... Uh


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
My mother just bought a vacuum for $1000. What the hell.

Some people came to the door and wanted to show it off (I thought they stopped selling vacuums door-to-door a long time ago...). So they came in and talked for a long time (I've been in my room). I finally come out and she shakes her hand with the guy. I whisper to her, "How much?" ... "A grand..." "... ... ... /walks away." I mean, seriously, $1000 on a vacuum? A vacuum. Sure, from what I saw, it picked up a lot -- but it's loud and heavy as ****. Maybe this is normal for other people but $1000 to us isn't exactly pocket change.

(Or don't, and get this thread closed.)

And yes, I know... alerttheinternet.ytmnd.com.
Would be acceptable if i labelled your mother 'easily lead' 'naive' 'silly' or diagnosed her with a cleaning obession?

Dysons all the way!
Hectic Glenn said:
Would be acceptable if i labelled your mother 'easily lead' 'naive' 'silly' or diagnosed her with a cleaning obession?

Dysons all the way!

Easily lead? No. She's been in Real Estate for 25 years. The rest, yeah.

Edit: Meh, I guess that doesn't make a difference vs. vacuum sales but... :(
Well what's so good about this vacuum to make it $1000?!?!
Hm. I know nothing about vacuum cleaners, so I can't say how much the average one costs or anything, but that does seem extremely overpriced. I guess you just have to sit back and tell yourself that mother knows best.
Wow...but then again some people would probably say that 2000 for a computer is a waste. But a vacuum, no, that really is a waste.
Hmm, we have a dyson, the carpet has never been cleaner. $1000 is a LOT of money on a vacuum :| Make her send it back.
Oh, dude, by the way, put your mom on XFire. I've got a bridge to sell.
Hoovers cost loads nowadays. My mum bought one for around £300 4 or 5 years ago. It was a dyson.
You can get a top of the line Roomba for about $280, and it'll vacuum for you...
TechnoHippyChic said:
You can get a top of the line Roomba for about $280, and it'll vacuum for you...
my mom got one of those, i havent vacuumed for ages :p

(yes she makes me and my brother do everything around the house :angry:)
A lot of places have laws against high pressure sales tactics. You could probably still get the money back in the next week or so.

Whoop whoop!
my vacuum is a pos and smells terrible, but gets the job done
Oh... Rofl...
We are talking about door-to-door vaccum sellers over at School in Social Studies to pass time. Think of the chances of that.
Is it a Kirby? My mom did that shit a long time ago as well.

But check this. She got rid of the Kirby beast and got a smaller stupider vacuum that costed even more because it had a sensor that knew if there wsa dirt on the floor. :rolleyes:
$1000? hmm...hey, while your mom is at it, can i have a couple hundered? i want to have some money for the March 6th show :p
For some reason, that last post reminded me of Spaceballs:
"Megamaid has gone from suck... to blow."
good times.
She has the right to spend money on whatever she desires as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.


j/k :E
One zero zero zero dollars? Make your mother return it and get the money back NOW!
dude you can buy two spare penises for $1000!!
While we're on the subject I happen to have this nice little bridge for sale...could you put me in contact with your mom?
_Z_Ryuken said:
Is it a Kirby? My mom did that shit a long time ago as well.

But check this. She got rid of the Kirby beast and got a smaller stupider vacuum that costed even more because it had a sensor that knew if there wsa dirt on the floor. :rolleyes:

Yeah. It is.

Now, I told you that this thing was ugly:




The old one:

Jesus that thing is ugly.

Dyson Telescoping Hoover Flash Game ftw.
A cousin of mine used to sell these things. It was ridiculous how many people actually bought them. The salesmen come into your house and start spilling dirt everywhere and try and show you that your vacuum can't pick up what the Kirby can, but it wouldn't be a problem if they WEREN'T SPILLING DIRT ON YOUR CARPET.
Darkside55 said:
A cousin of mine used to sell these things. It was ridiculous how many people actually bought them. The salesmen come into your house and start spilling dirt everywhere and try and show you that your vacuum can't pick up what the Kirby can, but it wouldn't be a problem if they WEREN'T SPILLING DIRT ON YOUR CARPET.

Ahaaahahaha... replace dirt with baking soda. Rofl.
Kirby is one hell of a vacuum though. Spose to last forever.
Shit, $1000?

I'd buy one of those road sweeper things and just drive round the house with it.

That hoover better clean the whole house by itself, put itself away, not make any noise and not use any power.

That or it should be made of gold.
Oh shit! I'd buy a Kirby for $1000. We've had a kirby that we bought for about $400 used and refurbished. The damn thing is freaking powerful! It definitely an awesome vaccum cleaner.
For 1000 bucks it better be able to clean up the motehr****ing cosmos.
Raziaar said:
For 1000 bucks it better be able to clean up the motehr****ing cosmos.

The Black Hole Vacuum Cleaner... Sweet. It'd convert your soiled rugs into a hyperdense mass in SECONDS.
"Dad, will you shut off the artificial singularity, I can't hear the TV!"
"I can't, son! It's grown too powerfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul!"