Ubisoft Vs EA Games

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Rumors are coming in that EA wants to buy Ubisoft.
Now, if you take a look, Ubi is the last company who stands a chance against EA Games. If they would ever get baught EA would end up in a monopoly, and you the gamers, will have to buy shitty games for the rest of your life. I hope they'll never get baught, Ubi we are with you !
Ubisoft is backed up by the French government and Canada just gave them a lot of money.
If EA ends up being in a monopoly, no one will buy their shitty games and they will suck.
The only game I liked from EA was Undying.
People love Ubisoft too much to let such a thing happen. There were rumors that Vivendi was going to come in and help Ubisoft. Vivendi denied it, but most of the time, companies deny something and end up doing it anyways.
Should this be in the gaming forum? This thread is about two companies that make games, but they're not directly related to games.
No no, we are talking more about what would happen if Ubi got baught.
No other developer could stand a chance agains EA, when ver and indy game looks good, EA just makes more publicity about their stuff.
Game sites like Gamespot are comletly baught, even in a undirect way.
Ubi basically is EA already, look at what they are doing to they're franchises, brings back memories of EA buyouts... godamnit
I thought EA bought 20% shares in ubisoft?.. or was that another company?

Dont worry guys, we're always have people like Newell and Carmack with their millions stashed away to get great games out under other publishers. Although EA are the Microsoft of gaming... linux is out there. :)
Yes, recnetly EA bought 19.6% of the plubliclly traded stock in Ubisoft.

And there have been *rumors* that the French gov't is prepared to buy out the rest of the Ubi stock if it looks like EA is going to try and aquire the other 30.5% they need to have the controlling share in the company.
Adrien C said:
If they would ever get baught EA would end up in a monopoly, and you the gamers, will have to buy shitty games for the rest of your life.

Now hold on a second. There are still some very good developers in EA Games that produce some quality titles. (Such as Maxis, SimCity 4 is one of the most engrossing sim games I've ever played.)

Saying that just because something comes from EA its automatically going to suck just isn't right.
No, it's not, but EA does it's best to make games suck by generally enforcing conditions that are are illegal for almost any other profession.