UK - Al Qaeda's number 1 target.


Jul 2, 2003
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I heard this too. Not surprising. You guys are closer and maybe easier to get into/out of? Man, this War on Terror has been executed all wrong!
Well, we've got extensive links with Pakistan, where Al-Qaeda happens to be operating, in the border area of Afghanistan.

It's no suprise that a small number of the people travelling to and from there are in contact with Al-Qaeda.
I work in Whitehall. As such, this is a tad unsettling.
The dozen or so police armed with scoped MP5s on constant alert is a comfort I suppose, but they don't guard Westminster station.
I didn't do it ;(

-Angry Lawyer

I have the pictures!

I work in Whitehall. As such, this is a tad unsettling.
The dozen or so police armed with scoped MP5s on constant alert is a comfort I suppose, but they don't guard Westminster station.

Not working for Gordie's tax-boys are you?
I have the pictures!

Not working for Gordie's tax-boys are you?

No, I draft replies for Patricia Hewett's mail and that of her subordinates. Egotistical arseholes, the lot of 'em.
Tip: Don't bother writing to central government MPs, they won't read your letter. They just sign what we write.
Thanks Tony :LOL: :D :) :| :( ;( :borg:

The War on Terror seems to be going well.

Well, seems like we've thrown ourselves on the grenade to deflect the blast from the US.

Although a lot of Brits will feel like they were pushed.

Apparently Al Qaeda now operates with a cell structure in the UK, much like the IRA.

funny how the war on terror begat terrorism .. Iraq = terrorist recruiters wet dream. Good job Bush and friends ... /me golf claps

In other news, Bush admits that Iraq is looking like Vietnam:

"Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that. It won't be a World War III." - Donald Rumsfeld Nov. 15, 2002

from the same interview:

George Bush said:
Saddam Hussein will disarm. If not, for the sake of peace, for the sake of securing the homeland, the United States will lead a mighty coalition of freedom-loving nations and disarm Saddam Hussein.

what a ****ing tool, I cant believe he was "elected" twice ..btw the above speech was shortly after this secretive meeting with Blair (23 July 2002)

downingstreetmemos said:
Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action.
Not suprising, but somewhat worrying.

I work in Whitehall. As such, this is a tad unsettling.
The dozen or so police armed with scoped MP5s on constant alert is a comfort I suppose, but they don't guard Westminster station.

What would the job title be?
Not suprising, but somewhat worrying.

Hopefully it will result in tightened controls on immigration and less pandering to "Muslim grievances", positive discrimination and such. At least then we will have gained something from it.

What would the job title be?

I'm not entirely sure. I'm there as a temp, and I was never actually told what my job title was. Although I looked up the position on the net so I could embellish my CV somewhat and apparently I'm a "correspondence officer". I've never heard that term at the office, however. It's "ministerial drafter" there.
Take your pick I guess.
Hopefully it will result in tightened controls on immigration and less pandering to "Muslim grievances", positive discrimination and such. At least then we will have gained something from it.

That is more of a result of choice (airports, business's and so on), than the Muslims outright demanding we adapt to their grievances. I haven't got a problem with the Muslim community, and I welcome the integration but I can see the line has to be drawn, though I don't think means we should simply cast them to one side. Increasing the already high racism and prejudice in the country is not something I see as being a 'gain'.

I'm not entirely sure. I'm there as a temp, and I was never actually told what my job title was. Although I looked up the position on the net so I could embellish my CV somewhat and apparently I'm a "correspondence officer". I've never heard that term at the office, however. It's "ministerial drafter" there.
Take your pick I guess.

Just curious
Stupid scaremongering on the global stage. The puppeteers may pull the strings of the puppets, but it's the foolish masses that dance.
That is more of a result of choice (airports, business's and so on), than the Muslims outright demanding we adapt to their grievances. I haven't got a problem with the Muslim community, and I welcome the integration but I can see the line has to be drawn, though I don't think means we should simply cast them to one side. Increasing the already high racism and prejudice in the country is not something I see as being a 'gain'.

It's both. They are equally as bad.
What integration? I don't know where you live, but there sure as hell ain't any integration in London. Also, integration involves immigrants adapting to the host culture. Giving special privileges to immigrants is not integration, but rather spineless cowardice. Treason, in some cases.
Racism and prejudice is at the very heart of what Islam stands for. You don't have to be white to be racist, believe it or not. Hating Islam is not prejudice, it is possessing a simple grasp of the facts and noting that the values of that ghastly totalitarian religious/political/economic murderous cult have absolutely no place in our society.

Just curious

It's incredibly dull work, but it sounds great on the CV...and working at Whitehall is pretty cool.
Well, you brits get to sacrifice youselves for the US! How lovely. :sleep:
RepiV, you need to go and see "Children Of Men". You'll splooge with joy.
Al-Qaeda has become more organised and sophisticated and has made Britain its top target, counter-terrorism officials have told the BBC.

So you better be extra scared, extra frightened and extra willing to be good little sheeple, and support all those nice, caring politicians when they unveil the UK-Patriot Act and the Pro-Random Citizen Torture Act and the Compulsory Domestic Wiretap Act. These will all be doubleplusgood for your liberty and freedom!
So you better be extra scared, extra frightened and extra willing to be good little sheeple, and support all those nice, caring politicians when they unveil the UK-Patriot Act and the Pro-Random Citizen Torture Act and the Compulsory Domestic Wiretap Act. These will all be doubleplusgood for your liberty and freedom!

I couldn't have said it better myself :D
Maybe the EU might be the better partner for the UK, than the USA? :thumbs:
Or the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Oh wait, some of the terrorists are from the Commonwealth nations!
Oh, fantastic.

I mean, we must be doing something right if so many people hate us.
Britain has been under terrorist attack for decades, the IRA pose more threat to us than any muslim idiot extremist. Too bad the ignorant media and Blair didn't realise that...perhaps we would have invaded Ireland instead?
We did :p

But then we gave it back. Only then did they start terrorising us.
Britain has been under terrorist attack for decades, the IRA pose more threat to us than any muslim idiot extremist. Too bad the ignorant media and Blair didn't realise that...perhaps we would have invaded Ireland instead?

Except for the whole thing about the IRA officially laying down their arms. Plus the fact that its a lot harder to defend against a suicide bomber than it is to defend against a bomb thats been left on a timer.
So you better be extra scared, extra frightened and extra willing to be good little sheeple, and support all those nice, caring politicians when they unveil the UK-Patriot Act and the Pro-Random Citizen Torture Act and the Compulsory Domestic Wiretap Act. These will all be doubleplusgood for your liberty and freedom!

I've just started reading 1984 :thumbs:
Yes... But you aren't appreciating the beauty and delicacy of it.
Yes... But you aren't appreciating the beauty and delicacy of it.


come on man you cant expect us to believe that ..I mean you couldnt recognise propaganda if it was a barn and you smacked into ..or it smacked you or something ..anyways = eat propaganda for breakfast/lunch/dinner/midnight snack/pre-breakfast breakfast

all though you are good at spotting commie propaganda ..but they're not exactly subtle
Ahaha, yes.

Hmm, if I skipped school, and scouted around for some commie propaganda, I could earn a nice living, especially if I found a cache or submersible.... hmm....
IRA vs. Al-Qaeda.

They could never fight.
The IRA is a de-militarised paramilitary seeking a political approach to a united Republic, and Al-Queda are a group of Terrorist cells connected by ideaology.