
Lucky you, no one is up for a debate right now.
This is a very bad idea... Bush never ceases to amaze me.

I'm glad it's not the Navy though seeing as I have an uncle who is actively serving in it right now.

It does suck for all the others who thought they had "done their time". I know I would be really pissed/worried if I were them.

Hmm, Bush is going for an express elevator to hell.
Sometimes I wonder if Bush is actually trying to lose the election instead of win. This is one of those times.
KagePrototype said:
Sometimes I wonder if Bush is actually trying to lose the election instead of win. This is one of those times.

I can only hope so. :E
I don't think Bush had any say in the decision. It sounded like a Pentagon decision to me.
Heh, actually I wouldn't be surprised if it had been the Pentagon's decision. Anyways it really doesn't matter to us who did it because everyone will blame it on Bush anyways.

Presidents, the American scapegoats.
Actually, as the article notes this isn't exactly unprecedented. We did the same thing back in the Gulf War.
Regardless of who made the decision to call up the Individual Ready Reserve, Its bush's war, so any troops sent to iraq are because he wanted to capture saddam and get those WMD's.
yeah i would definately attribute this to the pentagon. they'll tell bush we need to do this and he'll go along.

Rico said:
Presidents, the American scapegoats.

so true. if the economy sucks blame it on the prez, if oil prices are high blame it on the prez, if interest rates are through the roof blame it on the prez, and if you can't get a date for the life of you blame it on the prez. i sure do.

audiorage said:
Regardless of who made the decision to call up the Individual Ready Reserve, Its bush's war, so any troops sent to iraq are because he wanted to capture saddam and get those WMD's.

what makes you think this war was Bush's idea? it's been in planning way before Bush.
I'm sorry, but The invasion of Iraq was a decision of bush's.

No way around that one buddy.
AudioRage said:
I'm sorry, but The invasion of Iraq was a decision of bush's.

No way around that one buddy.

yep. lemme throw another cliché..."you made your bed, now sleep in it".. :hmph:
Direwolf said:
Actually, as the article notes this isn't exactly unprecedented. We did the same thing back in the Gulf War.

And who was in charge back then?


The plot thickens Sherlock!

/me strokes beard
KagePrototype said:
Sometimes I wonder if Bush is actually trying to lose the election instead of win. This is one of those times.

he'll rig it next time aswell (or he'll get some powerful people with intrests in his decisions to do it for him) :p,,

makes me wonder.. though. is he intrested in being relected anymore? or is he just chasing after Enron's demands?, trying to squeeze what they can out of the time he has left? or is there other motives?

the main reason for this, id guess is to make sure no resistance fighters (spaced over such a large area as they are) are able to stage anything threatening to any of their plans.

*me sits in chair and strokes beard too*. (even though I dont have one :p)

hmm :( we are powerless to do anything but watch, Doh.

Goddam these people in power... argh one vote!... how lazy are we!... lol

lets just let the rich people rule our world, and shape it for our children.. then our children can watch them get richer as the world becomes a massive divide.. thats all I can see coming out of this.. absolutely 'minimal' collective world gain, evolution and development.. which just sucks :(
Here we go with conspiracy theories again... I won't bother arguing against them anymore.
yup, because conspiracy's dont exist in this totally perfect world do they Rico. :dozey:,

:O their just totally unthinkable. who would think of covering something up to gain Billions of dollars. for them and perhaps their associates, and securing control over humanity's resources to ensure their buisness's, and their own success well into the future , who would think of that :O.

or is that unpractical from your point of view? because thats a different matter
There is a difference between a cover-up and a conspiracy.

A cover-up usually exposes itself fairly soon after incriminating facts appear. Take a look at Enron. Even before they hit bankruptcy people knew that something was going on with Enron. Once Enron became bankrupt, evidence started pouring out that Enron was using SPE's (special purpose entity's) to hide its considerable debt load. Once the truth started to come out, evidence to back up those claims started coming at a considerable quantity. (I used Enron because I am an accounting major and the fact that you tried to use Enron as an example :p)

A conspiracy is taking some controversial fact and making in it into something else without having evidence to back it up. It has been nearly 3 years since 9/11 and we have yet to see a mountain of evidence declaring Bush as an evil person. Do you really think Bush would have invaded Iraq if he thought his WMD evidence was faulty? If he was going to cover-up stuff like 9/11 and the war with Iraq two situations should have happened.

A) He would have came up with a better pretense for going to war with Iraq. Like claiming he was freeing the people of Iraq instead of searching for WMD. A cover-up should use the best excuse (in this case the proven humanitarian issues with Iraq) not some intelligence that he believes to be true. If scenario A happened, we wouldn't be talking about this right now.

B) A mountain of evidence would be out in the open exposing the president and a bunch of other people for their plans to invade Iraq. If scenario B happened, we would be talking about impeaching the president right now.
ohhh...bad idea this one...

I say we just pull our troops from whatever Nato has them doing and put them to doing what they signed up for, defending the homeland.
I don't care so much for theories as I do about facts clarky. I can find millions of theories about how Bush could be just covering everything up because of aliens (of course they are responsible for the 9/11 attacks!) and I can certainly conjure up many more. The point is that it's foolish to condemn someone for the things you "think" they might have done and it's even more foolish to spread such information to other people.

I don't think this is a perfect world and I'm living proof of that, I simply believe you're wrong and you're just trying to attack my character (I bet in your mind I'm some teenager who gets lots of cash from his parents and lives in the suburbs) to prove you're right simply because you don't have much to base your arguments on.