umm help plz.


Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
hey there, halflife 2 worked fine till friday, when it updated (i think) now i have a Q for my corsshair, the pistol sprite is a lambda, granades are a V, loads of other stuff, my whole hud has pretty much become letters and symbols. anyone know of this problem??
okay, tried both, but it hasn't fixed it.

to reinstall it u just go to the properties and click the delete local game content, right?
Moved to correct area. Someone a while back had the same issue but I cant quite remember how he fixed it but it had to do with Window's Font folder. Go to your window's font folder(C:\WINDOWS\Fonts) and see if halflife2.tff is there, if it isn't there then add it, if it is there try removing em.

EDIT: Found it

Go to "fonts" in control panel (windows) and delete any Half-Life2 fonts there, just did that and now my crosshairs and weapons hub are correct.
cheers, that fixed it, also happened to find the last person who had this problem, heres the post

thanks for all your help