Underrated games


Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Have you ever wondered, why isn't this game alot more popular than it is? Ever thought that lots more people would be playing a game and aren't? Which do you think should have been way more sucessful than they are or have been?

Personally for me, I think Tribes 2 is an awesome game. UT like in that there are mutiple game modes, totally geared for online/clan play (owners will know what I'm talking about), great game interface, built in IRC, news, forums, email, tribe (clans) pages. Diverse vehicles (pretty much unprecidented when it came out), HUGE maps, heavily moded, you can play solo or group up in teams. I really dont know what it wasnt more successful. People still play it alot, but I would have thought it would have been way more successfull.
Beyond Good and Evil, one of the best adventure games for the PC (and the three consoles), but almost nobody heard about it.

The Monkey Island series from Lucas Arts: The funniest games ever crated for the PC, but few people know it :)
not this again.. this is what the 5th topic on this?
lazicsavo said:
Beyond Good and Evil, one of the best adventure games for the PC (and the three consoles), but almost nobody heard about it.

The Monkey Island series from Lucas Arts: The funniest games ever crated for the PC, but few people know it :)

I second Beyond Good & Evil, god that game is amazing. :thumbs:


1. Savage: Battle for Newerth = RTSS (Real-time strategy shooter, think Natural Selection).
2. Beyond Good & Evil = Amazing game. Period.
3. No One Lives Forever 2
4. Morrowind: It's true, I had never heard of it before my friend got it with his video card. Amazing game. No wonder it got GOTY.
staddydaddy said:
cry me a river, dont contribute to the thread if you dont support it
must i point you to the search button?
Tribes 2 is great, I think its biggest strength is the learning curve. It it a little hard to get use to but once you get great, you can still get better. No matter how good you are there is still somthing you can get better at, and there are so many strats for all the maps. Like flag-run routes, mortor spots, how to defend, turret spots etc.
Savage is a great game too, only problem is that so few people play it and there are no clan battles :(
Gah. Once and for all, can we have a mod set out some cardinal rules (preffably in non-malleable stone) to stop all this debate? People get screamed at for resurrecting old threads and screamed at for starting new ones- although admittedly the last incarnation of this topic wasn't that long back.

Underrated... can't really think of a game off the top of my head. Sacrifice wasn't bad, but failed to sell.
staddydaddy said:
cry me a river, dont contribute to the thread if you dont support it

The mods get angry when new make a new thread when you could have potentially used one of the other recent threads with the same subject. Just make sure you use the good ol' search button before you post.

Most under-rated game ever IMO = Wild Arms

I still love that game, and it's wonderful music. It's a shame I can't find a copy of it in any stores around here.
Whezzy said:
must i point you to the search button?

LOTS OF threads have been done twice, What's your point?

You either get bitched at for reviving an old thread or starting a new one, there is no solution for a cath-22. so deal with it.

People are having fun talking about it, so why bother? I could understand if there are current threads going RIGHT THIS SECOND that people are posting the same kind of debate. But there arent any.
Deus Ex is the main one that comes to mind.
Deus Ex underated? It got heaps of publicity. Nolf 2, Tron 2.0, Ground Control 2 comes to mind for underated games.
1.sam and max
3.birth of the federation

and more
lazicsavo said:
Beyond Good and Evil, one of the best adventure games for the PC (and the three consoles), but almost nobody heard about it.

The Monkey Island series from Lucas Arts: The funniest games ever crated for the PC, but few people know it :)

Guybrush rocks...

Damn you lucus arts, bring back adventure games

*shakes fist
Super Monkey Ball :) one of the best games ever made imo.

On your own, or with 3 mates, Monkey Ball is always enjoyable/challenging/funny/maddeningly compulsive/addictive/frustrating. A very dangerous mix that almost cost me my degree.

The original Paper Mario was a great game that was woefully unappreciated.

Civ and Civ2. While very popular in their time, you'd be suprised by how many people havn't played, or even heard, of these titles. Great stuff \o/

Planescape Tourment - possibly the greatest rpg ever made, certainly the best written. It oozes charm and polish. Wonderful stuff.
almost everything on the dreamcast...

the most underated game of all time "smash bros melee" i still play that almost every day
Grim Fandango and the entire Monkey Island series are totally under-rated. They are pure class and if you havent played them then do it now...do it....DO IT. Dont be put off by the graphics. I thought I heard something about someone new taking over at LucasArts and that they were a big fan of the old adventure games like Monkey Island so I'm hoping that they will continue to make them. The last Monkey Island (#4) kinda ruined the series cause I didnt really like the control system where you had to use the keyboard. I preferred the old point and click routine. Anyways...
Tinneth said:
Grim Fandango and the entire Monkey Island series are totally under-rated. They are pure class and if you havent played them then do it now...do it....DO IT. Dont be put off by the graphics. I thought I heard something about someone new taking over at LucasArts and that they were a big fan of the old adventure games like Monkey Island so I'm hoping that they will continue to make them. The last Monkey Island (#4) kinda ruined the series cause I didnt really like the control system where you had to use the keyboard. I preferred the old point and click routine. Anyways...

it was more like grim fandango

they were all good in my opinion. Mi2 was probably my least fav though.
burnzie said:
they were all good in my opinion. Mi2 was probably my least fav though.
*opinions ahead*
they where all good but mi4 was definatly the worst, with mi2 being the best, after that it lost some of its charm.
callmer7432 said:
*opinions ahead*
they where all good but mi4 was definatly the worst, with mi2 being the best, after that it lost some of its charm.

First one was the best...then the 2nd..then the 3rd..then the 4th...

seemed to decline the more they made the games..but i still think they are all quite good.
i love that someboy will explain to me the greatness of morrowid,i started like 59 times and gotten bored every single time...well,to each his own.
Kazuki_Fuse said:
Deus Ex underated? It got heaps of publicity. Nolf 2, Tron 2.0, Ground Control 2 comes to mind for underated games.

I say it was underrated because if you look at the # of copies sold it was pathetic compared to other game at that time.
Deus Ex, from my point of view, was underrated, hell, I didn't know about it untill one of my friends nearly killed me when I said: "Deus Ex, what the **** is that, a new softdrink."

Since then I've played through it three times: first time sniping everything, second time only heavy weapons, and third time with no projedtile weapons :)
deus ex was a MAJOR sleeper "hit" I think. It's well known now because of the sequil and the fact that it's been talked about. I remember I downloaded the demo and was like whoah this game is badass. and then I had trouble finding it in a store.
lazicsavo said:
The Monkey Island series from Lucas Arts: The funniest games ever crated for the PC, but few people know it :)

I wouldn't say that the Monkey Island series is underrated. Back in their day those games were the top dogs.

Underated? Hmm.....I've been having alot of fun with Freedom Fighters lately.
I liked Enter the Matrix more than most people seem to. :P

It wasn't even close to being great, but it wasn't as god-awful as people make it out to be.
It was even sparsely awesome.
Mechagodzilla said:
I liked Enter the Matrix more than most people seem to. :P

It wasn't even close to being great, but it wasn't as god-awful as people make it out to be.
It was even sparsely awesome.

Yeah man. I kinda liked that game too.
DarkStar said:
I wouldn't say that the Monkey Island series is underrated. Back in their day those games were the top dogs.

Underated? Hmm.....I've been having alot of fun with Freedom Fighters lately.
That game is awesome
Also, Beyond Good & Evil, that game is THE best adventure platformer game since Zelda.
Time splitters 2-My favorite console game. Over 100 playable characters and about 10 modes of multiplayer+Co-op singleplayer.
Without a doubt; Grim Fandango. The art direction is simply stunning, if you haven't played it, please do now!
Sam and Max
Freedom Fighters
I just finished freedom fighters and its pretty good. Sam and Max is the best adventure game ever!
I would say "The Dig" by Lucasarts.
That game 'pwned' me, engaging story, great graphics, good voiceovers (The main character is done by Robert Patrick a.k.a. T1000 in Terminator 2).
And ofcourse all the other Lucasarts adventures.
true KOTOR was a work of class,
but lucasarts didn't make that, bioware did. so the revised edition
/me curses lucasarts starwars games
Tron 2.0

That i can think of so far.
CrazyHarij said:
Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3

LMFAO Agreed. And for the people who dont know what it is go buy doom 3.