Ultimate physics engine idea.

Id love to see something like that car advert, with all the parts setting off the next and so on. Or a room filled with loads of floating rings, in a set path, and you fire a rocket and using the laser guided system, pilot it through all the rings, or as best you can manage. ;-)
I just thought about a MP game with 2 peeps...Trapeze Artist. Build a trapeze and get scored on how well you and your partner pull off tricks etc. Cept if you stuff up u die. Maybe to progress the idea you could have the whole three ringed circus theme with all sorts of different acts.

We could have a model of Gabe underneath dressed as a clown on his tricycle to entertain the crowd of on-lookers.

I'd like make a map where one team starts in this huge castle (made out stone blocks that are physically simulated) and I'd have the other team start outside the walls. The team inside the castle would defend, and the attacking team would be able to use catapults to fire boulders and try and knock down the castles walls. You'd also be able to launch your teammates off the catapults too :naughty:

Once inside the castles walls, the attacking team would have to recover some sort of relic or something inside the central tower in the castle (if it's knocked down, they'd have to dig through the rubble :)
Man what if they got trampolinez! you could shoot a guy 10 stories high and then you can see him fall and hit the tramp or hit the side where it's hard metal. And if the player is 2 heavy (*cough*Gabe*cough*) he would rip through the tramp and into a shark infested lake. HAHAHAHA give us the game one year late will you?! TAKE THAT! I'm sorry I'll wait.
electricitate12 said:
And if the player is 2 heavy (*cough*Gabe*cough*) he would rip through the tramp and into a shark infested lake. HAHAHAHA give us the game one year late will you?! TAKE THAT! I'm sorry I'll wait.

there's no need for immature comments like this.
FoB_Ed said:
I'd like make a map where one team starts in this huge castle (made out stone blocks that are physically simulated) and I'd have the other team start outside the walls. The team inside the castle would defend, and the attacking team would be able to use catapults to fire boulders and try and knock down the castles walls. You'd also be able to launch your teammates off the catapults too :naughty:

Once inside the castles walls, the attacking team would have to recover some sort of relic or something inside the central tower in the castle (if it's knocked down, they'd have to dig through the rubble :)
Best. Idea. Ever.

Too bad all those objects might lag. :(
Far cry, max payne2, ut2k3 or whatever have physics n all. But half life 2 has physic with EVERYTHING. I mean cmon, can you take a heater from the wall at throw it at someone, then watch a coke machine open up, with all the little cokes rolling out. I don't think so. Can you blockade yourself in a house by moving couches and desks in front of the doors in far cry, max payne 2, or those other games? Didn't think so. or like in that one video with the spinning blade and the zombies, that is crazy by itself. anything you see in half life 2 i bet you could mess with.

don't forget you can pick up objects with your hands too. you can't do that can you far cry!? what now biatch...

far cry is fun though, hehe
Smawg said:
Far cry, max payne2, ut2k3 or whatever have physics n all. But half life 2 has physic with EVERYTHING. I mean cmon, can you take a heater from the wall at throw it at someone, then watch a coke machine open up, with all the little cokes rolling out. I don't think so. Can you blockade yourself in a house by moving couches and desks in front of the doors in far cry, max payne 2, or those other games? Didn't think so. or like in that one video with the spinning blade and the zombies, that is crazy by itself. anything you see in half life 2 i bet you could mess with.

don't forget you can pick up objects with your hands too. you can't do that can you far cry!? what now biatch...

far cry is fun though, hehe

lol niiiice.

Here's a point sort of on the same lines.

You know in the bugbait bink video? well where he shoots the windows out and the antlions come in, would you : not only think to do that, but also think that valve would have put that in?? most wouldn't.

I'm worried that i'l play the game NOT doing those things and miss them.
OR to try and do similar things else where and it not work and me being dissapointed.

either way i lose lol i hope that what smawg was right, that everything you see you can interact with in some fashion.
Hmmm interesting topic, it got me thinking with all this physics stuff what will happen with the sv_gravity in CS Source / HL2 etc :)

I should think the boxes, barrels etc would all react to a global gravity setting - eg set to sv_gravity -10 they should all levitate off the ground and begin to rise....

Another thought in one of the videos there is a paint can that when makes a paint splat on the wall, that must be scriped I guess ? If not it would be bloody cool to see liquids rising out of pots, or say blobs of blood as it exits from a bullet wound. :)

I can imagine some real fun mod stuff coming out and some equally crazy maps.

If I had 1 request, it would be for someone to remake the BoatSeason Map.... oh and Destruction Derby! :D
chriso20 said:
lol niiiice.

Here's a point sort of on the same lines.

You know in the bugbait bink video? well where he shoots the windows out and the antlions come in, would you : not only think to do that, but also think that valve would have put that in?? most wouldn't.

I'm worried that i'l play the game NOT doing those things and miss them.
OR to try and do similar things else where and it not work and me being dissapointed.

either way i lose lol i hope that what smawg was right, that everything you see you can interact with in some fashion.

^^^^^That right there = Ultimate Replayability.
ksimm, i doubt the blood/paint is simulated as a liquid. i'm guessing in the vid where it splats against the wall, they've animated it for every imaginable out come, eg. dropped from a height/thrown against a wall/nudged off a table etc..

and so the best you could get is a block of paint floating out of the can :p
chriso20 said:
You know in the bugbait bink video? well where he shoots the windows out and the antlions come in, would you : not only think to do that, but also think that valve would have put that in?? most wouldn't.
An NPC will probably show you a strider in a cage or something and say
''Gordon, this is an antlion. take these pherimones with you, and be sure to throw them around every open window/ hole in the scenery, and these mysterious creatures will appear, and help aid you in your journey''
something like that anyway :smoking:

the verve - bittersweet symphony
thefiznut said:
4. Something to do with rocket physics.. Maybe like, make your own rocket vehicles and stuff.

anyone know if there is gonna be some weapon in the final hl2 where you can like put things together? think it was in some old PCgamer (swedish) where they were talking about that manipulator or whats its called, wich you can lift things with, and some other weapons that you could put things together with, like puting some big metal thing on the buggy, and hey, youve got yourself an ARMORED CAR! :D

if that will be possible in hl2 (otherwise i guess someone could mod the game and fix that?) im gonna do a couple of scrap-heap-challenge-maps where youre like 2 teams, on a "virtual scrapyard", and youve gotta go around and find parts you need, and put them together to make a vehicle or something, rockets, etc etc :D would be soooo sweet! :naughty:

argh i cant wait for hl2 and the new hammer editor :D
ksimm said:
Hmmm interesting topic, it got me thinking with all this physics stuff what will happen with the sv_gravity in CS Source / HL2 etc :)

I should think the boxes, barrels etc would all react to a global gravity setting - eg set to sv_gravity -10 they should all levitate off the ground and begin to rise....

Another thought in one of the videos there is a paint can that when makes a paint splat on the wall, that must be scriped I guess ? If not it would be bloody cool to see liquids rising out of pots, or say blobs of blood as it exits from a bullet wound. :)

I can imagine some real fun mod stuff coming out and some equally crazy maps.

If I had 1 request, it would be for someone to remake the BoatSeason Map.... oh and Destruction Derby! :D

I'm no physicist, but won't all the objects at rest stay at rest regardless of a change in gravity? Or am I wrongly interpreting Newton's first law?
Murray_H said:
I'm no physicist, but won't all the objects at rest stay at rest regardless of a change in gravity? Or am I wrongly interpreting Newton's first law?

If there was "negative" gravity it would pull things "upwards"
you'd be right if it was 0 gravity :) if that's any concelation? :)
It woudt be quite funny to make a militery training camp, a very hard one where alle kinds of physics are used :D
Murray_H said:
I'm no physicist, but won't all the objects at rest stay at rest regardless of a change in gravity? Or am I wrongly interpreting Newton's first law?

the objects stay at rest because they have a normal force coming from the surface they're resting on that is equal to the force from gravity but in the opposite direction. If you reverse gravity that normal force becomes irrelevant and you'd fly upwards.
ACLeroK212 said:
the objects stay at rest because they have a normal force coming from the surface they're resting on that is equal to the force from gravity but in the opposite direction. If you reverse gravity that normal force becomes irrelevant and you'd fly upwards.

way to go for changin something someone already said into a load of complicated mumbojumbo to basically say the same thing!!

was that reeeally necessary? :p
chriso20 said:
way to go for changin something someone already said into a load of complicated mumbojumbo to basically say the same thing!!

was that reeeally necessary? :p

i was just giving him a detailed explanation of what happens.

was it reeeally necessary for you to be a complete dick about it?
alright calm down, but honestly, where is the point in posting something twice?

(Either way you explained "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" which doesn't really apply to what he asked :) you explained why things down fall through floors :D)
chriso20 said:
alright calm down, but honestly, where is the point in posting something twice?

(Either way you explained "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" which doesn't really apply to what he asked :) you explained why things down fall through floors :D)

I explained it that way to show him why the object is at rest in the first place so it's clear why it wouldn't remain at rest if you changed one of the forces, which has everything to do with why an object would fly away if you reversed gravity.

Either way, why in the world are you making such a big deal about this? Did my post really bother you that much? So far your criticism is pretty trite and completely unnecessary.
woah, i've tried to keep it light-hearted, you're the one taking it personally.

Take a step back and see who's;
making such a big deal about this?
Gentlement please...

Back onto the subject :p

I think so too chriso20, I doubt there is any fluid dynamics with the can, its probably just when Can hits wall, spray paint sprite on wall... or something.

I think all this physics stuff thats being put into games now is great and its only the begining really. I mean just imagine in X many years time when there are full fluid dynamic, like a glass full of water when shot spash on the ground, or chambers are flooded realisticly.

I can just imagine Half Life where your driving on the limit from a flooding tunnel. :)
Or shooting water towers to flood the enemy.

Oh and bullet penetration with dynamiv blood particles. MMmMmMm

I could go on... but I wont as I am sure this sort of stuff is a fair way off, too much processing power I guess.
ksimm said:
Gentlement please...

Back onto the subject :p

I think so too chriso20, I doubt there is any fluid dynamics with the can, its probably just when Can hits wall, spray paint sprite on wall... or something.

I think all this physics stuff thats being put into games now is great and its only the begining really. I mean just imagine in X many years time when there are full fluid dynamic, like a glass full of water when shot spash on the ground, or chambers are flooded realisticly.

I can just imagine Half Life where your driving on the limit from a flooding tunnel. :)
Or shooting water towers to flood the enemy.

Oh and bullet penetration with dynamiv blood particles. MMmMmMm

I could go on... but I wont as I am sure this sort of stuff is a fair way off, too much processing power I guess.

Although it'd be a huge waste of money, it makes you wonder what developers could do if they made a game engine specifically for one of the super computers (like Deep Blue) or something.
electricitate12 said:
If Valve showed you a level the size of a large room on the computer and asked you what you wanted them to put in it (physics engine), boxes wood, water obstacles, physics based games, or special environments.

I would ask them to make a REALLY tall building with bars and spikes on the way down and I would jump and watch the ragdoll, two people could jump together and whoever's fall looks more painful wins, and if there was gibbing the bones could break and it would show damage and at the end you get to inspect the bodies and you win if you have the most bones sticking out. LOL that would be so cool (I'm not sadistic). You could also have any weapon, Manipulator gun, Shotgun (you could shoot someone and watch the fly through a window and fall to their death.

What r your ideas?
There already is two games with that idea.
"Porrasturvat - Stair Dismount" and "Rekkaturvat - Truck Dismount".

In Porrasturvat, you have to push a guy on stairs and get him to ragdoll. More painful, more points.

In Rekkaturvat, you have to put a truck drivin to a wall, and get the driver to hurt so painful you can. You can put ramps and shit there. It's cool.

Both games have won a award, in the finnish gaming event called "Assembly" ( http://www.assembly.org ).

You can download Porrasturvat from here:

And Rekkaturvat from here:

The Turvat/Disomount games website:

They are really cool games. :)

edit: They really don't have those bones cracking *, exept in the sounds. They are allmost only "those bone-crack" sounds.
edit2: *neither the building.