Uncharted: Drake's Fortune screens


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score





I would KILL to see this in motion.

Some info.

"After hearing about the game's cinematic story, seeing the technology that backs up the exciting plotline, and playing the game for ourselves, we're sure about one thing. This is one title that should give hold-outs against the pricey PS3 a reason to pause and look again."

-They want an emotional story, and so far there's fifty minutes of cinematics.

-They have an awesome animation scheme that allows for over 1,200 different unique ways of doings things like taking cover. There's nine screens of Drake taking cover behind a pillar...all of them completely different stances. Freaking awesome. (the final game will have 3,000)

-Sixaxis allows for some tilting moments, like crossing a narrow log and balancing, Kratos-style.

-more on the unique animations: if Drake is running across an open field, he will visibly become more and more out of breath, his entire body shaking if he runs enough. His face will show all these emotions as well.

-Everything in the jungle shifts and sways, with dynamic shadowing, and high-dynamic range lighting.

-soundtrack is also dynamic

Winter 2007 is said to be the release date. :)
wow it's farcry without the cheesy hawaiian party guy shirts

contextual gameplay is all the rage since games like gears of war ..things like ducking, flipping, jumping for cover all done with a single click of a button contextually when the occasion should arise ..now there's 1200 different ways you can do contextually ..more and more you'e being led by this invisible carrot that even helps you along by giving you cues as to when you should pull off some snazzy animation scattered throughout the levels ...the rollercoaster added a new feature

anyways far too little info to make a judgement however the screens look nice
Comparison of the old 2006 screens with the new (thanks to bouc_emissaire :)).


Oh, and this is something I would like to see while playing. :E


Wow. I was excited for this in the early stages and now I am even more excited for it! I love pirates too! This looks to be shaping up really nicely and they have got tons of time left to tweak/add/whatever.

Winter 2007 sounds a lot like Q1 2008 though sadly...:(
I must have missed something. Why is this game special? It looks like Tomb Raider to me.

50 minutes of cinematics? LOL, no thanks I'd like a game that I actually play instead of watch. 3000 animations? WOW!! j/k, who cares? And finally sixasis support for log walking. Finally a feature I've been waiting years for... NOT!

Yawn... I guess I'll wait to fully judge it until I hear details about the gameplay. Having said that though I have less than zero interest in this game as of right now.
This game is going to be amazing. Naughty Dog is one of, if not the best developer currently working today. The Jak games are amazing and this looks like it will be even better. This, along with GTA4 and MGS4 are the only games I'm truly looking forward to.
Meh, it couldn't possible be worse the the Jak games which is a big step up for them, now just back to the Crash Bandicoot level.
Too much bloom, imo.

I kinda like the textures in the 2006 screenshots... although the lighting looks improved in 2007.
The Jak & Daxter games are some of the best platform games around.

That depends, if you believe high production value can overcome the fact that a game is poorly design, has shit control, and incredibly frustrating. Then yes you are right.
That depends, if you believe high production value can overcome the fact that a game is poorly design, has shit control, and incredibly frustrating. Then yes you are right.


Yeah, the production values are top notch. Some of the best animation/graphics of the last generation. But that is in no way what made those games so great. They were some of the BEST designed games ever made. The controls were ****ing perfect, incredibly tight. It was designed in such a way that if you ever died, it was ALWAYS your fault. The game never ****ed you over. It was hard, but in the right way, in the way that made you get truly good at the game. Perfectly tuned, perfectly balanced, extremely polished. They were just great games.
Looks like a pretty cool game, and from a good dev. Too bad I'm never getting a PS3.
Meh, it couldn't possible be worse the the Jak games which is a big step up for them, now just back to the Crash Bandicoot level.

Jak 1 was amazing! :O

Screens look nice, though it does looka bit plastic, and the guy glows in some of the screens :p

The two animated gifs are nice!