UK Seller wanted for Raising the bar book


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Ill pay £18 and £2 for shipping if someone sends it me :)
you can buy it on amazon? i saw it yesterday...(UK version)
4-6 weeks
Gameplay said that only some stores got copies because they imported from America.

Theres only 50k books made too! Damnit
got mine today ordered it of game i live in b/ham as well good read :)
Pics of the cover and stuff?

How long ago did you order it?
Ok I just put an order in at Game, its out of stock tho :S
I want it so bad, i live in the UK and i said i am going to goout and buy it but my mam says "wait till christams" i wonder...or hope rather that she has it
Mine came today, but I was in bed. I have to go collect it from the post office tomorrow.

I got it from GAME. It was listed as "pre-order" for quite a bit, then it was dispatched on Monday. Then it changed from "Pre-order" to out of stock. I think there was a shortage of them.
Amazon has one copy left which will ship tomorrow!

The rest are like 6 weeks.
Tthey had it as released not long back, Ive been talking to gameplays online help daily and they reckon they wont get a copy.
azz0r said:
Tthey had it as released not long back, Ive been talking to gameplays online help daily and they reckon they wont get a copy.


**** them if I don't get a copy. I pre-ordered the damn book Oktober 1 and now the despatch date is set to December 8.

You wont get it through gameplay.

If no-one else got it, theres one left at amazon for a guy who resells em.
I was in a game store yesterday in coventry and they had stacks of them for sale..
I ordered mine at, It was shipped today so I'm eagerly awaiting it :)
there is loadsa places to get it just search on