Uber wide forums?

Fat Tony!

Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
Whats with this, I have to scroll left and right to read the post now :angry:, my needs are more important then the sites needs
The forums aren't set to a specific width, they're set to 100% meaning no matter what resolution you're running it will squeeze it in without scrolling...

Got a screenshot?
Perhaps there was a picture in the thread.
Or a very long link or something?
:P typical, I can't find any examples anymore. Ill make sure I screenshot it if it happens again
All it'll be then is that there was something that was stretching the page.

It will either be an image or some idiot having a really long entry in his Location: field.
Where they pages with full-size screenshots?
Chris_D said:
The forums aren't set to a specific width, they're set to 100% meaning no matter what resolution you're running it will squeeze it in without scrolling...

Got a screenshot?

please keep them at 100%, I hate those forums where its just a tiny part of the screen no matter what res you use.. 100% is perfect whatever desktop resolution is being used, and for the most part doesn't get screwed up with big pics.. well for the most part :)
All it'll be then is that there was something that was stretching the page.

It will either be an image or some idiot having a really long entry in his Location: field.
With javascript I believe you can detect how big the users resolution is and how big images are.
Thus those with javascript enabled, you could add javascript that would indeed check if the images are wider than there resolution, and scale it down.

Just a possibility, depending what all gets saved into the mysql you could indeed do it and have it affect all the pages right away :).
Though it probably changes all the tags to html then sends it to the mysql(Though unlikley, but possibly it may save it so it saves the tag into the mysql with the rest of the text, then as it gets outputed the PHP converts it).

Anyway I don't mind big images though I am just saying it would be possible to scale them down correctly, and I think future VBulliton, PHPBB, and Invision should include such a technique.
Its not! You probably viewed a page with big pictures on just before that one messing up your borders and stuff. Happens to me as well, but that page is fine now.
nope it's still Uber wide :P pff I don't have the "Ü" key on my keyboard :D. Anyway Über is something different foo!

I use maxthon, ill try it on IE too but I bet it's the same

edit-yep it's the same :P I have no idea why
Fat Tony! said:
nope it's still Uber wide :P pff I don't have the "Ü" key on my keyboard :D

Yes you have. Press ALT and type 0252 and release ALT. :D

(For capital ü: ALT+0220)