Undertow : Free XB360 Arcade game...


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
I just downloaded this, since it's free (Hurry up and download it if you ain't got it yet, its not staying free for long).

It's quite a repetitive game, but it's fun for half an hour at least. I've not tried the multiplayer yet. Basically it's a 3D side-scrolling base-capture game set underwater. You have to cap the bases and stop them from being recaptured. The difference between this and most other base-cap games is that the bases act as spawn points. Also, it's 2D and set underwater.

If you've played it, what are your thoughts? I am thinking it's probably the least liked game on XBLA, since it's the one Microsoft decided to give away for free (due to hardly any sales I bet).
It's shit. Played the coop, thought I could squeeze some fun out of it, but nope. It's just spawn, spam control point, die, rinse repeat. There's no depth to it whatsoever (pun intended... what are they fighting in, the sea or the shallow end of a paddling pool?).

I want my points back. I didn't even pay for it and I want my points back.
Yeah I think MS are laughing at us by giving away a shit game for free.

I wanted geometry wars ;(
Once they allow XNA developers to distribute games to others via Xbox Live, there will be a lot of free cool games out there I'm sure.
Also, needless to say, but it's gotta suck for people who were affected by the downtime but already had Undertow.
According to Major Nelsons site, people who already had Undertow before it was given away free will be 'taken care of' by Xbox Live Support ... I'm not sure if they get 800 credits or another game, but it's better than nothing.

Funnily enough, I don't think i'll ever load Undertow again.

They should have made Worms free. It's a great game over Xbox Live, very funny.
Yes, you will get 800 points credited to your account if you already had undercrap. They should have given everyone 800 points to choose a game. I think next time live plays up I'll be demanding my game time back rather than have some shit game tarnishing my live game collection.
Ehh.... I liked Undertow, though the campaign is WAAAY too short. The multiplayer adds some replay value, and the graphics are really nice.
i think the only crime involved here is they were ever charging $10 for this game in the first place.

but for free, i find it very very entertaining in short spurts.