899 said:
wow found something for my grandpas buisness, wonder what i can get outta him for this information :laugh:
Watch it be like 3 dollars. Haha.
lol someone owes my friends dad 100 bucks. I think I'll tell him about it and then demand compensation for my efforts. :E
LoL, I found myself! They mispelled my first name(but its a weird mispelling so I'm pretty sure its me) and I guess thats how they never found me.

Now watch me not do a damn thing about it. I hardly remember dealing with the people listed, but I do happen to know the apartment complex listed is crooked as ****.
I searched for my last name. Pretty much every relative I have is listed except for me or my family. Crap.