unexplainable stuff thats happened to you


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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unexplainable sh*t thats happened to you

a thread for all those things that give you chills because your not exactly a believer but you saw/have hard evidence of it being true, I have some stories il discuss tomorow but lets here some from you guys so I can here em and have fun after school

(sorry coolio but fictional ghost stories arent as interesting as non-fiction ones)

il start with the time that I woke up with a person in my room slept woke up and from them on never quite felt alone in here...

im not a believer it could have just been from to many jolt colas and long nights on the comp for all I know but still eerie

either that or im crayzay :monkee:
How's this? I was taking a corner in my neighborhood at 60 in a Suburban. The back end drifted out and hit the curb. The Suburban tipped onto two wheels... Kinda like at a 45 degree angle... Anyways I flipped the wheel to the right and managed to bring the Suburban back down onto all 4 wheels without flipping. Unfortunately now I'm on the sidewalk, I hit a van in the driveway, sent that spinning and barely made it inbetween a tree and a car. I pulled back out onto the street, parked. What makes this story even more amazing is I had 2 people under 18 in the car at the time and I didn't exactly have my 6 months up yet on my liscense. (the law out here says that for the first 6 months of having your liscense if you're under 18 you cannot drive with anyone under the age of 25 unless you have someone over the age of 25). Well the cop comes and yells at me, didn't pull me liscense, didn't give me a ticket, no one was injured. Just the damage to the van and the suburban which really wasn't that bad. Trust me if you had been there you'd understand why this story belongs in this thread.
I had a really weird experience once. I was out in my gfs backyard at the time and we were with her friend and my other friend chris, after awhile chris started headin back to my house to go to sleep and I was just about to leave when all the sudden I heard this noise. I cant explain what it sounded like, and Im guessin it could have been someone on a intercom or somethin but we were in the country with alot of trailer houses and shit so I dont see that as being plausible. B
But this loud voice started to talk and it didnt make any sense at all, we couldnt understand what it was saying til it got really loud and started saying somethin about killing someone, then it started to threaten us. i dont exactly remember what it said cause this was 4 years ago, but i remember we were all freakin out and it kept getting louder and louder as we went home..almost as if it were following us. i lived right across the street from her so we ran to my house and i asked my dad if he had heard it but he didnt, it was like it was only for us to hear.
Err... I think we have a UFO base somewhere near here. This place is one of the main UFO hotspots in Australia. We keep seeing these little moving lights over a certain area... and they always quickly fade out if a plane or something flies through there.

Oh, and I saw a different sort of UFO once back when I lived in WA. Sort of misshapen, and a metallic purpley-pink. Saw it just hanging in the same spot on two consecutive afternoons.
I saw a UFO once in Maine. I was fishing with my dad and all of a sudden, like out of hyperspace in Star Wars, a ship(not shaped like a saucer) just came out of nowhere and hovered above our heads.
My dad and I were like holy shit. he got his camera but before he could take a picture it just shot off like a bullet over the horizion.
I was wierd, too wierd to explain. That's exactly what it looked like. And that is the Covenant Dropship from Halo.
Sometimes I wonder about some of the top-secret projects my government (U.S.) is working on.

For example, the SR-71 Blackbird first flew in 1964, but much of its capabalities and true nature was left up to speculation until a 1974 air show it appeared at.

Anyone heard of the Aurora? Some people say they have seen a wedge-shaped aircraft flying at extremely high altitudes, or they have seen strange contrails they can't explain, weird noises, etc.
Aurora: Supposed to use a Pulse-Detonation engine, which leaves a distinctive "Donuts-On-A-Rope" contrail. Possibly hypersonic.

ray_MAN: It looked a bit like that? Interesting. I'd put that loosely in the "Boomerang" class of UFO shapes.
Brian Damage said:
Aurora: Supposed to use a Pulse-Detonation engine, which leaves a distinctive "Donuts-On-A-Rope" contrail. Possibly hypersonic.

Ah yeah Pulse-detonation, thats the term I was looking for, thanks.
Brian Damage said:
ray_MAN: It looked a bit like that? Interesting. I'd put that loosely in the "Boomerang" class of UFO shapes.
Yeah, it was wierd also because there was that special 'blue' fire coming out of the two exhausts at the end. I am really into UFOs too. I would have loved a picture. :(
EDIT: Also the front was more aerodynamic. Not as much clutter.
One night not to long ago I was siting in front of my computer working as I usually do till late when the lights just started flickering and I heard strange noises but it went away really quick. But the realy strange thing is later when I went to go and sleep I put the light of and walk up the stares to my bedroom. There is a big glass door next to the stares on the way up, something started banging on the window. It was about 4am nothing is suppose to be out there so I thought I must have a look at what is making the noise just as I open the door the banging stopped and there was nothing. Probably my imagination because of lake of sleep but that was scary.
Hey, ray, can you draw? If so, and you have some way to digitise it, give us a picture. Please? I love eyewitness accounts...

Jubei: Wait, let me get this straight... the lights were off, and something was banging on the glass door... so like the fool in every horror movie, you went and opened it?
jubei your avatar is my god :E seriously i efing love it

anyways anyone got any ghost story type things? like the loudspeaker one that the guy just told.... ive had a few strange ones il pu tin here later.. got no time again damnit
Well, there's just been another spate of big cat sightings here in Victoria...
My dad says he saw something weird in the desert once, while he was driving. Some sort of weird blue sparks, hovering just above the ground. Says it looked like what you see when someone uses a welder...
Jubei: Wait said:
something[/i] was banging on the glass door... so like the fool in every horror movie, you went and opened it?

Yes I know it was stupid but I couldn't help my self I just had to know what was doing it. Could have been anything at the time, first I thought it was a bird flying against the window but now that I think of it what bird would fly around when its pitch black outside.

Hehehe thanx bAbYhEaDcRaB.
Well, curiosity killed the... errr... cow.

Someone in our neighborhood has been running around at night drawing smiley faces on windows with soap...
And I forgot to mention that a major alien abduction case occurred about 200m from my house...

I think the weirdness follows me around. Things were pretty weird back in Paraburdoo, too...
Brian Damage said:
And I forgot to mention that a major alien abduction case occurred about 200m from my house...

I think the weirdness follows me around. Things were pretty weird back in Paraburdoo, too...

Maby it has something to do with that "Friggy" thing in your avatar. :D
I had an odd shiny light experience the other day. A ball beside our water tower, it looked pretty big... Constantly shimmered in different colors, and it was strong too. Then I noticed a few dozen others in the sky, and realized it was star or planet :)
But damn it was huge and shimmering so clearly! I see stars all the time, but that really made me wonder...
I'll be the one to drag the topic back by the eyebrows...

have you ever got the feeling that you were being watched? Of course, every has right? now, have you had that feeling for a whole month? I did. I go to school, and every once in awhile i catch a glance of this weird looking guy looking at me from the corner of the class, He's only in one of my classes. He looks freakin weird, Dark hair, wears a trench coat even when it's hot inside. where sunglasses eventhough it's dark inside. I found out he had been following me home. I noticed when a dark sedan followed me home and drove by. the next day he followed me again, before i got home i stopped the car and stepped out and looked directly at the front of the car, i seen him yet he drove by at the same slow rate adn didn't even glance at me. I never saw him again, not even in class.
I've experienced two UFOs, but it was a long time ago...
First time was in Spain. We used to have an apartment in Spain and we had been visiting some friendst there, and it was getting late so we were about to go home, but when we stept outside our eyes got caught by this big light in the air. The light didn't do anything at all, it just hung in the air for a couple of minutes until BAM, there was another one. Out of nowhere it appeared around the other one and started circling around it. Then a few seconds later another one appeared, doing the exact same thing as the 2nd one. They kept on doing that for 5 minuts or so, so my dad took out his camcorder and filmed it all. When we got home to good old Denmark we plugged the camcorder to our TV and of course there was no picture on it. There were only sounds from us standing admiring the lights and the sound of me crying...I was about 4 years old when this happend, but I remember it clearly.

The 2nd time something like this happend I was on a camp and I was aboooouuut 7-8 years old, can't really remember...? Well, me and my friend, Asger, were outside by the fireplace when suddenly this flying saucer came flying by. Well it was more like 500 meters away or so, and its lights were circling around the ship and it flew ****ing fast. Later we ran over to our teachers and they were like "Yeah, well I bet it was just a meteor". Well, no you ****moo! It was an UFO!
One time I was laying on the couch, watching some TV... suddenly the screen started to smear to the left and turn green... weird thing is the smearing went out of the screen and onto the cabinets we have @_@
anyway it happened for like 2 seconds.. then I got up to see what's wrong.. and I remember i felt so dizzy I could barely walk.. the dizzines went away about 10 seconds after though.. scary stuff :(
I saw a UFO-like thing in NYC.

I was sitting on bench in park, then I look up and see this large round orange object that was flanked by 3 smaller white objects. They made a roughly perfect triangle which rotated around the mothership. There was also a fourth white object, it was trailing about a minute behind the main formation, but followed the same path.

I don't think it was a meteor or a comet because it travelled very slowly and at one point made a sharp right turn.
Coming back from a hunting trip, the sun was just starting to set.
We looked up in the sky when something cought our eye, a large black circle.
We got our binaculars out and looked at it, it was perfectly round and didnt move at all, (no it wasnt an eclipse or anything)
After a while we started to go home, we found that if we moved ten ft from where we first saw it, it dissapeared.
Wasnt there the next day.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
a thread for all those things that give you chills because your not exactly a believer but you saw/have hard evidence of it being true, I have some stories il discuss tomorow but lets here some from you guys so I can here em and have fun after school

(sorry coolio but fictional ghost stories arent as interesting as non-fiction ones)

il start with the time that I woke up with a person in my room slept woke up and from them on never quite felt alone in here...

im not a believer it could have just been from to many jolt colas and long nights on the comp for all I know but still eerie

either that or im crayzay :monkee:
Lol I agree, :) I am just gald you remembered me!!
/me feels loved heheh
This is different from most of all your stories in that it doesn't involve UFO's or creepy noises...this is just unexplainable.

The one real fight I've ever been in (actually punching to hurt and such...although it lasted around 20 seconds...) back in 7th Grade...so 6 years ago is the main thing in my story. I don't remember exactly why we got in the fight (I probably did something to piss him off because he struck first)

..But me and this kid fought. He punched at me but I sorta blocked/shoved his punch aside...I punched him right in the gut. He keels over for a second..gets back up..kicks at my shin..and punches my shoulder. I grab him and throw him at a locker and he tripped on the way so he hit the side of his head on it and fell over. I looked at him for a sec then started walking away. This is where the weird thing happened.

I got about 5 or so steps away when I just had this feeling the he was trying to hit me. So bring my hands behind my head and grabbed his wrist. I didn't know exactly why I thought he was trying to punch me...but I stopped his hand as it was just touching the hair on the back of my head.

Apparently (I heard this from a bystander) he had gotten up after I started to walk away and stepped behind me trying to punch me in the neck/head.

I dunno how...but I just felt the punch coming and stopped it without turning around...

After I had grabbed his wrist I twisted him around by his arm (he was forced to twist so his arm didn't break) and just kicked him in the ass to push him away as I let go of his arm.

I have yet to get into another serious fight where anything like this could happen again... but it left me very curious...
Something weird that happend to me was, I was in cubscouts and we where attaching those donation bags onto the doors out perspective houses. It was a nice area so we expected a a lot of good things for the poor.

Anyway, me and this other scout got into a fight because he kept pushing me and putting his own bag on the door instead of letting me. I got so pissed I uppercutted him with the hard part of my palm. He started to cry and he ran to his mommy. (8 years ago)

A little kid crying, thats so weird.
AmishSlayer said:
I dunno how...but I just felt the punch coming and stopped it without turning around...

I think I speak for everyone when I say you need to get in more fights so we can further document this ability.

Seriously though, thats pretty interesting. You've got a "slayer-sense".

/me launches a paper airplane towards the back of AmishSlayer's head.
FortisVir said:
I think I speak for everyone when I say you need to get in more fights so we can further document this ability.

Seriously though, thats pretty interesting. You've got a "slayer-sense".

/me launches a paper airplane towards the back of AmishSlayer's head.

I would actually like to get into a fight again... because honestly...(shamelessly quoting a quality movie) How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?

I might have well as never been in a fight...it was 6 years ago (which is too long if you ask me).
SpuD said:
Coming back from a hunting trip, the sun was just starting to set.
We looked up in the sky when something cought our eye, a large black circle.
We got our binaculars out and looked at it, it was perfectly round and didnt move at all, (no it wasnt an eclipse or anything)
After a while we started to go home, we found that if we moved ten ft from where we first saw it, it dissapeared.
Wasnt there the next day.

That could have been either a natural occurance where a pocket of hot air refracts light and causes a strange visual anomaly, or it could have been some kind of gravitic anomaly, which could have been natural or caused by something else, and would be highly unusual in either case...

AmishSlayer, it sounds like you're a little more in tune with your ancient senses than most of us...