Uh oh, I hope I'm not in over my head!


Nov 27, 2004
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I had a brainwave today, and I'm not sure how great of an idea it was to follow it through. You see, I've decided to go ask if I can be the official photographer at the school production of Oliver and I'm abit twitchy as to how to set my camera up in this sort of situation; so I'm wondering if anyone here would have an idea on what I should do?

I'll be shooting from the back of the hall, its about 10m to 20m back from the stage, and I'll be using a 75 - 300mm lens for the task, most likely in minimal light and I'm expecting I won't really be able to move about (I don't have to be at the back of the hall, but I wont be able to move about amongst the crowd, I have to be invisible.)

So does anyone have any experience with this sort of situation? Any advice on where I should set up? The best shutter speed/apature/ISO settings? Atm I'm thinking I might be able to get away with 1/25 secs SS, 5.6mm ap and 1600 ISO (I know that'll look as grainy as hell though). Hmm what do you guys think? :P
Yeah it 'll look grainy as hell ;)

Anyway I hope you have a decent zoom and a steady camera, otherwise...
And why cant you get in front, side or backstage? That'll give a more dynamic photoshoot and some better footage for those 'close' moments..If you'll take pictures from one point of view, the whole shoot will look dull. So you'd better claim some spaces in those sideways.
But Mayby its time for some experiment? A camera above the audiences hung to a network off cables, pull the cable(s) and it moves. Only problem is that you cant see what's on screen...So you' d need a remote screen. Or just this :naughty:

Good luck
... or give evereyone a throw-away camera...
Select the best pictures afterwards ;) heh = Easy job
lol I tried for the helicopter but the damn thing had already finished ;(

But even without my secret weapon I found my first attempt at threatre photography has gone quite well, the pictures can actually be made out for one! :cheese:

I'll update in a second with some of my favorites... EDIT: Hmm on second thoughts, there wouldnt be any legal implications with such a thing would there? D: D:
lol I tried for the helicopter but the damn thing had already finished ;(

But even without my secret weapon I found my first attempt at threatre photography has gone quite well, the pictures can actually be made out for one! :cheese:

I'll update in a second with some of my favorites... EDIT: Hmm on second thoughts, there wouldnt be any legal implications with such a thing would there? D: D:
For a school production of Oliver? I'm sure you'll get arrested... :cat: