Under the Radar, Out of the Map: (possible spoilers)


May 26, 2008
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[wierd G-man intro]
Firrst off, let me....admit? that I am completly new here? mmyess... for you sseee fellow poss-terss, I have not....lo-cated?..... any threads con-cccer-ning thisssss ssub-ject.... ssso acccept my...apologiesss if this has been.......discusssed....
[wierd G-man Intro]

Okay, ignoring my completle newness and incredibly off topic introduction, has anyone found that you can drive "under" the level in the chapter "Under the Radar"?

(full story below)
I was trying to get the 3rd (or 4th?) Radar cache, the one located in a cave underneath a hill near the White Forest Inn. I became convinced the cache was at the top of the cliff, so I drove to the first couple of buildings, faced the steep hillside, and hit the trubo ftw. Surprisingly enough, after a bit of a tumble I fell straight between the rocks and could drive around about 10 feet under the level. The White Forest Ambush didn't trigger (like those walls would have done anything), and I could drive anywhere between the entry and exit tunnel (plus a defined area around the edge of the map). Has anyone else found this glitch?
No need for Gman...

Anyway, No I havnt come across that but I noticed if you play the map in Garrysmod that cave is completely full of boulders, I don't know why it just is :S.
I haven't found that glitch...interesting.

I got to the rocket cache and couldn't do it and walked out. Alyx remarked "oh well probably wasn't that great anyway" and i was like "That sh*t in there is important" and rushed back in and did it.

That is a strange glitch...

Anyway about the gman thing and white forest inn, has anyone found the sighting there apparently there's one.
Anyway about the gman thing and white forest inn, has anyone found the sighting there apparently there's one.

Here ya go...from the Prima guide:
"Continue to drive up to the top of the hill. As you reach the left bend, quickly get out of your vehicle and hop over to the right the wooden road barriers. From this vantage, you can make out the White Forest Inn and some outbuildings to the right. However, if you zoom in, you can spot a new visitor to the Inn, who walks into the entrance. There's no rush to greet him; he haunts your dreams, and will have checked out when you arrive at the inn!".....;)
Here ya go...from the Prima guide:
"Continue to drive up to the top of the hill. As you reach the left bend, quickly get out of your vehicle and hop over to the right the wooden road barriers. From this vantage, you can make out the White Forest Inn and some outbuildings to the right. However, if you zoom in, you can spot a new visitor to the Inn, who walks into the entrance. There's no rush to greet him; he haunts your dreams, and will have checked out when you arrive at the inn!".....;)

Heh, I did that and didn't see him. Then I saw him only just in the entrance of the hotel.
One thing you don't ever do, evar, is Try to do Little Rocket Man on the 360. Tried it yesterday, I', still going. The back of the car isnt as long as it is on the PC so he rolls around a hell of a lot. If he rolls out of the car and you get out ontop of him, he either spazzes and fires you into orbit, or he slams you to the floor at a frankly ridiculous speed.

I'm only up to the Caches in Under The Radar and so far I've been fired into the air 8 times, 3 times I survived. Been killed by the heli 25 and been slammed to the floor about 4 times. It really is impossible...