Unbelieveably loud thunder!


Jul 9, 2003
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It just came out of nowhere. An enormous blast that went on for seconds. It was thunder but it felt like a bomb! The windows shook and car alarms were going off all around the neighborhood. I lived here my whole life and never heard anything like this before. Five minutes later it happened again but from the opposite side of my house. Same thing. A little rumble then a massive BOOM!!! then the shockwave! I hope it goes on all night! This is a once in a lifetime experience.
peoplesuc said:
It just came out of nowhere. An enormous blast that went on for seconds. It was thunder but it felt like a bomb! The windows shook and car alarms were going off all around the neighborhood. I lived here my whole life and never heard anything like this before. Five minutes later it happened again but from the opposite side of my house. Same thing. A little rumble then a massive BOOM!!! then the shockwave! I hope it goes on all night! This is a once in a lifetime experience.

It was a bomb, sorry.
Enigma said:
Cool, also this hl2.net not e-journal.
Thats why this is the off topic forum.

Oh man, that sounds so cool. I've heard lound thunder before, but never like that

Fudge, i wish i was there
I live in a very odd geographical position, so basically every afternoon all I hear is thunder. Sometimes it gets so frequent that is actually sounds like a warzone and the thunder will actually echo on and sound like multiple bombs going off. Hehehe
Sounds cool

but, does that mean you cant really go out in the afternoons because you would get struck by lightening?
peoplesuc said:
It just came out of nowhere. An enormous blast that went on for seconds. It was thunder but it felt like a bomb! The windows shook and car alarms were going off all around the neighborhood. I lived here my whole life and never heard anything like this before. Five minutes later it happened again but from the opposite side of my house. Same thing. A little rumble then a massive BOOM!!! then the shockwave! I hope it goes on all night! This is a once in a lifetime experience.

Funny you should say that. I'm a full time student and pay my way by working at a DIY store at the weekends, and just after 9/11 when everyone was jittery the exact same thing happened in the outside section of the store I and about 30 other people were near.

The racking the goods in the store are on is made from steel and is about 20ft high, so it just conducted the lightning, but the BANGGGGGG was like a bomb as you said. It totally shit everyone (including myself up).
Had some pretty nasty thunder storms here. I can remeber one night I was asleep in bed and I was awoken by a huge bang and I mean HUGE - like somone had just smashed two dustbin lids together right next to your head. So I'm bolt upright looking around thinking something had fallen off of the shelf, nothing. So I'm about to lie back down and then another massive BANG FZZZZZTTT and a load of fukkin sparks flew out of the phone socket that I had my modem plugged into.

Fryed the crap out of of it. Opened it up the moring to find it had pretty much split the modem (internal) in half and cracked a stick of ram. It was pretty much a clear night when I had gone to bed so I had no idea that there would be thunder that night, if I'd of known I would ahve unplugged everything. I'm just glad it didin't destroy the motherboard or even the entire computer.
Tennessee's got nothing on Florida. We have more than twice the deaths and injuries from lightning of any other state. Go Florida! Also, the Tampa Bay area, where I live, happens to be the part of Florida that gets the most lightning (Miami is almost tied).

On a related note: Rwanda, Africa is the country that gets the most lightning in the world. On average, they get about twice as much as Florida!
OCybrManO said:
Tennessee's got nothing on Florida. We have more than twice the deaths and injuries from lightning of any other state. Go Florida! Also, the Tampa Bay area, where I live, happens to be the part of Florida that gets the most lightning (Miami is almost tied).

On a related note: Rwanda, Africa is the country that gets the most lightning in the world. On average, they get about twice as much as Florida!

Maybe because they're FREAKING HUGE? Or are you talking lighting per area?
I remenber a simple night were I was awakened in the 9:00 pm and was in my bed and I hear a powerfull and louder thunder
I remenber that the strong of the sound almost shke the ground,REALLY that was powerfull
something similar has happened to me before, it came out of nowhere, skies were pretty clear too.
Once we were driving in a RV on Vancouver Island during a real bad thunder storm, and all of a sudden BANGGGGGGGG, lightning had struck like 20 - 30 ft down the road :flame:

it was so scary at the time.
This is when I was relly little, I was in San Carlos, Mexico on their country club. I was asleep and crack lightning had struck 2 feet away from our condo. That shit was the loudest thing i've ever heard.
I wonder how loud that the thunder was for Laidlaw, he got that picture of the lightning hitting his backyard!
I tihnk its safe to say most of the western part side the UK had loud thunder last night. Its been really humid and coupled with the warmth thunder is practically certain.

It happened here, and the lightning came down pretty close at one point because the storm was moving quite fast. I was woken up by lightning striking right near my house, it was so loud and I heard it as soon as the flash came. At first I thought something had blown up (because I was half asleep) but then I realised. It didn't really rain much either, at least until the thunder was miles away.

OCybrManO said:
Tennessee's got nothing on Florida. We have more than twice the deaths and injuries from lightning of any other state.

Thats because all the people in Florida are old, and play golf ;)
Brian Damage said:
Some of these experiences sound like sonic booms...

Thunder is the sound of the shockwaves created by lightning, so yes, that is what they are.

I had a similar one when i was very young and living in Brunei, lightning much of hit right near the house and all the lights and tv went off for a few seconds before going back on. It really does shake the whole house and people's nerves as well.
Things like this show us the power of mother nature and who is the true master of this planet.
Makes one feel very small and insignificant...
Thunder and lightning are very awesome, but if I see any more storms I'm going to die. We have had almost 19 inches of rain in two weeks, which is very unusual for this area.
Holy crap!
Huge thunderstorm going on right now.

Just had a stike about half a mile away. Maybe closer.

You should've seen the rain. It was crazy. Dieing away a bit now though.
When I was in New Mexico lightning struck about 20 yards away from me, loudest sound I have ever heard in my life and then it echoed in the Mountains.
Razor said:
Thunder is the sound of the shockwaves created by lightning, so yes, that is what they are.

I had a similar one when i was very young and living in Brunei, lightning much of hit right near the house and all the lights and tv went off for a few seconds before going back on. It really does shake the whole house and people's nerves as well.

I'm talking about the artificial sort. Sounds like the "Clear day" booms could be aircraft. Maybe.
JimmehH said:
Holy crap!
Huge thunderstorm going on right now.

Just had a stike about half a mile away. Maybe closer.

You should've seen the rain. It was crazy. Dieing away a bit now though.

yeah there was one just here too.

why is it thunder storms always sort of 'electrify' the atmosphere? always feels a bit different after there's been millions of volts of electricity flying around outside your window.
I reckon a similar thing happens on really windy days. Maybe some kind of static buildup from all the rushing air. Certainly makes me feel edgy.
it actually looks really beautiful. i haven't got any batteries for my camera otherwise i'd start snapping. but it's just the general closeness of the raindrops and the way they hit the surfaces, almost makes the air misty, and then you've got the occasional flash of lightning, closely followed by a scarily loud crack and rumble of thunder.
Yeah I know what you mean Dedalus...I especially like thunder storms when the rain is really, really heavy, like they seem to do it in films where its more like sheets of water. Its really fun as well, sitting in tent at night when the rain is coming down hard and the thunder is booming.
Several years ago the wind was so strong that the rain looked like it was almost completely horizontal and the rain was so heavy that it just looked like a light grey wall. I couldn't see the actual lightning, it just lit up the wall of rain. I could only see less than a meter out the back window... but I did see someone's plastic lawn chair fly by the window almost too quickly to identify it. I've only seen that happen with my own eyes once.

On another occasion the lightning went through one of our windows (it was closed) and hit the floor in the middle of the room. We replaced that carpet. That's the closest I've ever been to lightning... and I don't want to get any closer.
I want per pixel lightning!

(sorry for my lame attempt at funneh)

But lightning is cool yeah, I want a piece of the ground where lightning struck, it just turns the sand into glass it's that hot.
Me and my sis almost got hit by lightning once. Hit the ground not ten metres from us. Damn loud bang, and there was this big charred patch on the ground...
I just read there was a 14 year old boy in Britain killed by lightning yesterday.
I experienced it to about a month ago. It was night and a thunderstorm outside, i had to take the dog for a walk cuz he needed to go before we went to sleep..so went out and its raining like crazy and then "BOOOOM!" every light on my block went out for like 5 seconds. My dog got affraid and we went home... THE END...