Unaimed MOD finished page


Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
The Unaimed MOD has updated the webpage! Wait, what am I saying, I am Unaimed :)

So I have redesigned the page... Though I lied in the topic, it isnt 100% finished, but almost, still fleshing out texts in the about section, which will happen over the weekend.

The main thing is: How is it? I know the background is a little large (82kb for the first, 140kb for the second) and is probably gonna lower quality a bit.

(clever line I just thought up :p)

Feel free to comment on the MOD itself. Its not like I can stop anyone, I *know* people are gonna comment, in one degree of niceness or another, or completely offtopic, hehe.
the site could use some "work" but i dig your idea...always did :)
Originally posted by Submerge
Thanks! I always appriecate... informative... comments...

white text on black = lose
Define lose?

Concerning the design of it, I'll keep that. I know areas need improvement, but I'll stick with the main design. I thought of a book when doing it. I didnt want a dull topmenu/sidemenu/othersidemenu page with frames and junk, since it isnt a very large page. I also wanted it to have a slightly more organic and loose look (ie the main page menu and text). The only thing I'm not happy at all with it the forum, the darn freebie thing with popups... Looking for another without popups :)
Hmm..I kinda like the design but what is its main purpose ??? To be informative , YES !??!?! ... or to be just annoying , Is it meant that I have to scroll the page sideways to see the rest of the page ?? .. Im running on 1024x768 thats why I ask ... Or is that just a "feature" of the page ... So that the visitors can "interact" with the page .. ??? ;)
Originally posted by [SH_Dev]Unwante
Hmm..I kinda like the design but what is its main purpose ??? To be informative , YES !??!?! ... or to be just annoying , Is it meant that I have to scroll the page sideways to see the rest of the page ?? .. Im running on 1024x768 thats why I ask ... Or is that just a "feature" of the page ... So that the visitors can "interact" with the page .. ??? ;)
Scroll to the side? What exactly do you mean? There is no need to scroll anywhere on the page, its just clicking links.

Wait a sec: just tried Opera, apparently it fux it up... I'm not good in html (its just an image and text :))

I see the page like this:

I assumed all browsers would display it in the same way, at least on that resolution (I know it fux up at higher or lower res). I have removed the page again, have to see if I can fix it... But wouldnt surprise me if I can get it right in opera but it fux up in IE :p

Edit: So much for my launch of the page ;( DAMN MY HTML SKILLZ :D
Arrrrrgggghhhhhh your page hurts my eyes... the image cuts and stops again ... but nice idea... i like the quote.. you've taken it to heart :)

like all but the repeating image :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
Arrrrrgggghhhhhh your page hurts my eyes... the image cuts and stops again ... but nice idea... i like the quote.. you've taken it to heart :)

like all but the repeating image :)
It isnt suppose to repeat that the point :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
Yeah, it is... but it hurts my eyes ;(
Just the reapeating part? Or the page itself :)
I found a way (stupid me, I should have done it from the start) that should give equal result in the browsers (like on my image), just need to update it, so hopefully later today I can get it up again :)

Edit: Damn these browsers. Opera doesnt scale text the same size like IE... Its slightly larger all the time (not visible until its really large text).
Argh, this darn 15 min editing policy.
I updated the index at least, the others dont exist yet. Maybe now it looks better?
I havent tried netscape though... And there are some small differences between Opera and IE, Opera looks better :)

I assume this isnt what you guys saw before? If it is, then the page DO suck :p
I use mozilla (firebird), so this is how it looks on mozilla/netscape (attachment).

Seems to me the bottom-right quote is rendered too far to the right by mozilla, which messes up all the text alignments.
Also, the font you use doesn't seem to be around on my comp :p. Possibly because I'm running Win98SE instead of XP.

In general, using a pic with that amount of light-dark contrast makes text alignment to keep it readable a pain. Perhaps tweaking the pic or using some creative tables/iframes to create 'panels' behind the text in a single color would help.

I like the design idea, although it's not how I would do it, as I would build it in flash to evade all those compatibility problems html gives:p
I'm a noob at html :)

I'm downloading Mozilla so I can see how it looks there, but the page I have now works in both IE and Opera at least... Still odd with the size differences. Its very clear. One would think if you said it is size X in an editor, that both Opera and IE would actually display it at size X :dozey:

Edit: Regular Mozilla (didnt see firebird at first) displays nicely. I assume that firebird thingie use the same display. So now it should work for everyone [with 10x7 res] ;)
Interesting, the normal mozilla and firebird use the same rendering engine, so it should look the same. I just tested with Mozilla 1.4 (haven't tried 1.5 yet as I'm using firebird anyway), and I get the same result as with firebird: the page displays about 100 pixels too wide (compared to your screen), which means the bg pic is tiled again and the left combine shows up on the right (when scrolling the page to the right) :|

EDIT: Just tested in IE, and the same thing happens. Running at 1024x768...
Try downloading the font (lower left corner).
Should be just to place in the fonts dir in windows. I have the old win98 dir left, and it is not included there, it is in my winxp dir though. I dont know if it is the reason for the misalignement, but its a very possible.
Ah, of course. It all aligns correctly now.
A way to solve this problem is specifying(sp?) a secondary font, like this:

<font >

Of course replacing Arial with the standard font that aligns best. People who don't have papyrus will see the page in the secondary font, which is why it should be one of the standard fonts included in all windows versions.

And maybe it's a good idea to change the page's title to something a bit more descriptive than 'untitled document' :)
nice site ;x
if you get a team together and especially a coder, ill make you a simple free site. i usually work for pay ;x (click the www under my post)

but i dont wanna make something for a mod that will never even be released, so if you get a strong team, ill be happy to make you a site
Thanks theGreenBunny, I'll fix all that :)

And x84D80Yx, I already have the team needed, cause I am the programmer. I'm hoping it will be a mod that will see the light of day of course, but I got school too, so nothing is 100% certain (studying electronics and computer programming (engineer)). I already ended one mod called Dark Waters (Xcom:TFTD based idea) cause I wouldnt have time to organize everything...
Unaimed is simpler, as its a ton of ideas, but only code (and possibly maps, but the main gameplay mode, CTC, doesnt require any special map, should be playable on any HL2 MP map... But nothing is for sure there either of course).
I dont need anything else... Well, except a good forum that doesnt have popups... The one I have now got excellent admin options, but annoying popups. I have another, that's got lousy admin options, but no popups... And a third that is just lousy in all departments, so I'm still looking :)
After some consideration (quite long, damn school) I altered the design slightly.
Now its a pile of mixed pages though, so just look at the front page (and yes, the other pages will use the same background picture).

Is it better? Now its no crummy font, it should look basicly the same on all browsers (found out the Opera/IE difference!!! You need at least one character in a line (a space), or IE doesnt interpret it as a new line, Opera does, and of course the size difference, Opera does everything about 1 size bigger :dozey:), and it got darker background for easier reading. Though, its still 10x7 designed.
The only reason it looks different in loads of different browsers is because you're using absolute postitioning, i think that only IE supports it properly, not sure. Tables are the way to go!
Originally posted by StardogChampion
The only reason it looks different in loads of different browsers is because you're using absolute postitioning, i think that only IE supports it properly, not sure. Tables are the way to go!
IE is the one screwing it up and not displaying what I see in Dreamweaver, Opera displays exactly what I see and so does Mozilla :)
And I dont like tables. My trusty layers work just fine. Its not like its a complex site.
i like it mate. Nice try.
designing for the web is always a struggle. I think your effort is darn fine for someone fairly new to it.

you know why it doesn't look so good on everyone elses website... it's because you are using fonts that you have on your pc. These fonts are not automatically saved with your webpage. So what is happening, is when anyone goes to the view the page, it defaults back to what ever font they have on their system.
The way to solve this problem is to make images out of those text areas.

Hope that helps mate.
Feel free to PM me if you want we to explain anything further.
Sites fine, i dont really worry about them. Its the actual mod that matters.

I take it you are making a team co-op style mod. So me and a bunch of mates going around city-17 tactically destroying dudes. Sounds good!

Are there going to be objectives? I am guessing you will need to be able to modify certain things in game, like the amount of enemys, where they appear and your objectives.

Good luck and keep us posted:)

PLas: The site is using the "default" font in Dreamweaver now, I assume that is with everyone (except a little bit on the front page, its using georgia, I forgot about that)

Fuzzy: Coop gameplay is one of the lesser priorities... Although its something I want in the end. But mainly its regular MP team combat with CTAC as primary gameplay mode. Coop would be something like the 3 teams (maybe 4+4+4 people as max) cleaning up a map, each team forced together with dynamic health... But keep in mind, its Combine forces, so you will engage aliens, not Combines. And possible get to kill a few innocent civilians, hehe. Each team would have separate objectives. For example, if you attack a resistance stronghold, one team have to get the door open. Another team have to clear and capture a certain area, the third have to disable the power supply, etc and so on... That's what I want at least. Its sound awfully much like Rainbow Six, eh? Well, basicly thats the style I want too, and there's a limited number of ways to do it in. The difference is that realism is not an issue in my mod. The jetpacks will create some neat storming manouvers :)
Nice, i love the sound of it. As long as there are some non smacktardian people on the server at the time:)

Keep it up:)