Ultimate physics engine idea.



If Valve showed you a level the size of a large room on the computer and asked you what you wanted them to put in it (physics engine), boxes wood, water obstacles, physics based games, or special environments.

I would ask them to make a REALLY tall building with bars and spikes on the way down and I would jump and watch the ragdoll, two people could jump together and whoever's fall looks more painful wins, and if there was gibbing the bones could break and it would show damage and at the end you get to inspect the bodies and you win if you have the most bones sticking out. LOL that would be so cool (I'm not sadistic). You could also have any weapon, Manipulator gun, Shotgun (you could shoot someone and watch the fly through a window and fall to their death.

What r your ideas?
i'm almost certain there will be fun screw around mods like that. I've already played a few HL1 maps that were designed to kill you because there were so many traps and such. I don't have any weird ideas of my own (yet) but i'm sure some other people do.
Yeah, fun maps will be EVERYWHERE when HL2 comes out. It's gonna be so much fun.

Oops forgot my ideas...

1. A giant building to deathmatch in, however, make TONS of objects to use against other people. Tons of breakable objects and stuff. It'd be so laggy probably, but a madhouse :)

2. A skyscraper with traps galore to deathmatch in. Watch your step ;)

3. Water racing... Airboats anyone?

4. Something to do with rocket physics.. Maybe like, make your own rocket vehicles and stuff.

5. Puzzle maps. There were some made for TFC that were fun as hell to play with people. Had to push objects, activate things in certain order, etc to complete objectives. It was fun.

6. Your idea sounds fun. Drop em from really high up through a jungle of contraptions and bars and stuff. bang bang bang :D

7. A carnival using real physics to simulate rides, just as they work in real life.
Gravity run rollercoaster anyone?
remember Stair Dismount?

theres a UT2k3 mod like that. Unreal Dismount I believe...lotsa fun
I still am waiting for some1 to design a cs map where u storm the Valve HQ and hold gabe and the rest of valve, hostage while u steal the copy of HL2.
You're going to have to prise me off of Hammer when the game releases; I'll be messing around with the physics way too much.
me too.... i wonder if they'll leave the test map from the e32k3 video in the game, i'd just sit there all day throw that dead combine soldier at the wall.
Have you guys never played Far Cry or Max Payne 2 or Hitman or any of the other games that already incorporate physics engines? It's fun for a while, but pretty soon you just want to get on with the game.
iamaelephant said:
Have you guys never played Far Cry or Max Payne 2 or Hitman or any of the other games that already incorporate physics engines? It's fun for a while, but pretty soon you just want to get on with the game.

Sure, but those games didnt have a Manipulator to mess around with the physics, did they?
A2597 said:
remember Stair Dismount?

theres a UT2k3 mod like that. Unreal Dismount I believe...lotsa fun

Stair Dismount was hilarious. Although I liked the truck crash one better.
the next thing developers have to do is show damage from impact, not bullets but impact on walls and and punctures from spiky objects, hahahahahahahaha!
tuemmykids said:
Sure, but those games didnt have a Manipulator to mess around with the physics, did they?
No they didn't. With the manipulator FarCry could've been MUCH better... but then, that can be said of any game. :hmph:
iamaelephant said:
Have you guys never played Far Cry or Max Payne 2 or Hitman or any of the other games that already incorporate physics engines? It's fun for a while, but pretty soon you just want to get on with the game.

Have you ever played the HL 2 leak?
If nobody mentioned it.. It sounds like a pretty neet mod idea, a tower as you discribed where you can jump and try to get the most "pain points", would be prett neat
PatPwnt said:
Have you ever played the HL 2 leak?

Yup, and the physics are absolutely amazing, but most of what people are saying in here could easily be done with Far Cry.
OFMGGGG!!! here's a well cool idea! (well i think so... :E)

1) get a big room as described ^
2) Pile EVERY object imagineable into a corner (but so u can get to em all.
3) put up a sliding door hiding it.
4) have an in game console thing to choose the backdrop (changes the sliding door and walls to an image (like a skybox) to match the scene).
5) Using the manipulator move objects out from the storage area.
6) set up the perfect action scene ;).
7) Have one person director (like VIP in cs). He can record like a camera (he's invisible) and sets bullettime and other effects).
8) the rest are actors.
9) Act out scenes or just big explosions.
10) Afterwards (when director says cut) everyone watches it back from different viewing angles.
11) COOL!

DISCLAIMER: Bullettime must effect everyone at same time and pace.

What you think???? :D
Anyone who says we will play with physics a little and them move on with the game... The game is ALL ABOUT physics! Moving along in the level IS playing with the physics!

I Love this game. Great map ideas guys. I like this thread.
I like to have a gauntlet type map. Have two identical paths that have heaps of tricky (and deadly) traps along it and two people race to get to the other end.

You could add stuff like rocket jeeps over shark infested pools then swing on oily rope across flaming pits etc, etc.

You could then post your (cheat free) time on the internet for a worldwide winner.

I've never moded or mapped before but I'm pretty sure I will try with the release of HL2 and hammer?
My idea: Make a really big building entirely of wood. Then shoot one leg of the building and see if it falls down...If not shoot the other leg and watch it twist and bend and snap and break and BOOM!! hit the ground. You could also make a ramp and drive the buggy into it and see what happens. :)
My ultimate physics idea is have per-Atom physics. Every atom of every molecule working as it does in real life. I would make an Atomic bomb and destroy reality as we know it.

But I am sure you all have better plans.
vegeta897 said:
The game is ALL ABOUT physics! Moving along in the level IS playing with the physics!


Thia game is about taking the story, setting and gameplay from arguably the best game in history and expanding it to hopefully create an even better game.
the hl2 physics are not abled to manage unlimited complexivity(a word?) of level. with a certain amount of objects your pc/game will crash..
electricitate12 said:
If Valve showed you a level the size of a large room on the computer and asked you what you wanted them to put in it (physics engine), boxes wood, water obstacles, physics based games, or special environments.

I would ask them to make a REALLY tall building with bars and spikes on the way down and I would jump and watch the ragdoll, two people could jump together and whoever's fall looks more painful wins, and if there was gibbing the bones could break and it would show damage and at the end you get to inspect the bodies and you win if you have the most bones sticking out. LOL that would be so cool (I'm not sadistic). You could also have any weapon, Manipulator gun, Shotgun (you could shoot someone and watch the fly through a window and fall to their death.

What r your ideas?

lol this is about all my friend and I did when we got UT2k3 back in the day...
Anyone remember that stuntman game for ps2? I would have it like the "build your own arena" thing. There would be huge ramps that end in a pile of barrels that you have to smash through with your car. I would have a large building with large glass windows that your crash through off of a ramp, and have to come out the other side and land on another ramp. The only way to make it all the way through succesfully would be to beef up your ride. (Meaning: get that welder back in and weld some explosive canisters to the buggy for rocket power :smoking: ) And also there would have to be some npcs that you could smash with your car and see how they bounce off!
my idea is to make a map exactly like the city or street you live and use the manipulator how you want
the map will hav people and all you can see in your city or street
(street is more easy to make)

what you think of my idea?
R the boxes able to get dented, I know they can get toppled and pushed but can you dent them? I hope so. Same with metal barrel and objects. I know something that could be funny, you take a guy and put him in front of a line on the floor then you have your choice of what weapon to use to make him fly towards these rings in the air and each ring is worth a different point and you have to get the guy through the ring. I'd take a rocket launcher and OWN HIM!
electricitate12 said:
R the boxes able to get dented, I know they can get toppled and pushed but can you dent them? I hope so. Same with metal barrel and objects. I know something that could be funny, you take a guy and put him in front of a line on the floor then you have your choice of what weapon to use to make him fly towards these rings in the air and each ring is worth a different point and you have to get the guy through the ring. I'd take a rocket launcher and OWN HIM!
Nope, no denting. That would require dynamic displacement for not only the object but for it's physical hitbox.

The closest we could get is swapping the model out with a premade dented one.

So, in short, the answer is no.
i wanna build a castle out of wooden boxes with the manipulator lol
electricitate12 said:
I would ask them to make a REALLY tall building with bars and spikes on the way down and I would jump and watch the ragdoll, two people could jump together and whoever's fall looks more painful wins, and if there was gibbing the bones could break and it would show damage and at the end you get to inspect the bodies and you win if you have the most bones sticking out. LOL that would be so cool (I'm not sadistic). You could also have any weapon, Manipulator gun, Shotgun (you could shoot someone and watch the fly through a window and fall to their death.

Hmm...A sadistic version of Source Plinko. I bestoe upon you the Bob Barker seal of approval.
Abom said:
You're going to have to prise me off of Hammer when the game releases; I'll be messing around with the physics way too much.

Who will be modding the forums then? :dork:


Id would have a stunt map for vehicle stunts and tricks off ramps and canyons. Miss your jump and fall a few 100 feet to your death. Or a pure manipulator mod. Your in a large puzzle complex, you must use the manipulator and fancy jumping to progress. Kinda like tombraider/prince of persia ect, but with physics.


Have you guys never played Far Cry or Max Payne 2 or Hitman or any of the other games that already incorporate physics engines? It's fun for a while, but pretty soon you just want to get on with the game.

Those games do have physics but they were not incorporated to fully use phyics to truly alter gameplay. The reason why farcry got boring for me was due to it being more eye candish like ( hey look a barrel that moves! ). MP2 had ok ragdoll and object phyiscs but all you could do was shoot em around.
the hl2 physics are not abled to manage unlimited complexivity(a word?) of level. with a certain amount of objects your pc/game will crash..

Maybe not on the stolen beta, but on the fully optimized retail version, who knows?