Underrated games

Gothic 1 and 2. Came from Germany and IMO are just as good if not better than Morrowind (although Morrowind and Gothic are different styles or RPG), I have definately logged more hours playing these two games than Morrowind and its expansion packs combined, and considering how Morrowind is much more open ended that is saying alot.
Die By The Sword is underrated. This game was WAAAAY before it's time. It's weapons are physically simulated, so you can actually have real swordfights! you control your sword with the mouse or numpad, and it totally rocks!
hmm... even though starcraft is a national sport in korea, gets half of b.net population at peak times (About 150k just for sc) i still think it deserves more :).
Even though theres still no word on Sc2 yet. God damn blizzard pissing off there fans and making us curl up and shrivvel to death...