UK BBC Radio1 Midday today - Upcoming Game news


Jul 17, 2003
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Are going to have some guy talking about upcoming games just after 12midday, perhaps a complete waste of time, duno but HL2 has gotta be mentioned..surely?!45mins...

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Coolpot said:
Are going to have some guy talking about upcoming games just after 12midday, perhaps a complete waste of time, duno but HL2 has gotta be mentioned..surely?!45mins...

listen online

Please, don't post unless your 100% certain there will be some new HL2 news - because no one can't be bothered to sit around BBC all day just to hear "and Half-life 2 is probably coming this summer"...
I doubt some guy at BBC Radio 1 will know what Half-life 2 is... the target audience is console kiddies, so they'll probably going on about the upcoming new Shrek game. :|
LOL and about the shrek game ^^

edit: i hate console kiddies

Dance Stage Euromix BIG STYLEE MASSEEV 2004 CD5
I saw a magazine in WHsmith called ' PC MASTERS ' .. on the front it says about upcoming games... HL2 has gotta be in it surely ??!??!

It's so pathetic when they say games like shrek 2 and incredibiles are "highly anticipated games amongst gamers"
Hey, I used to be a console kiddie! Haha

lans said:
It's so pathetic when they say games like shrek 2 and incredibiles are "highly anticipated games amongst gamers"

But I couldn't agree more with that statement.
Azrael... i'l buy your pc off you for a tenner.
I really dont like Gaming TV shows either... where they go on and on about the latest WWE game on the PS2... and it all sucks !
Actually we are all spoiled bastards due to FPS games and engines like D3 and source. We've forgotten that there are mediocre looking games that also have good gameplay. Screw us!
Sadly, these programs have to appeal to the 'mass market' and us PC gamers don't fit into that bracket :(
czrsink said:
Sadly, these programs have to appeal to the 'mass market' and us PC gamers don't fit into that bracket :(

I know :(

I couldn't help laughing when some T.V dude kept on ranting about medal of honour rising sun having "slick and beautiful visuals". We are all spoiled by D3 and HL2.
It's always a shame when the press generalise the way they do. Sure, you have a lot more console gamers than PC gamers, but where does the innovation happen? On the PC of course!
Do anyone actually listen to it or have you all just come here to complain about it?