UK Airsofters - Sound off

CptStern said:
we have airguns here but I think the replicas are illegal (I could be wrong ...not sure)

they very well could be

here in California, the airsoft guns are legal, however they have to be stripped of authentic markings and they have to have orange paint/orange barrels.
however both of these are easy to overcome, by getting replacement parts (if you are so inclined).. or just ordering the gun offline.. however chances that the gun is seized and your cash forfeit are higher.

this law is simply because of stupid people and children running around with thier replicas out, or people using them to rob stores etc.
just random stupid shite.
ya I wouldnt want to pull it out in front of a police officer ...they tend to have the "shoot first ask questions later" mentality
Paintball is to airsoft as McDonalds is to food...
Is this like paintball ? I'm not very familliar with airsoft.
Recoil said:
Mmmmh, can' really believe that :O can you tell me where you saw that?

Wait... how's that supposed to work :dozey: the MP7 has an all over different interior, just look at where there magazines are put in. Are you talking about the MP5-PDW? The MP7 is also called PDW sometimes.
I'll try to find a picture of it. But you're right, it couldn't have been a MP5K-PDW. It must have been some kind of handgun. The model was a very limited run from Japan (where most of the models stayed) and I bought an AEG from a collector over there, and he had one of the kits.

I managed to find a site with a custom kit. It isn't the kit that I was talking about, but at least it proves that some of them exist:
I like paintball, but its way to expensive, you never really have fun as you worry a lot about the bullets and money. I'd like to try airsoft one day, but how do you guys know when you shot some one ?
It's all about fairness, Adrien. The one that got shot has to admit it.

Ok, frosty, looks like there are kits ;) doesn't look too beautiful though...
Recoil said:
Ok, frosty, looks like there are kits ;) doesn't look too beautiful though...
Yep, they're not the most beautiful kits out there :) Hopefully Tokyo Marui comes out with one :cheers:
Not very likely... Maruzen or KSC might do a GBB version.

Marui's supposed to make an UMP first!! :angry:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....oh, you were serious...


Don't hold your breath for the TM UMP, unless you have a really big lung capacity.
Does that smilie hold his breath...?

The other angry one (with fire) is too overused in other forums already, so I didn't take it ;)

BTT: I'll see. Right now I got my hands on a Maruzen 870 Shorty, which isn't produced anymore, that gas shotguns with shell ejection and all :D the new TM Desert Eagle GBB will probably be the next.
I'm a paintballer not an airsofter.

I prefer paintball to airsoft because its moving away from military likeness. Tourny paintball is so much fun, and if you like playing in the woods, just try to get to watch a tourny, they're something else.

SHIPPI, them aint nothing, some of the bruises I've had, I'd show you but this is a public forum.

so to conclude I prefer paintball cause you need bigger balls ;)

What you say is true though. Paintball is about running around and having fun, airsoft is about stealthing about (Most of the time ;)) and having fun.

[Brag] Got three kills and a surrender withing 5 minutes last Sunday.[/brag]
I prefer paintball to airsoft because its moving away from military likeness.

I prefer airsoft to paintball because the guns don't look like Star-Trek-Lasers :D And because it's meant to be more realistic. But that's just a matter of opinion...
Recoil said:
I prefer airsoft to paintball because the guns don't look like Star-Trek-Lasers :D And because it's meant to be more realistic. But that's just a matter of opinion...
none of that is realistic.

realistic is shooting your friend in the shins as he begs for his life, with a low caliber pistol which onl yincreases the pain.

I'm talking about the looks :dozey: And at this Airsoft is a bit more realistic ;)
SHIPPI said:
Bah, I want to take up airsoft, it looks ace :D Paintball in woodland tends to suck. The paint just breaks on the branches :( so I'd like to try airsoft... shame the nearest site's 2 hours away. ;(

Paintball rocks :E Was playing this weekend and I'm still recovering from the cold. Stupid English weather. Oh, and if you think getting shot in the back from close range hurts, try the side of the neck. Twice :( Ouchies

I'm going paintballing next wednesday!

Last time i went, i got hit in the neck twice as well near where you did but both times it hit the same place and started bleeding like noone's business.

By the way, I can honestly say right now (and fortunately for you you will never experience this) being shot where no man shold be shot hurts the most...I has happened to me only once and for a short while i thought I would live the rest of my life as a eunuch. It happened to my friend as well, but he got hit 3 times. He skipped the next 3 games and sat down not saying much at all for most of the day.

Last time i went, I used a smoke grenade (Really adds to the atmosphere having smoke and paint grenades :)) and because it was a hot summer it set all the fallen leaves and dry grass on fire.

I much prefered going paintballing outdoors, because for one inside the floor normally ends up as greasy as a Scottish Mars bar...although it is funny watching people slide into the enemy base when they attack.
Last time i went, I used a smoke grenade and because it was a hot summer it set all the fallen leaves and dry grass on fire.

Ahahahahahahahaa :D laughing my a** off :D that's too great.
Raxxman said:
so to conclude I prefer paintball cause you need bigger balls ;)

Or not as the case may be :O ;)

Sometimes playing paintball I get a weird feeling after I've been shot because I just sit and think for a moment...If that had been a real bullet I would be dead now. Quite a scary thought, especially when it has the pain of the paintball along with it.

SHIPPI you evil little thing...Its not funny!

...Well, maybe if it happens to someone else but honestly the pain that goes through you when it catches in the wrong place is incredible.
my best friend's wife acts all tomboyish, and proclaims how she loves airsoft etc, then when we play and a stray bb tags her from miles away she cries..
pretty damned funny.. but mostly because she is such a manipulative female dog. :P

we play airsoft almost daily.. I LOOOOOOVE MY DUAL GLOCK23fs!!!
full auto spray and pray anyone?
thats one thing about airsoft that Paintball doesnt have.. the realism factor (Im a gun nut)

my precious..
SHIPPI said:
Nice :) I've never been into guns tbh, so the realism factor of airsoft doesn't appeal to me. It looks like a lot of fun, but so is paintball!

I'm saving up for an Alias Intimidator:

But with a pricetag of over a grand with an airsystem I don't think I'll be getting one for a looong time ;(

I havent ever played paintball, so I cant really compare the two, I hear Paintball goes at a faster pace, and you pretty much have to lob the paintballs at people at longer distances.
sounds like fun, almost like paintball = frenetic deathmatch ala quake 3
and airsoft = tactical warsim ala rainbow six.

btw that paintball gun looks pretty badass.. but still I love real guns... they make me drool :D

if only you could feel the kick-back of akimbo full auto cycling Glock 23fs... oooooooaaaahhh *gurgle*
SHIPPI said:
Hehe, I can imagine. Getting shot on the nipple hurts enough :(

I never try to compare paintball to real combat, because I know it can never come close. I play speedball, so it's not like I play 'war' or anything. When I get shot I'm just pissed off at myself for letting me get hit.

Heh, Obviously its not the same...I mean in real life bullets don't normally fall out fo the air at 10 metres. But just the thought that if I can get shot in this I can get shot in real life is what I mean.

Anyway, what places have you been paintballing? I've been to a fair few but you probably live in another part of the country. One place i went to, and nobody realsied until it was too late, had a huge patch of netles in this little valley type area. Everyone on my team ran and and jumped down when we were being shot. Of course, as soon as we jumped down our necks and hands were stung to sort of squishy blobs of poison. In the end we just stood up and faced the paintballs instead of the nettles.
Wish I could get round to trying paintball... it sounds so much fun!!!

Oh btw.. I'm bk for a min...

(I'm on holiday and I found a PC!! :))
Cool...Where are you again?

You should really try paintball. There is nothing like shooting your fellow man, and SHIPPI, with hard balls of paint.
Wow...I didn't realise you were into it that much. You played in a spannish tournament? Did you win? :)
I'm in Nottingham right now. Where I lived until september last year. I moved up north to near Newcastle...

I'm just visiting mates and having a laugh like old times. :)

I WILL try paintball! I have been meaning to go for about a year and a half now! :rolling:

EDI: Holy crap!! Tournys!!! /me is impressed!
Well thats your problem...Don't mean to go, just go.

Its like when people try to do something....Its just not good enough, don't try to do it, just do it. :D
Well, now that its the holidays I have been told people will be booking somewhere upnorth. So I will probably end up going near the end of the holidays in a few weeks.

And also the people down here in Notts have said they might be arranging to go in a week or so...

Sooo, I dont think I should have too much trouble now! :)

If not, I will just grab someone and force them to come with me from up north. I'm sure they wont mind...
Well I have to say I haven't been in a couple of years. I'm obviously not qquite so "hardcore" as you but I've played in a few places around the northwest of England and France. I can't remember the names of them though....heh, the one in France had this guy whos only protection was a pair of sunglasses.

Somewhere up north marksman? Like where? :O

(I live in the north)
Mr. Redundant said:
my best friend's wife acts all tomboyish, and proclaims how she loves airsoft etc, then when we play and a stray bb tags her from miles away she cries..
pretty damned funny.. but mostly because she is such a manipulative female dog. :P

we play airsoft almost daily.. I LOOOOOOVE MY DUAL GLOCK23fs!!!
full auto spray and pray anyone?
thats one thing about airsoft that Paintball doesnt have.. the realism factor (Im a gun nut)

my precious..

holy crap :O

you need to watch Equilibrium and start practising your Gun Kata :P

only played paintball twice. did ok the first time. second time got hit on me bum, fell to my knees and went face first into a bit of mud :( been scared to go back.
Dedalus said:
holy crap :O

you need to watch Equilibrium and start practising your Gun Kata :P

only played paintball twice. did ok the first time. second time got hit on me bum, fell to my knees and went face first into a bit of mud :( been scared to go back.

who needs gun-kata (although damn cool movie Equilibrium) when you can simply click your fire-selector to FULL-AUTO, and spray akimbo.

I love gas blow-back pistols, because I love the kick you get from high-tension recoil springs as each round is fired and chambered.
Mr. Redundant said:
I love gas blow-back pistols, because I love the kick you get from high-tension recoil springs as each round is fired and chambered.
Have you tried the TM Hard Kick Desert Eagle? Now that's some recoil, I love that gun... but not as much as my Glock, no :)