Uhh.. Any worth while mods?

Vito Dintino

Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Ug, how long is it gonna take for a decent one to come out? Anyone know of any (profession if possible like Sven Coop 2 or somthing) that are out currently that are worth a try? T
hanks in advance.
Plan Of Attack 1.1.

A game that looks like CS(S), but plays entirely different. No headshots, no lucky sprays, no rushing and winning. Just pure strategy. For more information, check out their site
Yah, another person griping about mods! Join in! I did it too once! Anyway, I'm looking forward to sven co-op, the re-making of the first Half-Life, and a couple DM I've seen.
But Garry is unfortunatly, a huge a-hole.

Also, you can try out Tim Coop, a small mod made by a fan of the original Sven-Coop. It's like SC, but only smaller and in Source. The original site seems offline for the moment, so download it from another site you can find on Google.
lol, garry who made garry's mod doesnt come from Walsall does he..?
garry said:
hahaahahahahahahaha why do so many people slag you Garry? What did you do...:LOL:

Try das roboss, 3 quality HL1 themed maps for HL2.
Just get a damn dm mod for cs, I need some brainless fragging in cs once in a while.