

Jun 19, 2004
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Noticed it outside my window, took these two pictures.
Bad quality, but go on the links and click them to zoom in:


Looks like something out of thunderbirds to me. Some people on other forums said its a military aircraft, but nothing ive seen before.

So question is, wtf is it?

Looks similar to the side view pic in the middle of this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-117

If you know anything about how you check images to see if they have been manipulated, do it and post what you find. Since i can imagine alot of people will just think its photoshopped.
Photoshopped, Thats what I thought, but now I'm thinking D:

What sound did it make, and how fast was it going?
It looks too military to be anything other than an aeroplane.

Who knows, maybe you're one of the few civilians to see a new stealth aircraft design?

Clarky! Get the Scalar Wave emitters! We're going to shoot these bad-boys out of the sky before they start their invasion! Recoil, I expect you to outrun their landing vehicles and punch holes in the sides!

-Angry Lawyer
Looks like something out of WoW or Dr. Seuss o_o
Angry Lawyer said:
It looks too military to be anything other than an aeroplane.

Who knows, maybe you're one of the few civilians to see a new stealth aircraft design?

Clarky! Get the Scalar Wave emitters! We're going to shoot these bad-boys out of the sky before they start their invasion! Recoil, I expect you to outrun their landing vehicles and punch holes in the sides!

-Angry Lawyer

rofl, well even I'm stumped here. If thats not photoshoped then it's a wtf thread of the week for me, although if it was gliding along at blimp speeds, it could be the most elaborate blimp/balloon i've ever seen.
I didnt hear it making any noise, but i had the window closed until i couldnt see it anymore, when i thought to open it.

It was moving about as fast as a helicopter would. About 7 seconds to get from where it is to the edge of the picture (the 1st pic).

I never thought that it could be a blimp actually, would make sense.
that's soem weird shit, definitely doesnt look like the nighthawk to me.

i've been using photoshop for years and would say i have quite a good eye for spotting shops, and it doesnt seem like a shop to me..
the compression is equal to the rest of the pic, and the lighting and shadows on the thing look completely correct.

the thing was quite big wasn't it? did it stand still in mid air or what? how did you get such a good first pic of it?
Alternatively, you're pulling a prank on us, using forced perspective, and that's just a Lego model on the end of some fishing line.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Alternatively, you're pulling a prank on us, using forced perspective, and that's just a Lego model on the end of some fishing line.

-Angry Lawyer

Far more likely, but hey, where's the fun in that?
If that has been photshopped whoever did it is bloody clever, you can see the light bending at the edge of the metal grate.
As AL said though, could be a model.

It may be a blimp tho, you can see what looks like a white engine nacelle.
CrazyHarij: I first tried to take some pictures with my phone when i noticed it, but you couldnt see anything because of the auto contrast sucking. So i took it with a digital camera. It wasnt movie very fast so it was easy enough to take a couple pictures.

As for the model idea, i cant disprove that i guess. Although as you can see the window is closed so i couldnt easily be hanging anything there, and if it was in front of the window it would be out of focus.

The blimp idea sounds most logical to me, but i always thought blimps moved slower than that did. And ive never seen a blimp around here before (having said that ive never seen an F-177 either).

Edit: And to answer your first post Terminator; The picture was taken at about 1pm i think, i live in the UK about an hours drive away from manchester.

Just to the left side of the picture is Pendle Hill, where i expect some UK'ers to have heard of.
Whereabouts do you live?

(Don't worry, I'm not the government).

Any airbases nearby?
Answered in my previous post, and there are no airbases around afaik.
Well, there is quite a lot of aircraft activity in Lancashire I think, including the Typhoon aircraft (which does not look like that at all).

I don't see them having US military aircraft like the Stealth Fighter in the UK unless there's an airshow on or something.

Did it seem very far away?
Thats pretty strange looking. I don't see anything on it that would allow it to fly though. Pretty advanced technology if it's not fake.


Unidentified Floating Object >:o
kirovman said:
Well, there is quite a lot of aircraft activity in Lancashire I think, including the Typhoon aircraft (which does not look like that at all).

I don't see them having US military aircraft like the Stealth Fighter in the UK unless there's an airshow on or something.

Did it seem very far away?

Its hard to tell the distance without knowing the size. If it was a helicopter or something i'd seen before i would be able to make an estimate of the distance.

Theres only about 2 neighboors that could see it from their house, so i doubt they did. And i dont really want to go around asking people i hardly know if they saw a UFO.
It looks like this vehicle from the TV show, UFO (which was by the same guy as Thunderbirds). So, I'm thinking photoshop...

pffft....ANYONE can photoshop "This Page Cannot Be Displayed"....n00b!!
It does look like something from thunderbirds to me. I would call it a photoshop if i was just shown the picture. Canadian Gunner can you get a picture of that?

lePobz, well you cant convince me its a photoshop - but can you explain why you think it is?

I just need to find some photoshop / anti hoax expert to look at it and back up that it isnt a shop job.

Edit: lol Griz, the links still work for me.
Creation Software: Photoshop 7.0

You left the tags embedded in the file...

Another weird thing, the embedded date states the picture was taken in the year 2028 ... dude, are you Titor?
It's a good edit, but still imperfect.
The trouble is the CGI. CGI just has a look to it that's fairly easy to spot. No-one ever gets the lighting exactly right.

Pobz confirms it.
Hmm, well say he is being honest, It could of just been saved for image compression in photoshop, but that doesn't always mean it was edited.
lePobz said:
Creation Software: Photoshop 7.0

You left the tags embedded in the file...

Another weird thing, the embedded date states the picture was taken in the year 2028 ... dude, are you Titor?
Indeed, lol

The fact that the ship is CGI means it's edited.

The darkness of the ship puts it around the same distance as the house, yet it's far blurrier than the hills in the background.

There shouldn't be much blur at all if it was moving at "blimp speed".

It makes the ship seem very small and pale, yet in the foreground close to the lens.

When the thing close to the lens has an atmospheric effect applied, it looks decidedly fake.
Just because it has photoshop tags in it doesn't prove anything... Photoshop isn't just used for editing, I use it myself for the good JPG compression quality.

And word from the OP?
The whole thing looks wrong in a way that only a shopped' picture can. Respect to the author, it's not bad and convinced some people, but it's not there yet. The blur filter is not your friend.
DreadLord1337 said:
By "scaled" I mean damaged by "scalar" waves and by CG I mean "Craft Groundbound" which is slang for "it's going to crash" or make an emergency landing.

Well to clear things up, i opened the file in photoshop and saved as a jpg, it originally wasnt a jpg i dont think, my digital camera saves them as weird stuff like .asf for videos.

I have no idea about the 2038 thing, ill check my system clock.

As for it being CG, its probably just because its out of the ordinary that makes it look like that. Any ufo pictures tend to look out of place - but because we arent used to seeing things like that. And on that note, i couldnt make anything even slightly realistic looking in 3d.

Compare it to some other UFO pictures and you will see what i mean.

Everyones entitled to their opinion.

Edit: My system clock is right, maybe its the date the camera embedded?
Edit#2: The embedded stuff even says the type of camera, im sure thats enough proof that its legit and isnt fake.
lePobz said:
Creation Software: Photoshop 7.0

You left the tags embedded in the file...

Another weird thing, the embedded date states the picture was taken in the year 2028 ... dude, are you Titor?

Could he have maybe uploaded the picture onto Photoshop for uploading purposes?
If it's not okay CG, it's a model photoshopped with enough fliters to make it look like okay CG.

Also, repeatedly saying "prove it's not fake lol" is a bit fakey.
The postmodern "THIS UFO SHURE LOOKS LIKE A MODEL FROM TV WINK WINK" comment was a nice touch.

Lucky for us, you still have the uncompressed ".asf" ...right?
Someone should ask the guy in the pink shirt across the street. He seems to be really interested in our cameraman. He might know if Woofery was generally interested in something in the sky or was just taking random pics.

I have a question for you. If it was going so slow, why didn't you run outside and try to get a clear shot?